class String @@colorize = false class << self def colorize=(value) @@colorize = value end def colorize @@colorize end end # of class methods do |attribute| class_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def #{} if @@colorize Term::ANSIColor.send(#{}, self) else self end end EOS end def colorize_as(lang) if @@colorize CodeRay.scan(self, lang).terminal else self end end def encode64 Base64.encode64(self).delete("\n") end def undent min_space_num = self.split("\n").delete_if {|s| s =~ /^\s*$/ }.map {|s| (s[/^\s+/] || '').length }.min if min_space_num and min_space_num > 0 gsub(/^[ \t]{,#{min_space_num}}/, '') else self end end def fn_join(options = {}) options = { :undent => true, :trim_mode => nil, }.merge(options) data = self.dup data = data.undent if options[:undent] trim_mode = options[:trim_mode] null = "\0" data =<<-EOS) @__functions__ = [] @__value_conv__ = proc do |v| case v when Array, Hash v else v.to_s end end def Fn__Base64(value) value = {'Fn::Base64' => @__value_conv__[value]} case @__functions__ when Array @__functions__ << value when Hash @__functions__.update(value) end #{null.inspect} end def Fn__FindInMap(map_name, top_level_key, second_level_key) value = {'Fn::FindInMap' => [ map_name, top_level_key, second_level_key].map(&@__value_conv__)} case @__functions__ when Array @__functions__ << value when Hash @__functions__.update(value) end #{null.inspect} end def Fn__GetAtt(logical_name, attr_name) value = {'Fn::GetAtt' => [ logical_name, attr_name].map(&@__value_conv__)} case @__functions__ when Array @__functions__ << value when Hash @__functions__.update(value) end #{null.inspect} end def Fn__GetAZs(region) value = {'Fn::GetAZs' => @__value_conv__[region]} case @__functions__ when Array @__functions__ << value when Hash @__functions__.update(value) end #{null.inspect} end def Ref(value) value = {'Ref' => value} case @__functions__ when Array @__functions__ << value when Hash @__functions__.update(value) end #{null.inspect} end def _(&block) __functions__orig = @__functions__ @__functions__ = {} if block value = @__functions__ @__functions__ = __functions__orig return value end{data.inspect}, nil, #{trim_mode.inspect}).result(binding).split(#{null.inspect}).zip(@__functions__) EOS data = {|i| not i.nil? }.map {|i| if i.kind_of?(String) i.lines.to_a else i end }.flatten return { 'Fn::Join' => ['', data] } end end