// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2011 Apple Inc. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test htmlbody ok equals same stop start */ var pane, view , view1, view2, view3, view4 ; module("SC.SelectView",{ //setup setup: function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); var isDue = NO ; //pane pane = SC.MainPane.create({ objs : ["Around","The","World"], objs2 : [{ title: "Around", pos: 3}, { title: "The", pos: 1}, { title: "World", pos: 2 }, { title: "Again", pos: 4}], selectedValue: "World", isDue: YES, childViews: [ //view1 SC.SelectView.extend({ items: ["To","Back", "You"], disableSort: NO }), //view2 SC.SelectView.extend({ items: ["Drop","Down", "Menu"] }), //view3 SC.SelectView.extend({ itemsBinding: '*owner.objs', valueBinding: '*owner.selectedValue', isVisibleBinding: '*owner.isDue' }), //view4 SC.SelectView.extend({ itemsBinding: '*owner.objs2', valueBinding: '*owner.selectedValue', itemValueKey: 'title', itemTitleKey: 'title', itemSortKey: 'pos' }), //view5 SC.SelectView.extend({ items: ["My","New", "List"] }), //view6 SC.SelectView.extend({ items: ["My","New", "List"], customViewClassName: 'custom-menu-item', customViewMenuOffsetWidth: 46 }) ] }); view1 = pane.childViews[0] ; view2 = pane.childViews[1] ; view3 = pane.childViews[2] ; view4 = pane.childViews[3] ; view5 = pane.childViews[4] ; view6 = pane.childViews[5] ; pane.append(); // make sure there is a layer... SC.RunLoop.end(); }, //teardown teardown: function() { pane.remove() ; pane = view = null ; } }); //test2 test("Check if valueBinding works", function() { equals('World',view4.get('value'),'Value should be') ; }); // the test that was here pretty much tested nothing. //test5 test("sortObjects() sorts the items of the Drop Down component", function() { var obj = view1.get("items"); obj = view1.sortObjects(obj); equals("Back",obj.get(0),'First item should be') ; equals("To",obj.get(1),'Second item should be') ; equals("You",obj.get(2),'Third item should be') ; }); // There was an awful test here. I can't even tell what it was supposed to do. //test7 test("isEnabled=NO should add disabled class", function() { SC.RunLoop.begin() ; view1.set('isEnabled', NO) ; SC.RunLoop.end() ; ok(view1.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'should have disabled class') ; }); // there is NO need to test binding. // I think this one is probably somewhat pointless as well, but perhaps some // buggy observers being called could break it or something... test("Check if setting a value actually changes the selection value", function() { SC.RunLoop.begin() ; view2.set('value','Menu') ; SC.RunLoop.end() ; equals(view2.get('value'), 'Menu', 'value of Drop down should change to') ; }) ; // No need to test binding (was test10) //test11 test("The properties for select button should take default values unless specified", function() { var prop1 = view5.get('customViewClassName'); var prop2 = view5.get('customViewMenuOffsetWidth'); equals(prop1,null,'Custom view class name should be null'); equals(prop2,0,'Custom view menu off set width should be 0'); }); //test12 test("The properties for select button should take the specified values", function() { var prop1 = view6.get('customViewClassName'); var prop2 = view6.get('customViewMenuOffsetWidth'); equals(prop1,'custom-menu-item','Custom view class name should be custom-menu-item'); equals(prop2,46,'Custom view menu off set width should be 46'); });