require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../../spec_helper.rb")) describe Mongoid::Document do before do @collection = stub(:name => "people") @database = stub(:collection => @collection) Mongoid.stubs(:database).returns(@database) end after do Person.instance_variable_set(:@collection, nil) @database = nil @collection = nil end describe "#==" do context "when other object is a Document" do context "when attributes are equal" do before do @document = => 1, :title => "Sir") @other = => 1, :title => "Sir") end it "returns true" do @document.should == @other end end context "when attributes are not equal" do before do @document = => "Sir") @other = => "Madam") end it "returns false" do @document.should_not == @other end end end context "when other object is not a Document" do it "returns false" do"Test").should be_false end end end describe "#clone" do before do @comment = => "Woooooo") @clone = @comment.clone end it "returns a new document sans id and versions" do == @clone.versions.should be_empty end end describe ".collection" do before do @person = end it "sets the collection name to the class pluralized" do == "people" end context "when document is embedded" do before do @address = end it "returns nil" do Address.collection.should be_nil end end end describe ".defaults" do it "returns a hash of all the default values" do Game.defaults.should == { "high_score" => 500, "score" => 0 } end end describe "#defaults" do before do @game = end it "returns the class defaults" do @game.defaults.should == { "high_score" => 500, "score" => 0 } end end describe ".embedded?" do context "when the document is embedded" do it "returns true" do Address.embedded?.should be_true end end context "when the document is not embedded" do it "returns false" do Person.embedded?.should be_false end end end describe "#embedded?" do context "when the document is embedded" do it "returns true" do address = address.embedded?.should be_true end end context "when the document is not embedded" do it "returns false" do person = person.embedded?.should be_false end end end describe ".field" do context "with no options" do before do Person.field(:testing) end it "adds a reader for the fields defined" do @person = => "Test") @person.testing.should == "Test" end it "adds a writer for the fields defined" do @person = => "Test") @person.testing = "Testy" @person.testing.should == "Testy" end end context "when type is an object" do before do @person = @drink = => "Jack and Coke") @person.mixed_drink = @drink end it "allows proper access to the object" do @person.mixed_drink.should == @drink @person.attributes[:mixed_drink].except(:_id).should == { "name" => "Jack and Coke" } end end end describe ".human_name" do it "returns the class name underscored and humanized" do MixedDrink.human_name.should == "Mixed drink" end end describe "#_id" do before do @person = end it "delegates to #id" do @person._id.should == end end describe ".index" do context "when unique options are not provided" do it "delegates to collection with unique => false" do @collection.expects(:create_index).with(:title, :unique => false) Person.index :title end end context "when unique option is provided" do it "delegates to collection with unique option" do @collection.expects(:create_index).with(:title, :unique => true) Person.index :title, :unique => true end end end describe ".instantiate" do context "when document is new" do before do @attributes = { :_id => "1", :title => "Sir", :age => 30 } @person = end it "sets the attributes directly" do Person.instantiate(@attributes).should == @person end end context "when document is not new" do before do @attributes = { :title => "Sir", :age => 30 } @person = end it "instantiates normally" do Person.instantiate(@attributes).id.should_not be_nil end end end describe ".key" do context "when key is single field" do before do Address.key :street @address = => "Testing Street Name") @address.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:save) end it "adds the callback for primary key generation" do == "testing-street-name" end end context "when key is composite" do before do Address.key :street, :post_code @address = => "Testing Street Name", :post_code => "94123") @address.expects(:collection).returns(@collection) @collection.expects(:save) end it "combines all fields" do == "testing-street-name-94123" end end end describe "#new" do context "with no attributes" do it "sets default attributes" do person = person.attributes.empty?.should be_false person.age.should == 100 end end context "with attributes" do before do @attributes = { :_id => "1", :title => "value", :age => "30", :terms => "true", :name => { :_id => "2", :first_name => "Test", :last_name => "User" }, :addresses => [ { :_id => "3", :street => "First Street" }, { :_id => "4", :street => "Second Street" } ] } end it "sets the attributes hash on the object properly casted" do person = person.attributes[:age].should == 30 person.attributes[:terms].should be_true end end context "with a primary key" do context "when the value for the key exists" do before do Address.key :street @address = => "Test") end it "sets the primary key" do == "test" end end end end describe "#new_record?" do context "when the object has been saved" do before do @person = => "1") end it "returns false" do @person.new_record?.should be_false end end context "when the object has not been saved" do before do @person = end it "returns true" do @person.new_record?.should be_true end end end describe "#parent" do before do @attributes = { :title => "Sir", :addresses => [ { :street => "Street 1" }, { :street => "Street 2" } ] } @person = end context "when document is embedded" do it "returns the parent document" do @person.addresses.first.parent.should == @person end end context "when document is root" do it "returns nil" do @person.parent.should be_nil end end end describe "#parentize" do before do @parent = @child = end it "sets the parent on each element" do @child.parentize(@parent, :child) @child.parent.should == @parent end end describe "#read_attribute" do context "when attribute does not exist" do before do @person = end it "returns the default value" do @person.age.should == 100 end end end describe "#reload" do before do @attributes = { "title" => "Herr" } @person = => @collection.expects(:find_one).with(:_id => end it "reloads the object attribtues from the database" do @person.reload @person.attributes.should == @attributes end end describe "#root" do before do @person = => "Mr") @phone_number = => "415-555-1212") @country_code = => 1) @phone_number.country_code = @country_code @person.phone_numbers << @phone_number end context "when document is the root" do it "returns self" do @person.root.should == @person end end context "when document is embedded one level" do it "returns the parent" do @phone_number.root.should == @person end end context "when document is embedded multiple levels" do it "returns the top level parent" do @country_code.root.should == @person end end end describe "#to_param" do it "returns the id" do id = => id).to_param.should == id.to_s end end describe "#write_attribute" do context "when attribute does not exist" do before do @person = end it "returns the default value" do @person.age = nil @person.age.should == 100 end end context "when field has a default value" do before do @person = end it "should allow overwriting of the default value" do @person.terms = true @person.terms.should be_true end end end describe "#write_attributes" do context "typecasting" do before do @person = @attributes = { :age => "50" } end it "properly casts values" do @person.write_attributes(@attributes) @person.age.should == 50 end end context "on a parent document" do context "when the parent has a has many through a has one" do before do @owner = => "Mr") @pet = => "Fido") = @pet @vet_visit = => @pet.vet_visits = [@vet_visit] end it "does not overwrite child attributes if not in the hash" do @owner.write_attributes({ :pet => { :name => "Bingo" } }) == "Bingo" == 1 end end end context "on a child document" do context "when child is part of a has one" do before do @person = => "Sir", :age => 30) @name = => "Test", :last_name => "User") = @name end it "sets the child attributes on the parent" do @name.write_attributes(:first_name => "Test2", :last_name => "User2") @person.attributes[:name].should == { "_id" => "test-user", "first_name" => "Test2", "last_name" => "User2" } end end context "when child is part of a has many" do before do @person = => "Sir") @address = => "Test") @person.addresses << @address end it "updates the child attributes on the parent" do @address.write_attributes("street" => "Test2") @person.attributes[:addresses].should == [ { "_id" => "test", "street" => "Test2" } ] end end end end context "validations" do context "when defining using macros" do after do Person.validations.clear end describe "#validates_acceptance_of" do it "adds the acceptance validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_acceptance_of :terms end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesAcceptanceOf) end end describe "#validates_associated" do it "adds the associated validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_associated :name end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesAssociated) end end describe "#validates_format_of" do it "adds the format validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_format_of :title, :with => /[A-Za-z]/ end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesFormatOf) end end describe "#validates_length_of" do it "adds the length validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_length_of :title, :minimum => 10 end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesLengthOf) end end describe "#validates_numericality_of" do it "adds the numericality validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_numericality_of :age end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesNumericalityOf) end end describe "#validates_presence_of" do it "adds the presence validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_presence_of :title end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesPresenceOf) end end describe "#validates_uniqueness_of" do it "adds the uniqueness validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_uniqueness_of :title end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesUniquenessOf) end end describe "#validates_inclusion_of" do it "adds the inclusion validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_inclusion_of :title, :within => ["test"] end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesInclusionOf) end end describe "#validates_exclusion_of" do it "adds the exclusion validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_exclusion_of :title, :within => ["test"] end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesExclusionOf) end end describe "#validates_true_for" do it "adds the true validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_true_for :title, :logic => lambda { title == "Esquire" } end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesTrueFor) end end end context "when running validations" do before do @person = end after do Person.validations.clear end describe "#validates_acceptance_of" do it "fails if field not accepted" do Person.class_eval do validates_acceptance_of :terms end @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:terms).should_not be_nil end end describe "#validates_associated" do context "when association is a has_many" do it "fails when any association fails validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_associated :addresses end Address.class_eval do validates_presence_of :street end @person.addresses << @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:addresses).should_not be_nil end end context "when association is a has_one" do it "fails when the association fails validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_associated :name end Name.class_eval do validates_presence_of :first_name end = @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:name).should_not be_nil end end end describe "#validates_format_of" do it "fails if the field is in the wrong format" do Person.class_eval do validates_format_of :title, :with => /[A-Za-z]/ end @person.title = 10 @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:title).should_not be_nil end end describe "#validates_length_of" do it "fails if the field is the wrong length" do Person.class_eval do validates_length_of :title, :minimum => 10 end @person.title = "Testing" @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:title).should_not be_nil end end describe "#validates_numericality_of" do it "fails if the field is not a number" do Person.class_eval do validates_numericality_of :age end @person.age = "foo" @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:age).should_not be_nil end end describe "#validates_presence_of" do it "fails if the field is nil" do Person.class_eval do validates_presence_of :title end @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:title).should_not be_nil end end describe "#validates_true_for" do it "fails if the logic returns false" do Person.class_eval do validates_true_for :title, :logic => lambda { title == "Esquire" } end @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:title).should_not be_nil end end end end end