# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 2. begin require 'MeCab' $have_mecab = true rescue LoadError $have_mecab = false end $LOAD_PATH.unshift '..' unless $LOAD_PATH.include? '..' module Qwik class Action D_PluginKeywords = { :dt => 'Show keywords plugin', :dd => 'You can see the list of keywords of the page.', :dc => "* Example You see the keyword list of FrontPage. {{keywords}} {{keywords}} You see the keyword list of TextFormat. {{keywords(TextFormat)}} {{keywords(TextFormat)}} \'\'\'Warning:\'\'\' This plugin works only for Japanese document. " } D_PluginKeywords_ja = { :dt => 'キーワード表示プラグイン', :dd => 'ページ内のキーワードの一覧が表示されます。', :dc => "* 例 FrontPageのキーワード一覧が表示されます。 {{keywords}} {{keywords}} TextFormatページの一覧が表示されます。 {{keywords(TextFormat)}} {{keywords(TextFormat)}} " } CLOUD_BASE_FONT_SIZE = 12 CLOUD_MAX_FONT_SIZE = 40 def plg_keywords(pagename=@req.base) return "no mecab" if ! $have_mecab page = @site[pagename] return if page.nil? content = page.get nodes = Action.nodes_get(content) hash = Hash.new { 0 } nodes.each {|surface, feature| hash[surface] += 1 } w = hash.keys.sort.map {|surface| num = Math.sqrt(hash[surface]) * CLOUD_BASE_FONT_SIZE num = CLOUD_MAX_FONT_SIZE if CLOUD_MAX_FONT_SIZE < num fontsize = "%.2fpx" % num href = "#{surface.escape}.search" [:a, {:style=>"font-size:#{fontsize};", :href=>href}, surface] } return [:div, {:class=>'keywords'}, *w] end PATTERN_SJIS = '[\x81-\x9f\xe0-\xef][\x40-\x7e\x80-\xfc]' PATTERN_EUC = '[\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe]' RE_SJIS = Regexp.new(PATTERN_SJIS, 0, 'n') RE_EUC = Regexp.new(PATTERN_EUC, 0, 'n') HIRAGANA = "[ぁ-んー~]" KANJI = "[亜-瑤]" def self.nodes_get(content) content.set_sjis euc_content = content.to_euc tagger = MeCab::Tagger.new([$0]) n = tagger.parseToNode(euc_content) nodes = [] while n.hasNode != 0 surface = n.getSurface.set_euc.to_sjis feature = n.getFeature.set_euc.to_sjis if ! surface.empty? && RE_SJIS =~ surface && /\A([ぁ-んー~]+)\z/s !~ surface && /\A[.-→、。]/s !~ surface && /\A[,←]/s !~ surface # /\A[ 0-9→「」()、。]/s !~ surface nodes << [surface, feature] end n = n.next end return nodes end end end if $0 == __FILE__ require 'qwik/test-common' $test = true $KCODE = 's' end if defined?($test) && $test class TestAction < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestSession def test_keywords c = Qwik::Action # eq ["あ"], c.nodes_get("あ") # eq ["これ", "は", "テスト", "です", "。"], # c.nodes_get("これはテストです。") # eq ["今日", "も", "し", "ない", "と", "ね"], # c.nodes_get("今日もしないとね") # eq ["太郎", "は", "この", "本", "を", "二郎", "を", "見", "た", # "女性", "に", "渡し", "た", "。"], # c.nodes_get("太郎はこの本を二郎を見た女性に渡した。") end def test_plg_keywords return unless $have_mecab page = @site.create('2') page.store("字") ok_wi [:div, {:class=>"keywords"}, [:a, {:style=>"font-size:12.00px;", :href=>"%8E%9A.search"}, "字"]], "{{keywords(2)}}" end end end