require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper") describe "Sequel::Plugins::ValidationHelpers" do before do @c = do def self.set_validations(&block) define_method(:validate, &block) end columns :value end @c.plugin :validation_helpers @m = end specify "should take an :allow_blank option" do @c.set_validations{validates_format(/.+_.+/, :value, :allow_blank=>true)} @m.value = 'abc_' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '1_1' @m.should be_valid o = @m.value = o @m.should_not be_valid def o.blank? true end @m.should be_valid end specify "should take an :allow_missing option" do @c.set_validations{validates_format(/.+_.+/, :value, :allow_missing=>true)} @m.values.clear @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '1_1' @m.should be_valid end specify "should take an :allow_nil option" do @c.set_validations{validates_format(/.+_.+/, :value, :allow_nil=>true)} @m.value = 'abc_' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '1_1' @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should be_valid end specify "should take a :message option" do @c.set_validations{validates_format(/.+_.+/, :value, :message=>"is so blah")} @m.value = 'abc_' @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.full_messages.should == ['value is so blah'] @m.value = '1_1' @m.should be_valid end specify "should allow a proc for the :message option" do @c.set_validations{validates_format(/.+_.+/, :value, :message=>proc{|f| "doesn't match #{f.inspect}"})} @m.value = 'abc_' @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.should == {:value=>["doesn't match /.+_.+/"]} end specify "should take multiple attributes in the same call" do @c.columns :value, :value2 @c.set_validations{validates_presence([:value, :value2])} @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 1 @m.should_not be_valid @m.value2 = 1 @m.should be_valid end specify "should support modifying default options for all models" do @c.set_validations{validates_presence(:value)} @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.should == {:value=>['is not present']} o = Sequel::Plugins::ValidationHelpers::DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:presence].dup Sequel::Plugins::ValidationHelpers::DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:presence][:message] = lambda{"was not entered"} @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.should == {:value=>["was not entered"]} @m.value = 1 @m.should be_valid @m.values.clear Sequel::Plugins::ValidationHelpers::DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:presence][:allow_missing] = true @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.should == {:value=>["was not entered"]} c = c.class_eval do plugin :validation_helpers set_columns([:value]) def validate validates_presence(:value) end end m =>nil) m.should_not be_valid m.errors.should == {:value=>["was not entered"]} Sequel::Plugins::ValidationHelpers::DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:presence] = o end specify "should support modifying default validation options for a particular model" do @c.set_validations{validates_presence(:value)} @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.should == {:value=>['is not present']} @c.class_eval do def default_validation_helpers_options(type) {:allow_missing=>true, :message=>proc{'was not entered'}} end end @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.should == {:value=>["was not entered"]} @m.value = 1 @m.should be_valid @m.values.clear @m.should be_valid c = c.class_eval do plugin :validation_helpers attr_accessor :value def validate validates_presence(:value) end end m = m.should_not be_valid m.errors.should == {:value=>['is not present']} end specify "should support validates_exact_length" do @c.set_validations{validates_exact_length(3, :value)} @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '123' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '12' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '1234' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should support validate_format" do @c.set_validations{validates_format(/.+_.+/, :value)} @m.value = 'abc_' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 'abc_def' @m.should be_valid end specify "should support validates_includes with an array" do @c.set_validations{validates_includes([1,2], :value)} @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 1 @m.should be_valid @m.value = 1.5 @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 2 @m.should be_valid @m.value = 3 @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should support validates_includes with a range" do @c.set_validations{validates_includes(1..4, :value)} @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 1 @m.should be_valid @m.value = 1.5 @m.should be_valid @m.value = 0 @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 5 @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should supports validates_integer" do @c.set_validations{validates_integer(:value)} @m.value = 'blah' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '123' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '123.1231' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should support validates_length_range" do @c.set_validations{validates_length_range(2..5, :value)} @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '12345' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '1' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '123456' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should support validates_max_length" do @c.set_validations{validates_max_length(5, :value)} @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '12345' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '123456' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should support validates_min_length" do @c.set_validations{validates_min_length(5, :value)} @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '12345' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '1234' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should support validates_not_string" do @c.set_validations{validates_not_string(:value)} @m.value = 123 @m.should be_valid @m.value = '123' @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.full_messages.should == ['value is a string'] @m.meta_def(:db_schema){{:value=>{:type=>:integer}}} @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.full_messages.should == ['value is not a valid integer'] end specify "should support validates_numeric" do @c.set_validations{validates_numeric(:value)} @m.value = 'blah' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '123' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '123.1231' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '+1' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '-1' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '+1.123' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '-0.123' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '-0.123E10' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '32.123e10' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '+32.123E10' @m.should be_valid @m.should be_valid @m.value = '.0123' end specify "should support validates_type" do @c.set_validations{validates_type(Integer, :value)} @m.value = 123 @m.should be_valid @m.value = '123' @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.full_messages.should == ['value is not a Integer'] @c.set_validations{validates_type(:String, :value)} @m.value = '123' @m.should be_valid @m.value = 123 @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.full_messages.should == ['value is not a String'] @c.set_validations{validates_type('Integer', :value)} @m.value = 123 @m.should be_valid @m.value = 123.05 @m.should_not be_valid @m.errors.full_messages.should == ['value is not a Integer'] end specify "should support validates_presence" do @c.set_validations{validates_presence(:value)} @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 1234 @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = true @m.should be_valid @m.value = false @m.should be_valid @m.value = @m.should be_valid end it "should support validates_unique with a single attribute" do @c.columns(:id, :username, :password) @c.set_dataset MODEL_DB[:items] @c.set_validations{validates_unique(:username)} @c.dataset.extend( { def fetch_rows(sql) @db << sql case sql when /COUNT.*username = '0records'/ yield({:v => 0}) when /COUNT.*username = '1record'/ yield({:v => 1}) end end }) @user = => "0records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid @user = @c.load(:id=>3, :username => "0records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid @user = => "1record", :password => "anothertest") @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ['username is already taken'] @user = @c.load(:id=>4, :username => "1record", :password => "anothertest") @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ['username is already taken'] ds1 = @c.dataset.filter([[:username, '0records']]) ds2 = ds1.exclude(:id=>1) @c.dataset.should_receive(:filter).with([[:username, '0records']]).twice.and_return(ds1) ds1.should_receive(:exclude).with(:id=>1).once.and_return(ds2) @user = @c.load(:id=>1, :username => "0records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.last.should == "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM items WHERE ((username = '0records') AND (id != 1)) LIMIT 1" @user = => "0records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.last.should == "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM items WHERE (username = '0records') LIMIT 1" end it "should support validates_unique with multiple attributes" do @c.columns(:id, :username, :password) @c.set_dataset MODEL_DB[:items] @c.set_validations{validates_unique([:username, :password])} @c.dataset.extend( { def fetch_rows(sql) @db << sql case sql when /COUNT.*username = '0records'/ yield({:v => 0}) when /COUNT.*username = '1record'/ yield({:v => 1}) end end }) @user = => "0records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid @user = @c.load(:id=>3, :username => "0records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid @user = => "1record", :password => "anothertest") @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ['username and password is already taken'] @user = @c.load(:id=>4, :username => "1record", :password => "anothertest") @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ['username and password is already taken'] ds1 = @c.dataset.filter([[:username, '0records'], [:password, 'anothertest']]) ds2 = ds1.exclude(:id=>1) @c.dataset.should_receive(:filter).with([[:username, '0records'], [:password, 'anothertest']]).twice.and_return(ds1) ds1.should_receive(:exclude).with(:id=>1).once.and_return(ds2) @user = @c.load(:id=>1, :username => "0records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.last.should == "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM items WHERE (((username = '0records') AND (password = 'anothertest')) AND (id != 1)) LIMIT 1" @user = => "0records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.last.should == "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM items WHERE ((username = '0records') AND (password = 'anothertest')) LIMIT 1" end it "should support validates_unique with a block" do @c.columns(:id, :username, :password) @c.set_dataset MODEL_DB[:items] @c.set_validations{validates_unique(:username){|ds| ds.filter(:active)}} @c.dataset.extend( { def fetch_rows (sql) @db << sql yield({:v => 0}) end }) MODEL_DB.reset => "0records", :password => "anothertest").should be_valid @c.load(:id=>3, :username => "0records", :password => "anothertest").should be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM items WHERE ((username = '0records') AND active) LIMIT 1", "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM items WHERE (((username = '0records') AND active) AND (id != 3)) LIMIT 1"] end it "should support :only_if_modified option for validates_unique, and not check uniqueness for existing records if values haven't changed" do @c.columns(:id, :username, :password) @c.set_dataset MODEL_DB[:items] @c.set_validations{validates_unique([:username, :password], :only_if_modified=>true)} @c.dataset.extend( { def fetch_rows (sql) @db << sql yield({:v => 0}) end }) MODEL_DB.reset => "0records", :password => "anothertest").should be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM items WHERE ((username = '0records') AND (password = 'anothertest')) LIMIT 1"] MODEL_DB.reset m = @c.load(:id=>3, :username => "0records", :password => "anothertest") m.should be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] m.username = '1' m.should be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM items WHERE (((username = '1') AND (password = 'anothertest')) AND (id != 3)) LIMIT 1"] m = @c.load(:id=>3, :username => "0records", :password => "anothertest") MODEL_DB.reset m.password = '1' m.should be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM items WHERE (((username = '0records') AND (password = '1')) AND (id != 3)) LIMIT 1"] MODEL_DB.reset m.username = '2' m.should be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM items WHERE (((username = '2') AND (password = '1')) AND (id != 3)) LIMIT 1"] end end