#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'puppet/external/nagios' describe "Nagios resource types" do Nagios::Base.eachtype do |name, nagios_type| puppet_type = Puppet::Type.type("nagios_" + name.to_s) it "should have a valid type for #{name}" do puppet_type.should_not be_nil end next unless puppet_type describe puppet_type do it "should be defined as a Puppet resource type" do puppet_type.should_not be_nil end it "should have documentation" do puppet_type.instance_variable_get("@doc").should_not == "" end it "should have %s as its namevar" % nagios_type.namevar do puppet_type.namevar.should == nagios_type.namevar end it "should have documentation for its %s parameter" % nagios_type.namevar do puppet_type.attrclass(nagios_type.namevar).instance_variable_get("@doc").should_not be_nil end it "should have an ensure property" do puppet_type.should be_validproperty(:ensure) end it "should have a target property" do puppet_type.should be_validproperty(:target) end it "should have documentation for its target property" do puppet_type.attrclass(:target).instance_variable_get("@doc").should_not be_nil end nagios_type.parameters.reject { |param| param == nagios_type.namevar or param.to_s =~ /^[0-9]/ }.each do |param| it "should have a %s property" % param do puppet_type.should be_validproperty(param) end it "should have documentation for its %s property" % param do puppet_type.attrclass(param).instance_variable_get("@doc").should_not be_nil end end nagios_type.parameters.find_all { |param| param.to_s =~ /^[0-9]/ }.each do |param| it "should have not have a %s property" % param do puppet_type.should_not be_validproperty(:param) end end end end end