require 'shellwords' require 'shell_helpers/pathname' require 'dr/base/uri' module ShellHelpers module ExtendSSHKit def backend(&b) local? ? :, &b) end def connect(&b) backend(&b).run end end module Utils extend self def eval_shell(r, shell: :puts) return r if r.nil? or r.empty? case (shell||"").to_sym when :puts puts r when :eval r+=";" if r && !r.end_with?(';') print r when :exec require 'shell_helpers/sh' return when :exec_quiet require 'shell_helpers/sh' return end return r end class << self attr_accessor :orig_stdin, :orig_stdout, :orig_stderr end @orig_stdin=$stdin @orig_stdout=$stdout @orig_stderr=$stderr #An improved find from Find::find that takes in the block the absolute and relative name of the files (+the directory where the relative file is from), and has filter options #Returns ::Pathname, except when the value is a SH::Pathname where it #returns a SH::Pathname def find(*bases, filter: nil, prune: nil, follow_symlink: false, depth: false, max_depth: nil, chdir: false) block_given? or return enum_for(__method__, *bases, filter: filter, follow_symlink: follow_symlink, depth: depth, max_depth: max_depth, chdir: chdir) bases.collect!{|d| raise Errno::ENOENT unless File.exist?(d); d.dup}.each do |base| klass=base.is_a?(::Pathname) ? base.class : ::Pathname test_filter=lambda do |filter,*files| case filter when Proc*files) when Array file=files.first filter.any? do |test| case test when :directory? #special case && !file.symlink? else file.send(test) end end end end yield_files=lambda do |*files| unless test_filter.(filter,*files)! {|f| f.dup.taint} if chdir Dir.chdir(base) do yield *files, base end else yield *files, base end end end do_find=lambda do |*files| file,filerel=*files catch(:prune) do #use throw(:prune) to skip a path (recursively) unless test_filter.(prune,*files) yield_files.(*files) unless depth if and (max_depth.nil? or (filerel.to_s=="." and max_depth>0) or filerel.each_filename.to_a.size < max_depth) next if !follow_symlink && file.symlink? file.children(false).sort.reverse_each do |f| fj = file + f f = filerel + f do_find.(fj.untaint,f.untaint) end yield_files.(*files) if depth end end end end,'.')) end end #all output is sent to the pager def run_pager(*args, launch: :tty, default_less_env: "-FRX") return unless $stdout.tty? and launch != :never read, write = IO.pipe unless Kernel.fork # Child process $stdout.reopen(write) $stderr.reopen(write) if $stderr.tty? read.close write.close return end # Parent process, become pager $stdin.reopen(read) read.close write.close #ENV['LESS'] = 'FSRX' # Don't page if the input is short enough less_env=ENV['LESS'] less_env=default_less_env if less_env.empty? less_env+="F" unless less_env.match(/F/) or launch == :always less_env+="R" unless less_env.match(/R/) less_env+="X" unless less_env.match(/X/) ENV['LESS']=less_env [$stdin] # Wait until we have input before we start the pager pager = ENV['PAGER'] || 'less' run=args.unshift(pager) exec *run rescue exec "/bin/sh", "-c", *run end #inside run_pager, escape from the pager #does not work :-( def escape_pager(mode=nil) case mode when :orig stdout=ShellUtils.orig_stdout stderr=ShellUtils.orig_stderr stdin=ShellUtils.orig_stdin else stdout=STDOUT stderr=STDERR stdin=STDIN end $stdout.reopen(stdout) $stderr.reopen(stderr) $stdin.reopen(stdin) end def output_list(s, split: "\n") s=s.shelljoin if s.kind_of?(Array) return open("| #{s}").read.split(split) end #Stolen from mkmf: # Searches for the executable +bin+ on +path+. The default path is your # +PATH+ environment variable. If that isn't defined, it will resort to # searching /usr/local/bin, /usr/ucb, /usr/bin and /bin. # If found, it will return the full path, including the executable name, of # where it was found. # exts: an array of extensions to add def find_executable(bin, path = nil, exts: nil) executable_file = lambda do |name| return name if name.file? and name.executable? end #we use Proc so that 'return' escapes the block try_executable = do |file| return file if exts && exts.each {|ext| = file.append_name(ext)) and return ext} nil end if bin.absolute? else path ||= ENV['PATH'] || %w[/usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin] path = path.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) unless path.kind_of?(Array) path.each do |dir| end end nil end def find_file(file,path) path.each do |dir| path=dir+file return path if path.file? end return nil end def find_files(pattern,path) { |dir| Pathname.glob(dir+pattern) }.flatten end def rsync(*files, out, default_opts: "-vcz", preserve: true, partial: true, keep_dirlinks: false, sudo: false, backup: false, relative: false, delete: false, clean_out: false, expected: 23, chown: nil, sshcommand: nil, exclude: [], **opts) require 'shell_helpers/sh' rsync_opts=[*opts.delete(:rsync_opts)] || [] rsync_opts << default_opts rsync_opts << "-a" if preserve rsync_opts << "-P" if partial #--partial --progress rsync_opts+=%w(--no-owner --no-group) if preserve==:nochown rsync_opts+=["--chown", chown] if chown #on dest: do not replace a symlink to a directory with the real directory #use --copy-dirlinks for the same usage on source rsync_opts << "--keep-dirlinks" if keep_dirlinks exclude.each do |ex| rsync_opts += ["--exclude", ex.shellescape] end if relative rsync_opts << "--relative" rsync_opts << "--no-implied-dirs" end rsync_opts << "--delete" if delete if clean_out out.rmtree out.mkpath end opts[:log]||=true opts[:log_level_execute]||=:info if backup rsync_opts << "--backup" rsync_opts << (backup.to_s[-1]=="/" ? "--backup-dir=#{backup}" : "--suffix=#{backup}") unless backup==true end if sshcommand rsync_opts << "-e" rsync_opts << sshcommand.shellescape end rsync_opts+=opts.delete(:rsync_late_opts)||[] (sudo ? ["sudo"] : [])+["rsync"][out.to_s], expected: expected, **opts) #expected: rsync error code 23 is some files/attrs were not transferred end # host can be of the form user@host:port # warning this is different from standard ssh syntax of user@host:path def ssh(host, *commands, mode: :exec, ssh_command: 'ssh', ssh_options: [], ssh_Ooptions: [], port: nil, forward: nil, x11: nil, user: nil, path: nil, parse: true, pty: nil, **opts) #sshkit has a special setting for :local host=host.to_s unless mode==:sshkit and host.is_a?(Symbol) parse and host.is_a?(String) and host.match(/^(?:(.*)@)?(.*?)(?::(\d*))?$/) do |m| user||=m[1] host=m[2] port||=m[3] end unless mode==:net_ssh or mode==:sshkit ssh_command, *command_options= ssh_command.shellsplit ssh_options=command_options+ssh_options ssh_options += ["-p", port.to_s] if port ssh_options += ["-W", forward] if forward if x11 == :trusted ssh_options << "-Y" elsif x11 ssh_options << "-X" end ssh_options << "-T" if pty==false ssh_options << "-t" if pty==true ssh_options += {|o| ["-o", o]}.flatten else #net_ssh options needs to be a hash ssh_options={} if ssh_options.is_a?(Array) ssh_options[:port]=port if port end case mode when :system,:spawn,:capture,:exec host="#{user}@#{host}" if user[ssh_command]+ssh_options+[host]+commands, mode: mode, **opts) when :net_ssh require 'net/ssh' user=nil; Net::SSH.start(host, user, ssh_options) when :sshkit require 'sshkit' host.extend(ExtendSSHKit) host.port=port if port host.user=user if user host.ssh_options=ssh_options host when :uri 'ssh', userinfo: user, host: host, path: path, port: port) #, query: ssh_options.join('&')) else # return options { ssh_command: ssh_command, ssh_options: ssh_options, ssh_command_options: ([ssh_command]+ssh_options).shelljoin, user: user, host: host, hostssh: user ? "#{user}@#{host}" : host, command: commands } end end def capture_stdout old_stdout = $stdout $stdout ='','w') if block_given? begin yield output=$stdout.string ensure $stdout = old_stdout end return output else return old_stdout end end end end