# frozen_string_literal: true require 'cucumber/core/test/location' module Cucumber::Core::Test RSpec::Matchers.define :be_included_in do |expected| match do |actual| expected.include? actual end end describe Location do let(:line) { 12 } let(:file) { "foo.feature" } describe "equality" do it "is equal to another Location on the same line of the same file" do one_location = Location.new(file, line) another_location = Location.new(file, line) expect( one_location ).to eq another_location end it "is not equal to a wild card of the same file" do expect( Location.new(file, line) ).not_to eq Location.new(file) end context "collections of locations" do it "behave as expected with uniq" do unique_collection = [Location.new(file, line), Location.new(file, line)].uniq expect( unique_collection ).to eq [Location.new(file, line)] end end end describe "to_s" do it "is file:line for a precise location" do expect( Location.new("foo.feature", 12).to_s ).to eq "foo.feature:12" end it "is file for a wildcard location" do expect( Location.new("foo.feature").to_s ).to eq "foo.feature" end it "is file:first_line..last_line for a ranged location" do expect( Location.new("foo.feature", 13..19).to_s ).to eq "foo.feature:13..19" end it "is file:line:line:line for an arbitrary set of lines" do expect( Location.new("foo.feature", [1,3,5]).to_s ).to eq "foo.feature:1:3:5" end end describe "matches" do let(:matching) { Location.new(file, line) } let(:same_file_other_line) { Location.new(file, double) } let(:not_matching) { Location.new(other_file, line) } let(:other_file) { double } context 'a precise location' do let(:precise) { Location.new(file, line) } it "matches a precise location of the same file and line" do expect( matching ).to be_match(precise) end it "does not match a precise location on a different line in the same file" do expect( matching ).not_to be_match(same_file_other_line) end end context 'a wildcard' do let(:wildcard) { Location.new(file) } it "matches any location with the same filename" do expect( wildcard ).to be_match(matching) end it "is matched by any location of the same file" do expect( matching ).to be_match(wildcard) end it "does not match a location in a different file" do expect( wildcard ).not_to be_match(not_matching) end end end describe "created from source location" do context "when the location is in the tree below pwd" do it "create a relative path from pwd" do expect( Location.from_source_location(Dir.pwd + "/path/file.rb", 1).file ).to eq "path/file.rb" end end context "when the location is in an installed gem" do it "create a relative path from the gem directory" do expect( Location.from_source_location("/path/gems/gem-name/path/file.rb", 1).file ).to eq "gem-name/path/file.rb" end end context "when the location is neither below pwd nor in an installed gem" do it "use the absolute path to the file" do # Use File.expand on expectation to ensure tests work on multiple platform. # On Windows, it will return "C:/path/file.rb" as an absolute path while it will return "/path/file.rb" on Linux. expect( Location.from_source_location("/path/file.rb", 1).file ).to eq File.expand_path("/path/file.rb") end end end describe "created from file-colon-line" do it "handles also Windows paths" do # Note: running this test on Windows will produce "c:/path/file.rb", but "c:\path\file.rb" on Linux. expect( Location.from_file_colon_line("c:\\path\\file.rb:123").file ).to match(/c:(\\|\/)path(\\|\/)file.rb/) end end describe "created of caller" do it "use the location of the caller" do expect( Location.of_caller.to_s ).to be_included_in caller[0] end context "when specifying additional caller depth"do it "use the location of the n:th caller" do expect( Location.of_caller(1).to_s ).to be_included_in caller[1] end end end end end