require_relative '../spec_helper' describe Bogus::CopiesClasses do module SampleMethods def foo end def bar(x) end def baz(x, *y) end def bam(opts = {}) end def baa(x, &block) end end shared_examples_for 'the copied class' do it "copies methods with no arguments" do subject.should respond_to(:foo) end it "copies methods with explicit arguments" do subject.should respond_to(:bar) subject.method(:bar).arity.should == 1'hello') end it "copies methods with variable arguments" do subject.should respond_to(:baz) subject.baz('hello', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz') end it "copies methods with default arguments" do subject.should respond_to(:bam) subject.bam subject.bam(hello: 'world') end it "copies methods with block arguments" do subject.should respond_to(:baa) subject.baa('hello') subject.baa('hello') {} end it "makes the methods chainable" do'hello').baz('hello', 'world', 'foo').bam.baa('foo') end end let(:method_stringifier) { } let(:copies_classes) { } let(:fake_class) { copies_classes.copy(klass) } let(:fake) { } class FooWithInstanceMethods include SampleMethods end context "instance methods" do let(:klass) { FooWithInstanceMethods } subject{ fake } it_behaves_like 'the copied class' end context "constructors" do let(:klass) { do def initialize(hello) end end } it "adds a constructor that allows passing any number of arguments" do'hello', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd') { test } end end class ClassWithClassMethods extend SampleMethods end context "class methods" do let(:klass) { ClassWithClassMethods } subject{ fake_class } it_behaves_like 'the copied class' end context "identification" do module SomeModule class SomeClass end end let(:klass) { SomeModule::SomeClass } it "should copy the class name" do == 'SomeModule::SomeClass' end it "should override kind_of?" do fake.should be_kind_of(SomeModule::SomeClass) end it "should override instance_of?" do fake.should be_instance_of(SomeModule::SomeClass) end it "should override is_a?" do fake.should be_a(SomeModule::SomeClass) end it "should include class name in the output of fake's class #to_s" do fake.class.to_s.should include( end it "should include class name in the output of fake's #to_s" do fake.to_s.should include( end # TODO it "should override kind_of?/instance_of? for base classes of copied class" it "should override kind_of? for modules included into copied class" end shared_examples_for 'spying' do def should_record(method, *args) mock(subject).__record__(method, *args) subject.send(method, *args) end it "records method calls with no arguments" do should_record(:foo) end it "records method calls with explicit arguments" do should_record(:bar, 'hello') end it "records method calls with variable arguments" do should_record(:baz, 'hello', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz') end it "records method calls with default arguments" do should_record(:bam, hello: 'world') end end context "spying on an instance" do let(:klass) { FooWithInstanceMethods } subject{ fake } include_examples 'spying' end context "spying on copied class" do let(:klass) { ClassWithClassMethods } subject { fake_class } include_examples 'spying' end class SomeModel def save(*) # ignores arguments end end context "copying classes with methods with nameless parameters" do let(:klass) { SomeModel } it "copies those methods" do fake.should respond_to(:save) end end end