module Fancygrid class Column < Fancygrid::Node # The column position in table. attr_accessor :position # The column width. attr_accessor :width # If true, this column is not rendered. attr_accessor :hidden # If true, a search field is then rendered for this column. attr_accessor :searchable # The current search value for this column. attr_accessor :search_value # The current search operator for this column. attr_accessor :search_operator # The possible search options for this column. attr_accessor :search_options # If true, this column is treated as a database column. # SQL queries may use the columns name for SELECT statements. attr_accessor :selectable # If true, the root node has a formatter method for this column. attr_accessor :formatable # Value resolver proc for this column. attr_accessor :value_proc def initialize(parent, name, options = {}) super(parent, name, options) @position = options.fetch(:position, 0) @width = options.fetch(:width, nil) @hidden = options.fetch(:hidden, false) self.visible = options.fetch(:visible, self.visible) @searchable = options.fetch(:searchable, false) @search_value = options.fetch(:search_value, nil) @search_operator = options.fetch(:search_operator, nil) @search_options = options.fetch(:search_options, nil) @selectable = options.fetch(:selectable, false) @value_proc = options.fetch(:value_proc, nil) @human_name = options.fetch(:human_name, nil) @formatable = self.root.respond_to?(self.formatter_method) end # Gets a value indicating whether this column is visible # and should be rendered or not. # def visible !@hidden end # Sets a value indication whether this column is visible # and should be rendered or not. # def visible=(value) @hidden = !value end # Gets the current sort order for this column. # def sort_order self.root.view_state.column_order(self) end # Gets the method name that is send to the root node # to format the value of a column cell # def formatter_method @formatter_method or @formatter_method = "format_" + self.identifier.gsub(".", "_") end # Gets the column identifier. # This is the #table_name and #name joined with a '.' (dot) # def identifier @identifier or @identifier = [self.table_name,].join('.') end # Gets a whitespace separated string that is used as css class # for the table column. The string contains the #table_name # and the #name of this column. # def tag_class @tag_class or @tag_class = self.identifier.split(".").join(" ") end # Gets the internationalization lookup path for this column. # def i18n_path @i18n_path or @i18n_path = [Fancygrid.i18n_scope, :tables, self.name_chain].join(".") end # Gets the default human name for this column # def default_human_name result = if self.resource_class.respond_to? :human_attribute_name self.resource_class.human_attribute_name(, :default => result) else result end end # Gets the internationalized, human readable name for this column. # def human_name @human_name or @human_name = I18n.t(self.i18n_path, :default => default_human_name) end # Fetches a value from given record. # def fetch_value record if self.value_proc return else chain = self.name_chain.split(".") chain.shift value = record while token = chain.shift value = (value.respond_to?(token) ? value.send(token) : nil) return nil if value.nil? end return value end end # Fetches a value from given record and tries to apply # the format method # def fetch_value_and_format record value = fetch_value(record) value = self.root.send(self.formatter_method, value) if self.formatable return value end # Adds this column to the given collection # def collect_columns collection collection << self end protected def add_child(node) raise "columns can not have child elements" end end end