# frozen_string_literal: true module MessagePack class Timestamp # a.k.a. "TimeSpec" # Because the byte-order of MessagePack is big-endian in, # pack() and unpack() specifies ">". # See https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/trunk/Array.html#method-i-pack for details. # The timestamp extension type defined in the MessagePack spec. # See https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md#timestamp-extension-type for details. TYPE = -1 TIMESTAMP32_MAX_SEC = (1 << 32) - 1 TIMESTAMP64_MAX_SEC = (1 << 34) - 1 # @return [Integer] attr_reader :sec # @return [Integer] attr_reader :nsec # @param [Integer] sec # @param [Integer] nsec def initialize(sec, nsec) @sec = sec @nsec = nsec end def self.from_msgpack_ext(data) case data.length when 4 # timestamp32 (sec: uint32be) sec, = data.unpack('L>') new(sec, 0) when 8 # timestamp64 (nsec: uint30be, sec: uint34be) n, s = data.unpack('L>2') sec = ((n & 0b11) << 32) | s nsec = n >> 2 new(sec, nsec) when 12 # timestam96 (nsec: uint32be, sec: int64be) nsec, sec = data.unpack('L>q>') new(sec, nsec) else raise MalformedFormatError, "Invalid timestamp data size: #{data.length}" end end def self.to_msgpack_ext(sec, nsec) if sec >= 0 && nsec >= 0 && sec <= TIMESTAMP64_MAX_SEC if nsec === 0 && sec <= TIMESTAMP32_MAX_SEC # timestamp32 = (sec: uint32be) [sec].pack('L>') else # timestamp64 (nsec: uint30be, sec: uint34be) nsec30 = nsec << 2 sec_high2 = sec << 32 # high 2 bits (`x & 0b11` is redandunt) sec_low32 = sec & 0xffffffff # low 32 bits [nsec30 | sec_high2, sec_low32].pack('L>2') end else # timestamp96 (nsec: uint32be, sec: int64be) [nsec, sec].pack('L>q>') end end def to_msgpack_ext self.class.to_msgpack_ext(sec, nsec) end def ==(other) other.class == self.class && sec == other.sec && nsec == other.nsec end end end