require 'simp/rake' require 'simp/rake/build/constants' module Simp; end module Simp::Rake; end module Simp::Rake::Build class Code < ::Rake::TaskLib include Simp::Rake include Simp::Rake::Build::Constants def initialize( base_dir ) init_member_vars( base_dir ) define_tasks end def define_tasks namespace :code do desc "Show some basic stats. Uses git to figure out what has changed. * :since - Do not include any stats before this date. * :until - Do not include any stats after this date." task :stats,[:since,:until] do |t,args| cur_branch = %x{git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD}.chomp if cur_branch.empty? then fail "Error: Could not find branch ID!" end changed = 0 new = 0 removed = 0 cmd = "git log --shortstat --reverse --pretty=oneline" if args.since then cmd = cmd + " --since=#{args.since}" end if args.until then cmd = cmd + " --until=#{args.until}" end %x{#{cmd}}.each_line do |line| if encode_line(line) =~ /(\d+) files changed, (\d+) insertions\(\+\), (\d+) del.*/ then changed = changed + $1.to_i new = new + $2.to_i removed = removed + $3.to_i end end cmd = "git submodule foreach git log --shortstat --reverse --pretty=oneline" if args.since then cmd = cmd + " --since=#{args.since}" end if args.until then cmd = cmd + " --until=#{args.until}" end %x{#{cmd}}.each_line do |line| if encode_line(line) =~ /(\d+) files changed, (\d+) insertions\(\+\), (\d+) del.*/ then changed = changed + $1.to_i new = new + $2.to_i removed = removed + $3.to_i end end puts "Code Stats for #{cur_branch}:" printf " Files Changed: %6d\n", changed printf " New Lines: %6d\n", new printf " Removed Lines: %6d\n", removed end # End of :stats task. desc "Show line count. Prints a report of the lines of code in the source. * :show_unknown - Flag for displaying any file extensions not expected." task :count,[:show_unknown] do |t,args| require 'find' loc = loc["rake"] = 0 loc["pp"] = 0 loc["rb"] = 0 loc["erb"] = 0 loc["sh"] = 0 loc["csh"] = 0 loc["html"] = 0 loc["spec"] = 0 loc["other"] = 0"#{SRC_DIR}/../Rakefile","r").each do |line| if encode_line(line) !~ /^\s*$/ then loc["rake"] = loc["rake"] + 1 end end.close other_ext = Find.find(SRC_DIR) do |path| if ( ( File.basename(path)[0] == ?. ) or ( path =~ /src\/rsync/ ) or ( path[-3..-1] =~ /\.gz|pem|pub/ ) or ( path =~ /developers_guide\/rdoc/ ) ) then Find.prune else next if FileTest.symlink?(path) or end ext = File.extname(path)[1..-1] if not ext then ext = 'none' end if not loc[ext] then other_ext.push(ext) if not other_ext.include?(ext) ext = 'other' end,'r').each do |line| if encode_line(line) !~ /^\s*$/ then loc[ext] = loc[ext] + 1 end end end puts "Code Count Report:" printf " %-6s %6s\n", "Ext", "Count" puts " " + ("-" * 13) total_loc = 0 loc.sort.each do |key,val| printf " %-6s %6d\n", key, val total_loc = total_loc + val end puts " " + ("-" * 13) printf " %-6s %6d\n", "Total", "#{total_loc}" puts puts "Unknown Extension Count: #{other_ext.length}" if args.show_unknown then puts "Unknown Extensions:" other_ext.sort.each do |ext| puts " #{ext}" end end end # End of :count task. end # End of :code namespace. end end end