magic-stylez <%= MagicStylez::VERSION %>


(both are allready included)


add the gem to your applications gemfile

gem "magic_stylez"

run the generator

$ rails g magic_stylez:install

add to stylesheets

  @import 'magic-stylez'; // import all
  @import 'magic-min';    // import basic
  //= 'magic-stylez'; /* import all */
  //= 'magic-min';    /* import basic */

add to javascripts

  //= 'magic-stylez'; /* import all */
  //= 'magic-min';    /* import basic */


rail-ujs.js file optimized for splitted and divided buttons

//= require magic/ext/rails-ujs

magic-styles update generator

in the process I often add new variables to the corporate files

what causes "Missing variable!" when you update to new version

this generator adds all new variables without touching your settings

$ rails g magic_stylez:update

Please allways look in the Changelog for recent chnages.

On to / To Do

update gem to work with new bootstrap structure (outside vendor folder)

npm & bower compatiblity

small paralax plugin to fix fixed-background problem on chrome

optimize code, variables

clean up unused or double css

learn english :)

improve documentation


A lot of code for this gem is taken from bootstrap-sass, so thank you guys for the great work.

Same goes for bourbon thanks for a lightweight helper set.

Also thanks to all the people, how share their knowlegde on stackoverflow.




© 2017 Torsten Wetzel (berlinmagic UG)