{"comment":{"gravatar_id":"1ccb5123d1af92e24b32cec62abcf9a8","created_at":"2010/10/03 20:12:22 -0700","body":"I don't think I'd like it in a CSV for a variety of reasons, but I do agree that it doesn't have to be AR. I would imagine if there was a patch and work done towards allowing a pluggable History model, it'd be at least considered. I don't have the time at the moment to do this, but I'd imagine you could start with abstracting out the calls to read/write History, ultimately allowing for a drop in of any storage structure. \r\n\r\nIn fact, it might be interesting to leverage wycats moneta towards this end: http://github.com/wycats/moneta","updated_at":"2010/10/03 20:12:22 -0700","id":445680,"user":"jackdempsey"}}