require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/../../test_helper') class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase should_validate_presence_of :login, :password, :password_confirmation should_validate_uniqueness_of :login def test_authenticate @user = Factory(:user) assert_equal @user, User.authenticate(@user.login, @user.password) assert_nil User.authenticate(@user.login, 'FAIL') end def test_authenticate_expired_user @user = Factory(:user) @user.disable! assert_nil User.authenticate(@user.login, @user.password) end def test_expiration @user = assert_nil @user.expires_at assert_nil @user.expires_at_formatted assert !@user.expired? @user.expires_at = assert !@user.expired? @user.expires_at = assert @user.expired? @user.expires_at = assert @user.expired? end def test_disable_enable @user = Factory(:user) assert_nil @user.expires_at assert !@user.expired? assert @user.disable! assert @user.expires_at <= assert @user.expired? assert ! @user.enable! assert_nil @user.expires_at assert !@user.expired? assert end test "email validation" do @user = Factory(:user) assert @user.valid? valid_emails = ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] valid_emails.each do |email| = email assert @user.valid? end invalid_emails = ['', '', '@test', 'test@test', 'test@somewhere', 'test@somewhere.', 'test@somewhere.x', 'test@somewhere..'] invalid_emails.each do |email| = email assert !@user.valid? end end end class UserPermissionsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @user = Factory(:user) @guest_group = Group.guest end def test_user_permissions @have = Factory(:permission, :name => "do something the group has permission to do") @havenot = Factory(:permission, :name => "do something the group does not have permission to do") @group_a = Factory(:group) @group_b = Factory(:group) @group_a.permissions << @have @group_b.permissions << @havenot @user.groups << @group_a assert @user.able_to?("do something the group has permission to do") assert !@user.able_to?("do something the group does not have permission to do") end test "cms user access to nodes" do @group = Factory(:group, :name => "Test", :group_type => Factory(:group_type, :name => "CMS User", :cms_access => true)) @user.groups << @group @modifiable_section = Factory(:section, :parent => root_section, :name => "Modifiable") @non_modifiable_section = Factory(:section, :parent => root_section, :name => "Not Modifiable") @group.sections << @modifiable_section @modifiable_page = Factory(:page, :section => @modifiable_section) @non_modifiable_page = Factory(:page, :section => @non_modifiable_section) @modifiable_link = Factory(:link, :section => @modifiable_section) @non_modifiable_link = Factory(:link, :section => @non_modifiable_section) assert @user.able_to_modify?(@modifiable_section) assert !@user.able_to_modify?(@non_modifiable_section) assert @user.able_to_modify?(@modifiable_page) assert !@user.able_to_modify?(@non_modifiable_page) assert @user.able_to_modify?(@modifiable_link) assert !@user.able_to_modify?(@non_modifiable_link) end test "cms user access to connectables" do @group = Factory(:group, :name => "Test", :group_type => Factory(:group_type, :name => "CMS User", :cms_access => true)) @user.groups << @group @modifiable_section = Factory(:section, :parent => root_section, :name => "Modifiable") @non_modifiable_section = Factory(:section, :parent => root_section, :name => "Not Modifiable") @group.sections << @modifiable_section @modifiable_page = Factory(:page, :section => @modifiable_section) @non_modifiable_page = Factory(:page, :section => @non_modifiable_section) @all_modifiable_connectable = stub( :class => stub(:content_block? => true, :connectable? => true), :connected_pages => [@modifiable_page]) @some_modifiable_connectable = stub( :class => stub(:content_block? => true, :connectable? => true), :connected_pages => [@modifiable_page, @non_modifiable_page]) @none_modifiable_connectable = stub( :class => stub(:content_block? => true, :connectable? => true), :connected_pages => [@non_modifiable_page]) assert @user.able_to_modify?(@all_modifiable_connectable) assert !@user.able_to_modify?(@some_modifiable_connectable) assert !@user.able_to_modify?(@none_modifiable_connectable) end test "cms user access to non-connectable content blocks" do @content_block = stub(:class => stub(:content_block? => true)) assert @user.able_to_modify?(@content_block) end test "non cms user access to nodes" do @group = Factory(:group, :name => "Test", :group_type => Factory(:group_type, :name => "Registered User")) @user.groups << @group @modifiable_section = Factory(:section, :parent => root_section, :name => "Modifiable") @group.sections << @modifiable_section @non_modifiable_section = Factory(:section, :parent => root_section, :name => "Not Modifiable") @modifiable_page = Factory(:page, :section => @modifiable_section) @non_modifiable_page = Factory(:page, :section => @non_modifiable_section) assert !@user.able_to_modify?(@modifiable_section) assert !@user.able_to_modify?(@non_modifiable_section) assert @user.able_to_view?(@modifiable_page) assert !@user.able_to_view?(@non_modifiable_page) end test "cms user with no permissions should still be able to view pages" do @group = Factory(:group, :name => "Test", :group_type => Factory(:group_type, :name => "CMS User", :cms_access => true)) @user.groups << @group @page = Factory(:page) assert @user.able_to_view?(@page) end test "cms user who can edit content" do @group = Factory(:group, :name => "Test", :group_type => Factory(:group_type, :name => "CMS User", :cms_access => true)) @group.permissions << create_or_find_permission_named("edit_content") @user.groups << @group node = stub @user.stubs(:able_to_modify?).with(node).returns(true) assert @user.able_to_edit?(node) assert !@user.able_to_publish?(node) @user.stubs(:able_to_modify?).with(node).returns(false) assert !@user.able_to_edit?(node) assert !@user.able_to_publish?(node) end test "cms user who can publish content" do @group = Factory(:group, :name => "Test", :group_type => Factory(:group_type, :name => "CMS User", :cms_access => true)) @group.permissions << create_or_find_permission_named("publish_content") @user.groups << @group node = stub @user.stubs(:able_to_modify?).with(node).returns(true) assert !@user.able_to_edit?(node) assert @user.able_to_publish?(node) @user.stubs(:able_to_modify?).with(node).returns(false) assert !@user.able_to_edit?(node) assert !@user.able_to_publish?(node) end end class GuestUserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @user = User.guest @guest_group = Group.guest @public_page = Factory(:page, :section => root_section) @protected_section = Factory(:section, :parent => root_section) @protected_page = Factory(:page, :section => @protected_section) end def test_guest assert @user.guest? assert_equal @guest_group, assert @user.groups.include?(@guest_group) assert !@user.able_to?("do anything global") assert @user.able_to_view?(@public_page) assert !@user.able_to_view?(@protected_page) end end