#!/usr/bin/env ruby $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib")) require 'braid' require 'rubygems' require 'main' Home = File.expand_path(ENV['HOME'] || '~') # mostly blantantly stolen from ara's punch script # main kicks ass! Main { description <<-TXT braid is a simple tool to help track git or svn repositories inside a git repository. Run 'braid help commandname' for more details. All operations will be executed in the braid/track branch. You can then merge back or cherry-pick changes. TXT mode(:add) { description <<-TXT Add a new mirror to be tracked. * adds metadata about the mirror to .braids * adds the git or git svn remotes to .git/config * fetches and merges remote code into given directory --type defaults: * svn://path # => svn * git://path # => git * http://path/trunk # => svn * http://path.git # => git Name defaults: * remote/path # => path * remote/path/trunk # => path * remote/path.git # => path TXT examples <<-TXT . braid add svn://remote/path . braid add svn://remote/path local/dir . braid add git://remote/path local/dir . braid add http://remote/path.git local/dir . braid add http://remote/path --type git local/dir . braid add svn://remote/path --branch notmaster TXT mixin :argument_url, :option_type, :optional_path, :option_branch, :option_rails_plugin, :option_revision, :option_full, :option_verbose run { Braid::Operations::VERBOSE = verbose Braid::Command.run(:add, url, { "type" => type, "path" => path, "branch" => branch, "rails_plugin" => rails_plugin, "revision" => revision, "full" => full }) } } mode(:update) { description <<-TXT Update a braid mirror. * get new changes from remote * always creates a merge commit * updates metadata in .braids when revisions are changed Defaults to updating all unlocked mirrors if none is specified. TXT examples <<-TXT . braid update . braid update local/dir TXT mixin :optional_path, :option_revision, :option_head, :option_safe, :option_verbose run { Braid::Operations::VERBOSE = verbose Braid::Command.run(:update, path, { "revision" => revision, "head" => head , "safe" => safe }) } } mode(:remove) { description <<-TXT Remove a mirror. * removes metadata from .braids * removes the local directory and commits the removal * does NOT remove the git and git svn remotes in case you still need them around TXT examples <<-TXT . braid remove local/dir TXT mixin :argument_path, :option_verbose run { Braid::Operations::VERBOSE = verbose Braid::Command.run(:remove, path) } } mode(:setup) { description <<-TXT Set up git and git-svn remotes. TXT examples <<-TXT . braid setup local/dir TXT mixin :optional_path, :option_verbose run { Braid::Operations::VERBOSE = verbose Braid::Command.run(:setup, path) } } mode(:diff) { description <<-TXT Show diff of local changes to mirror. TXT examples <<-TXT . braid diff local/dir TXT mixin :argument_path, :option_verbose run { Braid::Operations::VERBOSE = verbose Braid::Command.run(:diff, path) } } mode(:version) { description 'Show braid version.' run { puts "braid #{Braid::VERSION}" } } mixin(:argument_path) { argument(:path) { attr } } mixin(:optional_path) { argument(:path) { optional attr } } mixin(:argument_url) { argument(:url) { attr } } mixin(:option_type) { option(:type, :t) { optional argument :required desc 'mirror type' attr } } mixin(:option_branch) { option(:branch, :b) { optional argument :required desc 'remote branch name' attr } } mixin(:option_rails_plugin) { option(:rails_plugin, :p) { optional desc 'added mirror is a Rails plugin' attr } } mixin(:option_revision) { option(:revision, :r) { optional argument :required desc 'revision to track' attr } } mixin(:option_head) { option(:head) { optional desc 'mirror head' attr } } mixin(:option_full) { option(:full) { optional desc 'include mirror history' # FIXME attr } } mixin(:option_safe) { option(:safe) { optional desc 'safe on merge errors' attr } } mixin(:option_verbose) { option(:verbose, :v) { optional desc 'log shell commands' attr } } run { help! } }