require 'tempfile' require 'nkf' module Rabbit module Utils module_function def to_class_name(name) name.gsub(/(?:\A|_|\-)([a-z])/) do |x| $1.upcase end end def require_safe(path) require path rescue LoadError $".reject! {|x| /\A#{Regexp.escape(path)}/ =~ x} raise end def require_files_under_directory_in_load_path(dir, silent=true) normalize = do |base_path, path| path.sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(base_path)}\/?/, '').sub(/\.[^.]+$/, '') end $LOAD_PATH.each do |path| source_glob = ::File.join(path, dir, '*') Dir.glob(source_glob) do |source| next if begin before = normalized_path = normalize[path, source] require_safe normalized_path unless silent STDERR.puts([ - before, normalized_path].inspect) end rescue LoadError, RuntimeError # Should be changed to Gtk::InitError? if $!.is_a?(RuntimeError) raise if /\ACannot open display:\s*\d*\z/ !~ $!.message end unless silent STDERR.puts(path) STDERR.puts($!.message) STDERR.puts($@) end end end end end def collect_under_module(mod, klass) mod.constants.collect do |x| mod.const_get(x) end.find_all do |x| x.is_a?(klass) end end def collect_classes_under_module(mod) collect_under_module(mod, Class) end def collect_modules_under_module(mod) collect_under_module(mod, Module) end def corresponding_objects(objects) objects.find_all do |object| object.respond_to?(:priority) end.sort_by do |object| object.priority end.last end def corresponding_class_under_module(mod) corresponding_objects(collect_classes_under_module(mod)) end def corresponding_module_under_module(mod) corresponding_objects(collect_modules_under_module(mod)) end def arg_list(arity) args = [] if arity == -1 args << "*args" else arity.times do |i| args << "arg#{i}" end end args end def find_path_in_load_path(*name) found_path = $LOAD_PATH.find do |path| File.readable?(File.join(path, *name)) end if found_path File.join(found_path, *name) else nil end end def unescape_title(title) REXML::Text.unnormalize(title).gsub(/\r|\n/, ' ') end def drawable_to_pixbuf(drawable) args = [drawable.colormap, drawable, 0, 0, *drawable.size] Gdk::Pixbuf.from_drawable(*args) end def process_pending_events if events_pending_available? while Gtk.events_pending? Gtk.main_iteration end end end def events_pending_available? !windows? #or (Gtk::BINDING_VERSION <=> [0, 14, 1]) > 0 end def process_pending_events_proc do process_pending_events end end def init_by_constants_as_default_value(obj) klass = obj.class klass.constants.each do |name| const = klass.const_get(name) unless const.kind_of?(Class) var_name = name.downcase obj.instance_variable_set("@#{var_name}", const.dup) klass.module_eval {attr_accessor var_name} end end end def windows? # Gdk.windowing_win32? # what about this? /cygwin|mingw|mswin32|bccwin32/.match(RUBY_PLATFORM) ? true : false end def support_console_input? if windows? begin"conin$", "w") {} true rescue SystemCallError false end else $stdin.tty? or ENV["TERM"] end end def support_console_output? if windows? begin"conout$", "w") {} true rescue SystemCallError false end else $stdout.tty? or ENV["TERM"] end end def quartz? if Gdk.respond_to?(:windowing_quartz?) Gdk.windowing_quartz? else !windows? and !Gdk.windowing_x11? end end def move_to(base, target) window = base.window screen = window.screen num = screen.get_monitor(window) monitor = screen.monitor_geometry(num) window_x, window_y = window.origin window_width, window_height = window.size target_width, target_height = target.size_request args = [window_x, window_y, window_width, window_height] args.concat([target_width, target_height]) args.concat([screen.width, screen.height]) x, y = yield(*args) target.move(x, y) end def compute_left_x(base_x) [base_x, 0].max end def compute_right_x(base_x, base_width, target_width, max_x) right = base_x + base_width - target_width [[right, max_x - target_width].min, 0].max end def compute_top_y(base_y) [base_y, 0].max end def compute_bottom_y(base_y, base_height, target_height, max_y) bottom = base_y + base_height - target_height [[bottom, max_y - target_height].min, 0].max end def move_to_top_left(base, target) move_to(base, target) do |bx, by, bw, bh, tw, th, sw, sh| [compute_left_x(bx), compute_top_y(by)] end end def move_to_top_right(base, target) move_to(base, target) do |bx, by, bw, bh, tw, th, sw, sh| [compute_right_x(bx, bw, tw, sw), compute_top_y(by)] end end def move_to_bottom_left(base, target) move_to(base, target) do |bx, by, bw, bh, tw, th, sw, sh| [compute_left_x(bx), compute_bottom_y(by, bh, th, sh)] end end def move_to_bottom_right(base, target) move_to(base, target) do |bx, by, bw, bh, tw, th, sw, sh| [compute_right_x(bx, bw, tw, sw), compute_bottom_y(by, bh, th, sh)] end end def combination(elements) return [] if elements.empty? first, *rest = elements results = combination(rest) if results.empty? [[], [first]] else results + results.collect {|result| [first, *result]} end end def extract_four_way(params) [params[:top], params[:right], params[:bottom], params[:left]] end def parse_four_way(*values) if values.size == 1 and (values.first.is_a?(Array) or values.first.is_a?(Hash)) values = values.first end if values.is_a?(Hash) extract_four_way(values) else case values.size when 1 left = right = top = bottom = Integer(values.first) when 2 top, left = values.collect {|x| Integer(x)} bottom = top right = left when 3 top, left, bottom = values.collect {|x| Integer(x)} right = left when 4 top, right, bottom, left = values.collect {|x| Integer(x)} else raise ArgumentError end [top, right, bottom, left] end end def ensure_time(object) return nil if object.nil? return object if object.is_a?(Numeric) if /\A\s*\z/m =~ object nil else if /\A\s*(\d*\.?\d*)\s*(h|m|s)?\s*\z/i =~ object time = $1.to_f unit = $2 if unit case unit.downcase when "m" time *= 60 when "h" time *= 3600 end end time.to_i else nil end end end def split_number_to_minute_and_second(number) if number >= 0 sign = " " else sign = "-" end [sign, *number.abs.divmod(60)] end def time(message=nil) before = yield ensure output = - before output = [message, output] if message p output end def stringify_hash_key(hash) stringified_hash = {} hash.each do |key, value| stringified_hash[key.to_s] = value end stringified_hash end def syntax_highlighting_debug? ENV["RABBIT_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTING_DEBUG"] == "yes" end end module SystemRunner module_function def run(cmd, *args) begin system(cmd, *args) rescue SystemCallError yield($!) if block_given? false end end end module ScreenInfo module_function def default_screen Gdk::Screen.default end def screen_width default_screen.width end def screen_width_mm default_screen.width_mm end def screen_height default_screen.height end def screen_height_mm default_screen.height_mm end def screen_x_resolution screen_width / mm_to_inch(screen_width_mm) end def screen_y_resolution screen_height / mm_to_inch(screen_height_mm) end def screen_depth default_screen.root_window.depth end def mm_to_inch(mm) mm / 25.4 end end module HTML module_function def a_link(start_a, label, label_only) result = "[" result << start_a unless label_only result << label result << "" unless label_only result << "]" result end end module DirtyCount TOO_DIRTY = 5 def dirty? @dirty_count >= TOO_DIRTY end def dirty(factor=0.1) @dirty_count += TOO_DIRTY * factor dirtied if dirty? end def very_dirty dirty(1) end def bit_dirty dirty(0.01) end def dirty_count_clean @dirty_count = 0 end private def dirtied dirty_count_clean end def check_dirty if dirty? dirtied else yield end end end module Converter module_function if "".respond_to?(:encoding) def keep_kcode(new_kcode) yield end else def keep_kcode(new_kcode) kcode = $KCODE $KCODE = new_kcode yield ensure $KCODE = kcode end end def to_utf8(str) NKF.nkf("-w", str) end def to_eucjp(str) NKF.nkf("-e", str) end def to_utf8_from_eucjp(str) NKF.nkf("-wE", str) end def to_eucjp_from_utf8(str) NKF.nkf("-eW", str) end end module ModuleLoader LOADERS = {} class << self def extend_object(object) super LOADERS[object] = [] end end def loaders LOADERS.find do |loader, value| self.ancestors.find {|ancestor| ancestor == loader} end[1] end def unshift_loader(loader) loaders.unshift(loader) end def push_loader(loader) loaders.push(loader) end def find_loader(*args) loaders.find do |loader| loader.match?(*args) end end end module TemporaryFile module_function def create(options={}) extension = options[:extension] content = options[:content] source = options[:source] if source extension ||= source.extension content ||= end prefix = ["rabbit", options[:prefix]].compact.join("-") + "-" if extension basename = [prefix, ".#{extension}"] else basename = prefix end temp = if content temp.binmode temp.print(content) temp.close end yield temp end end end