=begin Copyright (C) 2008 Sam Roberts This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the ruby language itself, see the file COPYING for details. =end require 'vpim/rfc2425' require 'vpim/date' require 'vpim/time' require 'vpim/vpim' =begin require 'pp' $debug = ENV['DEBUG'] class Date def inspect self.to_s end end def debug(*objs) if $debug pp(*objs) print ' (', caller(1)[0], ')', "\n" end end =end module Vpim # Implements the iCalendar recurence rule syntax. See etc/rrule.txt for the # syntax description and examples from RFC 2445. The description is pretty # hard to understand, but the examples are more helpful. # # The implementation is reasonably complete, but still lacks support for: # # Recurrence by date (RDATE) and exclusions (EXDATE, EXRULE). # # TODO - BYWEEKNO: rules that are limited to particular weeks in a year. # # TODO - BYHOUR, BYMINUTE, BYSECOND: trivial to do, but I don't have an # immediate need for them. # # TODO - new API? -> Rrule#infinite? # # == Examples # # - link:rrule.txt: utility for printing recurrence rules class Rrule include Enumerable # The recurrence rule, +rrule+, specifies how to generate a set of times # from a start time, +dtstart+ (which must the first of the set of # recurring times). If +rrule+ is nil, the set contains only +dtstart+. def initialize(dtstart, rrule = nil) # dtstart must be in local time, they say, but I think that really # means must be in a particular timezone # Note: DTSTART is always in the recurrence set @dtstart = dtstart @rrule = rrule # Freq is mandatory, but must occur only once. @freq = nil # Both Until and Count must not occur, neither is OK. @until = nil @count = nil # Interval is optional, but defaults to 1. @interval = 1 # WKST defines what day a week begins on, the default is monday. @wkst = 'MO' # Recurrence can modified by these. @by = {} if @rrule @rrule.scan(/([^;=]+)=([^;=]+)/) do |key,value| key.upcase! value.upcase! case key when 'FREQ' @freq = value when 'UNTIL' if @count raise "found UNTIL, but COUNT already specified" end @until = Rrule.time_from_rfc2425(value) when 'COUNT' if @until raise "found COUNT, but UNTIL already specified" end @count = value.to_i when 'INTERVAL' @interval = value.to_i if @interval < 1 raise "interval must be a positive integer" end when 'WKST' # TODO - check value is MO-SU @wkst = value else @by[key] = value end end if !@freq # TODO - this shouldn't be an arg error, but a FormatError, its not the # caller's fault! raise ArgumentError, "recurrence rule lacks a frequency" end end end # Return an Enumerable, it's #each() will yield over all occurences up to # (and not including) time +dountil+. def each_until(dountil) Vpim::Enumerator.new(self, dountil) end # Yields for each +ytime+ in the recurring set of events. # # Warning: the set may be infinite! If you need an upper bound on the # number of occurences, you need to implement a count, or pass a time, # +dountil+, which will not be iterated past (i.e. all times yielded will be # less than +dountil+). # # Also, iteration will not currently continue past the limit of a Time # object, which is some time in 2037 with the 32-bit time_t common on # most systems. def each(dountil = nil) #:yield: ytime t = @dtstart.clone # Time.to_a => [ sec, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst, zone ] # Every event occurs at its start time, but only if the start time is # earlier than DOUNTIL... if !dountil || t < dountil yield t end count = 1 # With no recurrence, DTSTART is the only occurence. if !@rrule return self end loop do # Build the set of times to yield within this interval (and after # DTSTART) days = DaySet.new(t) hour = nil min = nil sec = nil # Need to make a Dates class, and make month an instance of it, and add # the "intersect" operator. case @freq #when 'YEARLY' then # Don't need to keep track of year, all occurences are within t's # year. when 'MONTHLY' then days.month = t.month when 'WEEKLY' then #days.month = t.month # TODO - WEEKLY when 'DAILY' then days.mday = t.month, t.mday when 'HOURLY' then hour = [t.hour] when 'MINUTELY' then min = [t.min] when 'SECONDLY' then sec = [t.sec] end # debug [t, days] # Process the BY* modifiers in RFC defined order: # BYMONTH, # BYWEEKNO, # BYYEARDAY, # BYMONTHDAY, # BYDAY, # BYHOUR, # BYMINUTE, # BYSECOND, # BYSETPOS bymon = [nil] if @by['BYMONTH'] bymon = @by['BYMONTH'].split(',') bymon = bymon.map { |m| m.to_i } # debug bymon # In yearly, at this point, month will always be nil. At other # frequencies, it will not. days.intersect_bymon(bymon) # debug days end # TODO - BYWEEKNO if @by['BYYEARDAY'] byyday = @by['BYYEARDAY'].scan(/,?([+-]?[1-9]\d*)/) # debug byyday dates = byyearday(t.year, byyday) days.intersect_dates(dates) end if @by['BYMONTHDAY'] bymday = @by['BYMONTHDAY'].scan(/,?([+-]?[1-9]\d*)/) # debug bymday # Generate all days matching this for all months. For yearly, this # is what we want, for anything of monthly or higher frequency, it # is too many days, but that's OK, since the month will already # be specified and intersection will eliminate the out-of-range # dates. dates = bymonthday(t.year, bymday) # debug dates days.intersect_dates(dates) # debug days end if @by['BYDAY'] byday = @by['BYDAY'].scan(/,?([+-]?[1-9]?\d*)?(SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA)/i) # BYDAY means different things in different frequencies. The +n+ # is only meaningful when freq is yearly or monthly. case @freq when 'YEARLY' dates = bymon.map { |m| byday_in_monthly(t.year, m, byday) }.flatten when 'MONTHLY' dates = byday_in_monthly(t.year, t.month, byday) when 'WEEKLY' dates = byday_in_weekly(t.year, t.month, t.mday, @wkst, byday) when 'DAILY', 'HOURLY', 'MINUTELY', 'SECONDLY' # Reuse the byday_in_monthly. Current day is already specified, # so this will just eliminate the current day if its not allowed # in BYDAY. dates = byday_in_monthly(t.year, t.month, byday) end # debug dates days.intersect_dates(dates) # debug days end # TODO - BYHOUR, BYMINUTE, BYSECOND hour = [@dtstart.hour] if !hour min = [@dtstart.min] if !min sec = [@dtstart.sec] if !sec # debug days # Generate the yield set so BYSETPOS can be evaluated. yset = [] days.each do |m,d| hour.each do |h| min.each do |n| sec.each do |s| y = Time.local(t.year, m, d, h, n, s, 0) next if y.hour != h yset << y end end end end if @by['BYSETPOS'] bysetpos = @by['BYSETPOS'].split(',') yset = bysetpos.map do |i| i = i.to_i case when i < 0 # yset[-1] is last yset[i] when i > 0 # yset[1] is first yset[i-1] else # ignore invalid syntax end end.compact # set positions out of scope will be nil, RFC says ignore them end # Yield the occurence, if we haven't gone over COUNT, or past UNTIL, or # past the end of representable time. yset.each do |y| # The generated set can sometimes generate results earlier # than the DTSTART, skip them. Also, we already yielded # DTSTART, skip it. next if y <= @dtstart count += 1 # We are done if current count is past @count. if(@count && (count > @count)) return self end # We are done if current time is past @until. if @until && (y > @until) return self end # We are also done if current time is past the # caller-requested until. if dountil && (y >= dountil) return self end yield y end # Add @interval to @freq component # Note - when we got past representable time, the error is: # time out of range (ArgumentError) # Finish when we see this. begin case @freq when 'YEARLY' then t = t.plus_year(@interval) when 'MONTHLY' then t = t.plus_month(@interval) when 'WEEKLY' then t = t.plus_day(@interval * 7) when 'DAILY' then t = t.plus_day(@interval) when 'HOURLY' then t += @interval * 60 * 60 when 'MINUTELY' then t += @interval * 60 when 'SECONDLY' then t += @interval when nil return self end rescue ArgumentError return self if $!.message =~ /^time out of range$/ raise ArgumentError, "#{$!.message} while adding interval to #{t.inspect}" end return self if dountil && (t > dountil) end end class DaySet #:nodoc: def initialize(ref) @ref = ref # Need to know because leap years have an extra day, and to get # our defaults. @month = nil @week = nil end def month=(mon) @month = { mon => nil } end def week=(week) @week = week end def mday=(pair) @month = { pair[0] => [ pair[1] ] } end def intersect_bymon(bymon) #:nodoc: if !@month @month = {} bymon.each do |m| @month[m] = nil end else @month.delete_if { |m, days| ! bymon.include? m } end end def intersect_dates(dates) #:nodoc: return unless dates # If no months are in the dayset, add all the ones in dates if !@month @month = {} dates.each do |d| @month[d.mon] = nil end end # In each month, # if there are days, # eliminate those not in dates # otherwise # add all those in dates @month.each do |mon, days| days_in_mon = dates.find_all { |d| d.mon == mon } days_in_mon = days_in_mon.map { |d| d.day } if days days_in_mon = days_in_mon & days end @month[mon] = days_in_mon end end def each @month = { @ref.month => [ @ref.mday ] } if !@month @month.each_key do |m| @month[m] = [@ref.day] if !@month[m] # FIXME - if @ref.day is 31, and the month doesn't have 32 days, we'll # generate invalid dates here, check for that, and eliminate them end @month.keys.sort.each do |m| @month[m].sort.each do |d| yield m, d end end end end def self.time_from_rfc2425(str) #:nodoc: # With ruby1.8 we can use DateTime to do this quick-n-easy: # dt = DateTime.parse(str) # Time.local(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.min, dt.sec, 0) # The time can be a DATE or a DATE-TIME, the latter always has a 'T' in it. if str =~ /T/ d = Vpim.decode_date_time(str) # We get [ year, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec, tz ] if(d.pop == "Z") t = Time.gm(*d) else t = Time.local(*d) end else d = Vpim.decode_date(str) # We get [ year, month, day ] # FIXME - I have to choose gm or local, though neither makes much # sense. This is a bit of a hack - what we should really do is return # an instance of Date, and Time should allow itself to be compared to # Date... This hack will give odd results when comparing times, because # it will create a Time on the right date but whos time is 00:00:00. t = Time.local(*d) end if t.month != d[1] || t.day != d[2] || (d[3] && t.hour != d[3]) raise Vpim::InvalidEncodingError, "Error - datetime does not exist" end t end def bymonthday(year, bymday) #:nodoc: dates = [] bymday.each do |mday| dates |= DateGen.bymonthday(year, nil, mday[0].to_i) end dates.sort! dates end def byyearday(year, byyday) #:nodoc: dates = [] byyday.each do |yday| dates << Date.ordinal(year, yday[0].to_i) end dates.sort! dates end def byday_in_monthly(year, mon, byday) #:nodoc: dates = [] byday.each do |rule| if rule[0].empty? n = nil else n = rule[0].to_i end dates |= DateGen.bywday(year, mon, Date.str2wday(rule[1]), n) end dates.sort! dates end def byday_in_weekly(year, mon, day, wkst, byday) # debug ["day", year,mon,day,wkst,byday] days = byday.map{ |_, byday| Date.str2wday(byday) } week = DateGen.weekofdate(year, mon, day, wkst) # debug [ "week", dates ] week.delete_if do |d| !days.include?(d.wday) end week end end end