require "cgi" module Cinch module Plugins class Trellolistener include Cinch::Plugin set :plugin_name, 'trellolistener' listen_to :http_trellolistener def listen(m, json) hash = Yajl::Parser.parse(URI.unescape(json)) # bot.loggers.debug(hash.inspect) if @bot.config.options['cogconf']['trello'] msg =['action']) output = msg.output if msg.notfound puts "------------- not yet implemented: #{hash['action']['type']} ------" bot.loggers.debug(json) puts "---------------------------------------------------" return end @bot.config.options['cogconf']['trello']['announce'].each do |announce| if msg.board == announce['board'] channel = announce['channel'] Channel(channel).send(msg.output) end end end end end end end module Cinch module Plugins class TrelloMessage attr_reader :notfound def initialize(action) @creator = action['memberCreator']['username'] @member = action['member']['username'] if action['member'] @data = action['data'] @type = action['type'] @card = @data['card']['name'] ? truncate(@data['card']['name']) : @data['card']['id'] @notfound = false end def format(*args) Cinch::Formatting.format(*args) end def board @data['board']['name'] end def invalidate @notfound = true end def output if self.respond_to?(@type.to_sym) "%s %s %s %s" % [ format(:yellow, "[%s]" % board), format(:aqua, @creator), self.send(@type.to_sym), format(:grey, "(%s)" % trellolink) ] else invalidate end end def trellolink "{@data['card']['shortLink']}" end def addMemberToBoard "added %s to board" % [ format(:aqua, @member) ] end def removeMemberFromBoard "removed %s from board" % [ format(:aqua, @member) ] end def createList "created new column %s" % [ format(:orange, @data['list']['name']) ] end def updateList "changed column name %s to %s" % [ format(:orange, @data['old']['name']), format(:yellow, @data['list']['name']) ] end def createCard "created \"%s\" in %s" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['list']['name']) ] end def deleteCard "deleted \"%s\" from %s" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['list']['name']) ] end def addMemberToCard "added %s to \"%s\"" % [ format(:aqua, @member), @card ] end def removeMemberFromCard "removed %s from \"%s\"" % [ format(:aqua, @member), @card ] end def updateCard if @data['old'] if @data['listAfter'] updateCard_moved elsif @data['old']['desc'] updateCard_changed elsif @data['old']['closed'] != nil if @data['card']['closed'] updateCard_archived else updateCard_restored end elsif @data['old'].has_key? 'due' if @data['card']['due'] && @data['old']['due'] updateCard_changedate elsif @data['card']['due'] updateCard_setdate else updateCard_removedate end else invalidate end else invalidate end end def updateCard_moved "moved \"%s\" from %s to %s" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['listBefore']['name']), format(:orange, @data['listAfter']['name']) ] end def updateCard_changed "changed desc on \"%s\" in %s to \"%s\"" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['list']['name']), truncate(@data['card']['desc']) ] end def updateCard_archived "archived \"%s\" from %s" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['list']['name']) ] end def updateCard_restored "restored \"%s\" in %s" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['list']['name']) ] end def updateCard_changedate "changed date on \"%s\" in %s, from %s to %s" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['list']['name']), format(:yellow, format_date(@data['card']['due'])), format(:yellow, format_date(@data['old']['due'])) ] end def updateCard_setdate "set date on \"%s\" in %s, to %s" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['list']['name']), format(:yellow, format_date(@data['card']['due'])) ] end def updateCard_removedate "removed date on \"%s\" in %s, was \"%s\"" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['list']['name']), format(:yellow, format_date(@data['old']['due'])) ] end def voteOnCard "voted on card \"%s\"" % [ @card ] end def addLabelToCard "labelled \"%s\" as %s" % [ @card, format(:green, @data['label']['name']) ] end def removeLabelFromCard "unlabelled \"%s\" as %s" % [ @card, format(:grey, @data['label']['name']) ] end def updateLabel if @data['old'] if @data['old']['name'] "changed label name \"%s\" to \"%s\"" % [ format(:orange, @data['old']['name']), format(:yellow, @data['label']['name']) ] elsif @data['old']['color'] "changed label \"%s\" color from %s to %s" % [ format(:green, @data['label']['name']), format(:orange, @data['old']['color']), format(:yellow, @data['label']['color']) ] else invalidate end else invalidate end end def commentCard "commented on \"%s\" in %s: %s" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['list']['name']), truncate(@data['text']) ] end def updateComment "updated comment on \"%s\" in %s: %s" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['list']['name']), truncate(@data['text']) ] end def deleteComment "deleted comment on \"%s\" in %s" % [ @card, format(:orange, @data['list']['name']), ] end def addChecklistToCard "added checklist \"%s\" on \"%s\"" % [ @data['checklist']['name'], @card ] end def updateChecklist "changed checklist \"%s\" to \"%s\"" % [ @data['checkItem']['name'], @data['old']['name'] ] end def createCheckItem "added \"%s\" in checklist \"%s\" on \"%s\"" % [ @data['checkItem']['name'], @data['checklist']['name'], @card ] end def updateCheckItem "changed \"%s\" in checklist \"%s\" to \"%s\" on \"%s\"" % [ @data['old']['name'], @data['checklist']['name'], @data['checkItem']['name'], @card ] end def updateCheckItemStateOnCard "changed state of \"%s\" in \"%s\" to %s on \"%s\"" % [ @data['checkItem']['name'], @data['checklist']['name'], format(:yellow, @data['checkItem']['state']), @card ] end def moveCardFromBoard "moved card \"%s\" to board %s" % [ @card, format(:yellow, "[%s]" % @data['boardTarget']['name']) ] end private def format_date(time) Date.parse(time).strftime("%a %-d %b") end def truncate(content, limit=50) message = '' words = content.gsub(/[\s\n]+/," ").split(" ") while words.count > 0 word = words.shift if (message.size + word.size + 2) > limit message << ' …' words.clear else message << " #{word}" end end message.strip end end end end