=begin rdoc EC2 CloudProvider This serves as the basis for running PoolParty on Amazon's ec2 cloud. =end require "openssl" if OpenSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x00908000 warn "the ec2 cloud provider may not work with your version of ruby and OpenSSL. Consider upgrading if you encoutner authentication errors." end begin require 'right_aws' rescue LoadError puts <<-EOM Error: In order to use ec2, you need to install the right_aws gem Ec2 is the default cloud provider for PoolParty. If you intend on using a different provider, specify it with: using :provider_name EOM end require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/ec2_response" require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/ec2_instance" module CloudProviders class Ec2 < CloudProvider # Set the aws keys from the environment, or load from /etc/poolparty/env.yml if the environment variable is not set def self.default_access_key ENV['EC2_ACCESS_KEY'] || load_keys_from_file[:access_key] end def self.default_secret_access_key ENV['EC2_SECRET_KEY'] || load_keys_from_file[:secret_access_key] end def self.default_private_key ENV['EC2_PRIVATE_KEY'] || load_keys_from_file[:private_key] end def self.default_cert ENV['EC2_CERT'] || load_keys_from_file[:cert] end def self.default_user_id ENV['EC2_USER_ID'] || load_keys_from_file[:user_id] end def self.default_ec2_url ENV['EC2_URL'] || load_keys_from_file[:ec2_url] end def self.default_s3_url ENV['S3_URL'] || load_keys_from_file[:s3_url] end def self.default_cloud_cert ENV['CLOUD_CERT'] || ENV['EUCALYPTUS_CERT'] || load_keys_from_file[:cloud_cert] end # Load the yaml file containing keys. If the file does not exist, return an empty hash def self.load_keys_from_file(filename='/etc/poolparty/env.yml', caching=true) return @aws_yml if @aws_yml && caching==true return {} unless File.exists?(filename) ddputs("Reading keys from file: #{filename}") @aws_yml = YAML::load( open(filename).read ) || {} end default_options({ :image_id => 'ami-bf5eb9d6', :instance_type => 'm1.small', :addressing_type => "public", :availability_zone => "us-east-1a", :security_group => ["default"], :user_id => default_user_id, :private_key => default_private_key, :cert => default_cert, :cloud_cert => default_cloud_cert, :access_key => default_access_key, :secret_access_key => default_secret_access_key, :ec2_url => default_ec2_url, :s3_url => default_s3_url, :min_count => 1, :max_count => 1, :user_data => '', :addressing_type => nil, :kernel_id => nil, :ramdisk_id => nil, :availability_zone => nil, :block_device_mappings => nil, :elastic_ips => nil, # An array of the elastic ips :ebs_volume_id => nil # The volume id of an ebs volume # TODO: ensure this is consistent with :block_device_mappings }) def ec2(o={}) @ec2 ||= Rightscale::Ec2.new(access_key, secret_access_key, o.merge(:logger => PoolParty::PoolPartyLog, :endpoint_url => ec2_url)) end # Start a new instance with the given options def run_instance(o={}) set_vars_from_options o raise StandardError.new("You must pass a keypair to launch an instance, or else you will not be able to login. options = #{o.inspect}") if !keypair_name response_array = ec2(o).run_instances(image_id, min_count, max_count, security_group, keypair.basename, user_data, addressing_type, instance_type, kernel_id, ramdisk_id, availability_zone, block_device_mappings ) instances = response_array .collect do |aws_response_hash| Ec2Instance.new( Ec2Response.pp_format(aws_response_hash).merge(o) ) end #FIXME: This needs to deal with the case when an array is returned if max_instances > 1 instances.first end # Will select the first instance matching the provided criteria hash def describe_instance(hash_of_criteria_to_select_instance_against) describe_instances(hash_of_criteria_to_select_instance_against).first end # Describe instances def describe_instances(o={}) instants = Ec2Response.describe_instances(ec2.describe_instances).select_with_hash(o) return [] if instants.empty? ec2_instances = instants.collect{|i| Ec2Instance.new(dsl_options.merge(i))} ec2_instances.sort {|a,b| a[:launch_time].to_i <=> b[:launch_time].to_i } end # Terminate an instance (or instances) by passing :instance_id and :instance_ids def terminate_instance!(o={}) raise StandardError.new("You must pass an instance_id when terminating an instance with ec2") unless o[:instance_id] || o[:instance_ids] instance_ids = o[:instance_ids] || [o[:instance_id]] response = ec2.terminate_instances(instance_ids) response.collect{|i| Ec2Instance.new(Ec2Response.pp_format(i)) } end =begin rdoc Helper methods for the Ec2 Cloud Provider. Helpers are not necessarily supported across all CloudProviders =end # Are we running on amazon? def amazon? !['https://ec2.amazonaws.com', 'https://us-east-1.ec2.amazonaws.com', 'https://eu-west-1.ec2.amazonaws.com' ].include?(ec2_url) end # Callbacks def before_compile(cld) end def after_compile(cld) save_aws_env_to_yml(cld.tmp_path/"etc"/"poolparty"/"env.yml") end # Read yaml file and use it to set environment variables and local variables. def set_aws_env_from_yml_file(filename='/etc/poolparty/env.yml') aws = self.class.load_keys_from_file(filename) aws.each{|k,v| ENV[k.upcase]=v.to_s} set_vars_from_options aws end # Save aws keys and env variables to a yaml file def save_aws_env_to_yml(filename='/etc/poolparty/env.yml') File.open(filename, 'w') {|f| f< user_id, :private_key => private_key, :cert => cert, :access_key => access_key, :secret_access_key => secret_access_key, :ec2_url => ec2_url, :s3_url => s3_url, :cloud_cert => cloud_cert }.merge(opts) if base_dir aws[:cert] = "#{base_dir}/#{File.basename(cert)}" if cert aws[:private_key] = "#{base_dir}/#{File.basename(private_key)}" if private_key aws[:cloud_cert] = "#{base_dir}/#{File.basename(cloud_cert)}" if cloud_cert end aws.reject{|k,v| v.nil?} end # shortcut to # ec2-add-keypair name > ~./.ec2/kname def create_keypair(kname, path='~/.ec2') ` ec2-add-keypair #{kname} > #{path}/#{kname} && chmod 600 #{path}/#{kname}` end end end