(function() { var modules = {}, cache = {}; if (this.require && this.require.modules) { modules = this.require.modules; } var require = function(name, root) { var path = expand(root, name), indexPath = expand(path, './index'), module, fn; module = cache[path] || cache[indexPath]; if (module) { return module; } else if (fn = modules[path] || modules[path = indexPath]) { module = {id: path, exports: {}}; cache[path] = module.exports; fn(module.exports, function(name) { return require(name, dirname(path)); }, module); return cache[path] = module.exports; } else { throw 'module ' + name + ' not found'; } }; var expand = function(root, name) { var results = [], parts, part; // If path is relative if (/^\.\.?(\/|$)/.test(name)) { parts = [root, name].join('/').split('/'); } else { parts = name.split('/'); } for (var i = 0, length = parts.length; i < length; i++) { part = parts[i]; if (part == '..') { results.pop(); } else if (part != '.' && part != '') { results.push(part); } } return results.join('/'); }; var dirname = function(path) { return path.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/'); }; this.require = function(name) { return require(name, ''); }; this.require.define = function(bundle) { for (var key in bundle) { modules[key] = bundle[key]; } }; this.require.modules = modules; this.require.cache = cache; return this.require; }).call(this); this.require.define({"modules/program.module":function(exports, require, module){module.exports = function(){ alert('Long live the Programs!'); }; ;}}); this.require.define({"modules/user.module":function(exports, require, module){var Program = require('modules/program'); module.exports = function(){ alert('Long live the Users'); Program(); }; ;}}); var self = 'application.js';