class CabooseRets::RetsMailer < ActionMailer::Base def from_address(site_id, from_name) settings = Caboose::SmtpConfig.where(:site_id => site_id).first fn = from_name.blank? ? (settings ? : "Caboose CMS") : from_name fn = fn.gsub(",","").gsub("<","").gsub(">","").gsub("@","").gsub(":","").truncate(30) return settings ? "#{fn} <#{settings.from_address}>" : "#{fn} " end def new_user(agent, user) @agent = agent @user = user @site = to_address = Rails.env.development? ? '' : bcc_address = Rails.env.development? ? '' : @site.contact_email mail( :to => to_address, :bcc => bcc_address, :from => from_address(, nil), :subject => "New User Registration", :reply_to => bcc_address ) end def user_welcome(agent, user) @agent = agent @user = user @site = to_address = bcc_address = Rails.env.development? ? '' : @site.contact_email reply_to = @site.contact_email.blank? ? '' : @site.contact_email setting = Caboose::Setting.where(:site_id =>, :name => "welcome_email_subject").first subject = setting && !setting.value.blank? ? setting.value : "Welcome to #{@site.description}" setting2 = Caboose::Setting.where(:site_id =>, :name => "welcome_email_body").first @body = setting2 && !setting2.value.blank? ? setting2.value : "We're excited to see that you've registered for #{@site.description}. As a registered user, we'll notify you when there's a price drop or pending sale on your favorite properties. We'll also notify you of new listings and similar properties you may be interested in. Your assigned REALTORĀ® is |agent_name| and will be in touch with you shortly. Thank you for choosing #{@site.description}!" @body = @body.gsub("|agent_name|", "#{@agent.first_name} #{@agent.last_name}") @color = @site.theme ? @site.theme.color_main : @site.theme_color @url = "https://#{@site.primary_domain.domain}" @url += "/real-estate" if == 541 @logo_url = @site.logo.url(:large) @logo_url = "https:#{@logo_url}" if !@logo_url.include?('http') @unsubscribe_url = "https://#{@site.primary_domain.domain}/rets-unsubscribe?token=7b8v9j#{}9b6h0c2n" mail( :to => to_address, :bcc => bcc_address, :from => from_address(, nil), :subject => subject, :reply_to => reply_to ) end def daily_report(user, new_listings, related_listings) @user = user @new_listings = new_listings @related_listings = related_listings @site = to_address = reply_to = @site.contact_email.blank? ? '' : @site.contact_email @color = @site.theme ? @site.theme.color_main : @site.theme_color @domain = "https://#{@site.primary_domain.domain}" @domain = "" if Rails.env.development? @url = @domain @url += "/real-estate" if == 541 @logo_url = @site.logo.url(:large) subject = == 541 ? "New and Suggested Listings from Pritchett-Moore Real Estate" : "New and Suggested Listings from #{@site.description}" @logo_url = "https:#{@logo_url}" if !@logo_url.include?('http') @unsubscribe_url = "https://#{@site.primary_domain.domain}/rets-unsubscribe?token=7b8v9j#{}9b6h0c2n" mail( :to => to_address, :from => from_address(, nil), :subject => subject, :reply_to => reply_to ) end def property_status_change(user, property, old_status) @user = user @property = property @old_status = old_status @site = to_address = reply_to = @site.contact_email.blank? ? '' : @site.contact_email @color = @site.theme ? @site.theme.color_main : @site.theme_color @domain = "https://#{@site.primary_domain.domain}" @domain = "" if Rails.env.development? @url = @domain @url += "/real-estate" if == 541 @logo_url = @site.logo.url(:large) subject = "Status Change for Listing MLS ##{@property.mls_number}" @logo_url = "https:#{@logo_url}" if !@logo_url.include?('http') @unsubscribe_url = "https://#{@site.primary_domain.domain}/rets-unsubscribe?token=7b8v9j#{}9b6h0c2n" mail( :to => to_address, :from => from_address(, nil), :subject => subject, :reply_to => reply_to ) end def property_price_change(user, property, old_price) @user = user @property = property @old_price = old_price @site = to_address = reply_to = @site.contact_email.blank? ? '' : @site.contact_email @color = @site.theme ? @site.theme.color_main : @site.theme_color @domain = "https://#{@site.primary_domain.domain}" @domain = "" if Rails.env.development? @url = @domain @url += "/real-estate" if == 541 @logo_url = @site.logo.url(:large) subject = "Price Change for Listing MLS ##{@property.mls_number}" @logo_url = "https:#{@logo_url}" if !@logo_url.include?('http') @unsubscribe_url = "https://#{@site.primary_domain.domain}/rets-unsubscribe?token=7b8v9j#{}9b6h0c2n" mail( :to => to_address, :from => from_address(, nil), :subject => subject, :reply_to => reply_to ) end end