  - App.config
  - before_initialize hooks
  - after_initialize hooks

  - Use Journey directly from ActionDispatch, since rails/journey is obsolete
  - Fix indifferent nested params
  - Make helpers accessible inside namespaces
  - Fix namespaces inheritance behaviour

  - Fallback to Tilt 1.4.1 since 2.0.0 has conflicts with a lot
    of gems
  - Improved and fixed the outdated examples

  - Use Rails' Journey router as router to conquer the world and shorten
    the codebase

  - use latest Tilt (2.0.0)
  - get rid of silly Rack::Response hacks, write to body properly
  - Response#rewrite (body= aliases it for backward compatibility)
  - Refactor .run! implementation, prefer thin, webrik.
  - NYNY now ships with better_errors, which is only enabled in development
  - Fixed builder instanciation logic
  - removed benchmark script, since tilt dep version is not compatible with

  - File SystemStackError when accessing missing param (@holies)

  - Use Rack builder to shorten and simplify the code
  - Add support for namespaces by using the builder
  - Add ruby-prof as a development dependency
  - NYNY will return a Rack-like response on each request ([status, headers, body])
  - headers behave like a hash
  - cookies behave like a hash
  - added sprockets integration example
  - improved documentation
  - Fixed inheritance behaviour for App (routes, filters, helpers, middlewares
    will be passed down the inheritance chain)

  - Added support for templates

  - After blocks will now be evaluated even if the request was halted

  - Add ability to define helpers with a block
  - Remove benchmark folder, and create a single benchmark file which can be
    executed easily
  - Simplified and optimized routing logic
  - Fixed root path processing when a NYNY app is mounted
  - Added Rails interop example
  - Added session example
  - Added NYNY.root
  - Added NYNY.env
  - NYNY will not show exceptions in production env

  - Simplified and improved RouteSignature implementation
  - Simplified and improved RequestScope implementation
  - Made response object available in RequestScope
  - removed .use_protection! (the rack-protection middleware can be easily
    used manually)
  - added support for extensions (using .register, which works the same way as in sinatra)

  - Add rack to runtime deps (@etehtsea)

1.0.0 Initial release