module Docman class YamlExecuteCmd < Docman::Command register_command :yaml_execute def validate_command raise "Please provide 'context'" if @context.nil? raise "Context should be of type 'Info'" unless @context.is_a? Docman::Info raise "Both file & inline could not be se for this command" if self['yaml_file_name'] && self['inline'] end before_execute do self['source_type'] = 'inline' if self['source_type'].nil? end def execute with_logging('yaml_execute') do Dir.chdir @context['full_build_path'] if self['environments'].nil? || self['environments'] == 'all' || self['environments'].include?(@context.environment_name) if self['providers'].nil? || self['providers'] == 'all' || self['providers'].include?(@context['provider']) commands = nil if self['source_type'] == 'file' yaml_file_name = self['yaml_file_name'].nil? ? '{unipipe,.unipipe,drupipe,.drupipe,build,.build}.{yaml,yml}' : self['yaml_file_name'] build_file = Dir.glob([File.join(@context['docroot_config'].config_dir, yaml_file_name), File.join(@context['full_build_path'], yaml_file_name)]).first if not build_file.nil? build_file_yaml = YAML::load_file(build_file) commands = build_file_yaml[self['stage']] source = yaml_file_name end end if self['source_type'] == 'inline' commands = self['commands'] source = 'inline' end unless commands.nil? commands.each do |cmd| "Execute from #{source}: #{cmd}" `#{cmd}` if $?.exitstatus > 0 raise "Command #{cmd} was failed" end end end end end end end end end