# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe DiscourseApi::API::Topics do subject { DiscourseApi::Client.new("#{host}", "test_d7fd0429940", "test_user") } describe "#change_topic_status" do before do stub_put("#{host}/t/57/status").to_return(body: fixture("topic.json"), headers: { content_type: "application/json" }) end it "changes the topic status" do subject.update_topic_status(57, { status: 'visible', enabled: false }) expect(a_put("#{host}/t/57/status")).to have_been_made end end describe "#invite_user_to_topic" do before do stub_post("#{host}/t/12/invite").to_return(body: fixture("topic_invite_user.json"), headers: { content_type: "application/json" }) end it "requests the correct resource" do subject.invite_user_to_topic(email: "fake_user@example.com", topic_id: 12) expect(a_post("#{host}/t/12/invite")).to have_been_made end it "returns success" do response = subject.invite_user_to_topic(email: "fake_user@example.com", topic_id: 12) expect(response).to be_a Hash expect(response['success']).to be_truthy end end describe "#latest_topics" do before do stub_get("#{host}/latest.json").to_return(body: fixture("latest.json"), headers: { content_type: "application/json" }) end it "requests the correct resource" do subject.latest_topics expect(a_get("#{host}/latest.json")).to have_been_made end it "returns the requested topics" do topics = subject.latest_topics expect(topics).to be_an Array expect(topics.first).to be_a Hash end it "can take a hash param" do topics = subject.latest_topics({}) expect(topics).to be_an Array expect(topics.first).to be_a Hash end end describe "#top_topics" do before do stub_get("#{host}/top.json").to_return(body: fixture("top.json"), headers: { content_type: "application/json" }) end it "requests the correct resource" do subject.top_topics expect(a_get("#{host}/top.json")).to have_been_made end it "returns the requested topics" do topics = subject.top_topics expect(topics).to be_an Array expect(topics.first).to be_a Hash end it "can take a hash param" do topics = subject.top_topics({}) expect(topics).to be_an Array expect(topics.first).to be_a Hash end end describe "#new_topics" do before do stub_get("#{host}/new.json").to_return(body: fixture("new.json"), headers: { content_type: "application/json" }) end it "requests the correct resource" do subject.new_topics expect(a_get("#{host}/new.json")).to have_been_made end it "returns the requested topics" do subject.api_username = 'test_user' topics = subject.new_topics expect(topics).to be_an Array expect(topics.first).to be_a Hash end end describe "#topic" do before do stub_get("#{host}/t/57.json").to_return(body: fixture("topic.json"), headers: { content_type: "application/json" }) end it "requests the correct resource" do subject.topic(57) expect(a_get("#{host}/t/57.json")).to have_been_made end it "returns the requested topic" do topic = subject.topic(57) expect(topic).to be_a Hash expect(topic["id"]).to eq(57) end end describe "#update_topic" do before do stub_put("#{host}/t/57.json").to_return(body: fixture("topic.json"), headers: { content_type: "application/json" }) end it "renames the topic" do subject.rename_topic(57, "A new title!") expect(a_put("#{host}/t/57.json")).to have_been_made end it "assigns the topic a new category" do subject.recategorize_topic(57, 3) expect(a_put("#{host}/t/57.json")).to have_been_made end end describe "#topics_by" do before do stub_get("#{host}/topics/created-by/test.json").to_return(body: fixture("topics_created_by.json"), headers: { content_type: "application/json" }) end it "requests the correct resource" do subject.topics_by('test') expect(a_get("#{host}/topics/created-by/test.json")).to have_been_made end it "returns the requested topics" do topics = subject.topics_by('test') expect(topics).to be_an Array expect(topics.first).to be_a Hash end end describe "#topic_posts" do before do stub_get(/#{host}\/t\/57\/posts\.json/).to_return( body: fixture("topic_posts.json"), headers: { content_type: "application/json" } ) end it "requests the correct resource" do subject.topic_posts(57) expect(a_get("#{host}/t/57/posts.json")).to have_been_made end it 'allows scoping to specific post ids' do subject.topic_posts(57, [123, 456]) expect(a_get("#{host}/t/57/posts.json?post_ids[]=123&post_ids[]=456")).to have_been_made end it "returns the requested topic posts" do body = subject.topic_posts(57, [123]) expect(body).to be_a Hash expect(body['post_stream']['posts']).to be_an Array expect(body['post_stream']['posts'].first).to be_a Hash end end describe "#create_topic_with_tags" do before do stub_post("#{host}/posts").to_return(body: fixture("create_topic_with_tags.json"), headers: { content_type: "application/json" }) end it "makes the post request" do subject.create_topic title: "Sample Topic Title", raw: "Sample topic content body", tags: ["asdf", "fdsa"] expect(a_post("#{host}/posts")).to have_been_made end it "returns success" do response = subject.create_topic title: "Sample Topic Title", raw: "Sample topic content body", tags: ["asdf", "fdsa"] expect(response).to be_a Hash expect(response['topic_id']).to eq 21 end end describe "#topic_set_user_notification_level" do before do stub_post("#{host}/t/1/notifications").to_return(body: fixture("notification_success.json"), headers: { content_type: "application/json" }) end it "makes the post request" do response = subject.topic_set_user_notification_level(1, notification_level: 3) expect(a_post("#{host}/t/1/notifications").with(body: "notification_level=3")).to have_been_made expect(response['success']).to eq('OK') end end end