require 'spec_helper' describe Springboard::Client::Resource do include_context "client" let(:resource_path) { '/some/path' } let(:resource) {, resource_path) } describe "[]" do it "should return a new resource" do expect(resource["subpath"]).to be_a Springboard::Client::Resource expect(resource["subpath"].object_id).not_to eq(resource.object_id) end it "should return a resource with the given subpath appended to its URI" do expect(resource["subpath"].uri.to_s).to eq("#{base_url}/some/path/subpath") end it "should return a resource with the same client instance" do expect(resource["subpath"].client).to be === resource.client end it "should accept a symbol as a path" do expect(resource[:subpath].uri.to_s).to eq("#{base_url}/some/path/subpath") end it "should URI encode the given subpath" do expect(resource["subpath with spaces"].uri.to_s).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path/subpath%20with%20spaces" ) end end %w{query params}.each do |method| describe method do describe "when called with a hash" do it "should set the query string parameters" do expect(resource.__send__(method, :a => 1, :b => 2).uri.to_s).to eq("#{base_url}/some/path?a=1&b=2") end it "should URL encode the given keys and values" do expect(resource.__send__(method, "i have spaces" => "so do i: duh").uri.to_s).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?i+have+spaces=so+do+i%3A+duh" ) end it "should add bracket notation for array parameters" do expect(resource.__send__(method, :somearray => [1, 2, 3]).uri.to_s).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?somearray%5B%5D=1&somearray%5B%5D=2&somearray%5B%5D=3" ) end it "should return a new resource without modifying the existing URI" do new_resource = resource.query(per_page: 1) expect(new_resource.uri.to_s).to eq("#{base_url}/some/path?per_page=1") expect(resource.uri.to_s).to eq("#{base_url}/some/path") end end describe "when called without arguments" do it "should return the current query string parameters as a hash" do expect(resource.__send__(method)).to eq({}) new_resource = resource.__send__(method, :a => 1, :b => 2) expect(new_resource.__send__(method)).to eq({"a"=>"1", "b"=>"2"}) end end end end describe "filter" do describe "when given a hash" do it "should add a _filter query string param" do expect(resource.filter(:a => 1, :b => 2).uri).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?_filter=%7B%22a%22%3A1%2C%22b%22%3A2%7D".to_uri ) end end describe "when called multiple times" do it "should append args to _filter param as JSON array" do expect(resource.filter(:a => 1).filter(:b => 2).filter(:c => 3).uri).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?_filter=%5B%7B%22a%22%3A1%7D%2C%7B%22b%22%3A2%7D%2C%7B%22c%22%3A3%7D%5D".to_uri ) end end describe "when given a string" do it "should add a _filter query string param" do expect(resource.filter('{"a":1,"b":2}').uri).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?_filter=%7B%22a%22%3A1%2C%22b%22%3A2%7D".to_uri ) end end describe "when called multiple times with other methods" do it "should append args to _filter param as JSON array" do expect(resource.filter(:a => 1).embed(:other).only(:field).filter(:b => 2).uri).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?_filter=%5B%7B%22a%22%3A1%7D%2C%7B%22b%22%3A2%7D%5D&_include%5B%5D=other&_only%5B%5D=field".to_uri ) end end end describe "sort" do it "should set the sort parameter based on the given values" do expect(resource.sort('f1', 'f2,desc').uri.to_s).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?sort%5B%5D=f1&sort%5B%5D=f2%2Cdesc" ) end it "should replace any existing sort parameter" do resource.sort('f1', 'f2,desc') expect(resource.sort('f3,asc', 'f4').uri.to_s).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?sort%5B%5D=f3%2Casc&sort%5B%5D=f4" ) end end describe "only" do it "should set the _only parameter based on the given values" do expect(resource.only('f1', 'f2').uri.to_s).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?_only%5B%5D=f1&_only%5B%5D=f2" ) end it "should replace the existing _only parameters" do expect(resource.only('f1').only('f2', 'f3').uri.to_s).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?_only%5B%5D=f2&_only%5B%5D=f3" ) end end %w{each each_page}.each do |method| describe method do it "should call the client's #{method} method with the resource's URI" do expect(client).to receive(method).with(resource.uri) resource.__send__(method) end end end %w{get head delete}.each do |method| describe method do it "should call the client's #{method} method with the resource's URI and a header hash" do expect(client).to receive(method).with(resource.uri, false) resource.__send__(method) end end end %w{put post}.each do |method| describe method do it "should call the client's #{method} method with the resource's URI, the given body, and a headers hash" do expect(client).to receive(method).with(resource.uri, "body", false) resource.__send__(method, "body") end end end describe "count" do let(:response_data) { { :status => 200, :body => {total: 123}.to_json } } it "should call the client's count method with the resource's URI" do expect(client).to receive(:count).with(resource.uri) resource.count end it "should set the per_page query string param to 1" do request_stub = stub_request(:get, "#{base_url}/some/path?page=1&per_page=1").to_return(response_data) resource.count expect(request_stub).to have_been_requested end it "should return the resource count" do request_stub = stub_request(:get, "#{base_url}/some/path?page=1&per_page=1").to_return(response_data) expect(resource.count).to eq(123) end it "should not modify the original resource URI" do request_stub = stub_request(:get, "#{base_url}/some/path?page=1&per_page=1").to_return(response_data) resource.count expect(resource.uri.to_s).to eq("#{base_url}/some/path") end end describe "first" do let(:response_data) { { :status => 200, :body => {:results => [{:id => "Me first!"}, {:id => "Me second!"}]}.to_json } } it "should set the per_page query string param to 1" do request_stub = stub_request(:get, "#{base_url}/some/path?page=1&per_page=1").to_return(response_data) resource.first expect(request_stub).to have_been_requested end it "should return the first element of the :results array" do request_stub = stub_request(:get, "#{base_url}/some/path?page=1&per_page=1").to_return(response_data) expect(resource.first).to eq({"id" => "Me first!"}) end it "should not modify the original resource URI" do request_stub = stub_request(:get, "#{base_url}/some/path?page=1&per_page=1").to_return(response_data) resource.first expect(resource.uri.to_s).to eq("#{base_url}/some/path") end end describe "embed" do it "should support a single embed" do expect(resource.embed(:thing1).uri.to_s).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?_include%5B%5D=thing1" ) end it "should support multiple embeds" do expect(resource.embed(:thing1, :thing2, :thing3).uri.to_s).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?_include%5B%5D=thing1&_include%5B%5D=thing2&_include%5B%5D=thing3" ) end it "should merge multiple embed calls" do expect(resource.embed(:thing1, :thing2).embed(:thing3, :thing4).uri.to_s).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?_include%5B%5D=thing1&_include%5B%5D=thing2&_include%5B%5D=thing3&_include%5B%5D=thing4" ) end it "should merge a call to embed with a manually added _include query param" do expect(resource.query('_include[]' => :thing1).embed(:thing2, :thing3).uri.to_s).to eq( "#{base_url}/some/path?_include%5B%5D=thing1&_include%5B%5D=thing2&_include%5B%5D=thing3" ) end end describe "while_results" do it "should yield each result to the block as long as the response includes results" do results = ["r1", "r2", "r3"] request_stub = stub_request(:get, "#{base_url}/some/path").to_return do |req| {:body => {:results => results}.to_json} end yielded_results = [] # timeout in case of endless loop Timeout::timeout(10) do resource.while_results do |result| yielded_results.push results.shift end end expect(yielded_results).to eq(["r1", "r2", "r3"]) end it "should raise an exception if it receives an error response" do request_stub = stub_request(:get, "#{base_url}/some/path").to_return do |req| {:status => 400} end # timeout in case of endless loop Timeout::timeout(10) do expect do resource.while_results do |result| # nothing end raise_error(Springboard::Client::RequestFailed) end end describe "exists?" do let(:response) { double(Springboard::Client::Response) } it "should return true if the response indicates success" do allow(response).to receive(:success?).and_return(true) expect(client).to receive(:head).with(resource.uri, false).and_return(response) expect(resource.exists?).to be === true end it "should return false if the response status is 404" do allow(response).to receive(:status).and_return(404) allow(response).to receive(:success?).and_return(false) expect(client).to receive(:head).with(resource.uri, false).and_return(response) expect(resource.exists?).to be === false end it "should raise a RequestFailed exception if the request fails but the status is not 404" do allow(response).to receive(:status).and_return(400) allow(response).to receive(:success?).and_return(false) expect(client).to receive(:head).with(resource.uri, false).and_return(response) expect { resource.exists? }.to raise_error { |e| expect(e).to be_a Springboard::Client::RequestFailed expect(e.response).to be === response expect(e.message).to eq("Request during call to 'exists?' resulted in non-404 error.") } end end describe "empty?" do it "should return true if the resource has a count of zero" do allow(resource).to receive(:count).and_return 0 expect(resource.empty?).to be === true end it "should return false if the resource has a count greater than zero" do allow(resource).to receive(:count).and_return 10 expect(resource.empty?).to be === false end end end end