# Luca.Events # # These helpers will get mixed into Luca.Collection, Luca.View, and Luca.Model. # # They allow for syntactic sugar like: # # view.defer("someMethodOnTheView").until("collection","fetch") # # or # # view.defer( myCallback ).until("triggered:event") class DeferredBindingProxy constructor: (@object, operation, wrapWithUnderscore=true)-> if _.isFunction(operation) fn = operation else if _.isString(operation) and _.isFunction(@object[operation]) fn = @object[operation] unless _.isFunction(fn) throw "Must pass a function or a string representing one" if wrapWithUnderscore is true @fn = _.bind ()-> _.defer(fn) , @object else @fn = _.bind(fn,@object) @ # until accepts an object to bind to, and a trigger to bind with # if you just pass a trigger, the object getting bound to # will implicitly be @object until: (watch, trigger)-> if watch? and not trigger? trigger = watch watch = @object watch.once(trigger, @fn) @object Luca.Events = defer: (operation, wrapWithUnderscore=true)-> new DeferredBindingProxy(@, operation, wrapWithUnderscore) once: (trigger, callback, context)-> context ||= @ onceFn = ()-> callback.apply(context, arguments) @unbind(trigger, onceFn) @bind trigger, onceFn Luca.EventsExt = waitUntil:(trigger, context)-> @waitFor.call(@, trigger, context ) waitFor: (trigger, context)-> self = @ proxy = on:(target)-> target.waitFor.call(target,trigger,context) and:(runList...)-> for fn in runList fn = if _.isFunction(fn) then fn else self[fn] self.once(trigger, fn, context) andThen: ()-> self.and.apply(self, arguments) relayEvent: (trigger)-> on: (components...)=> to: (targets...)=> for target in targets for component in components component.on trigger, (args...)=> args.unshift(trigger) target.trigger.apply(target,args)