- parlement changelog

== Version 0.13 ==

Better filtering. Periodical updating of visitors, subscribers and elements

* do not filter out the top element
* filtered elements are now only displayed as simple clickable >
* correction, no more showing the subscriptionLink even when it is not already
* lists didn't refer to the proper div id, resulting in the creation of
  infinitely nested div over time
* possibility to preview then modify, in two distinct steps
* visits, subscribers and elements lists updated every 10s
* lists only display elements whose rating is above the filter
* new feed icon, placed alongside the associated box title

== Version 0.12


* links
* i18n with gettext, english and french
* better blind up and down for login and logout
* better spam fighting against posts with numerous links

== Version 0.11

Most active forums presented first. Passage to rails 1.2

* Corrected a small javascript error displaying subscriptionLink
* last_activity field added to elts
* passage to rails 1.2
* removal of the guid plugin, now id are generated from internal data
* better anti spam check. Won't block on any url
* corrected person's page

== Version 0.10

Democratically moderated mails.

Elements are displayed on the web page or sent by mail when they reach a user
chosen voting threshold.

* one element threads are not automatically displayed anymore
* better spam fighting
* unsubscribe now also works when user is subscribed on a parent elt
* correcting a badly managed reply_to in mails
* setEmail and setPassword
* small threads automatically displayed (SUB_THREAD_LENGTH = 5)
* colored logs
* persistent cookies for authentication
* fighting the bacon spammer :-(
* easier rss auto discovery (html/head/link)
* moderated mails

== Version 0.9

Improved look, particularly the voting and writing part. Long posts and lists
now truncated. Permanent login. Positioned elements. Search form (through

* now asking to choose a pseudo
* focus now on the login box
* anonymous mails can also be received
* correcting personal page
* choices now on the right bottom side of elements
* elements can now be positioned
* new elements are directly placed under their parent
* long posts and lists only display their n first paragraphs or items
* google search form
* position text is hidden
* the >> link now more closely associated associated to the choices
* images for vote and write
* anonymous users now have a hidden subscription link
* login is permanent over browser sessions
* some font encoding corrections in mails

== Version 0.8

Users can now filter elements according to an acceptation's threshold

* icons >> now move the user to the opened panel
* correcting a bug concerning the preview
* filter (which reuses the close/open knobs)
* knobs now more proeminent

== Version 0.7


* avatar initial upload
* correcting an automatic elt id generation, now removing all non characters
* avatar upload, reception and emission by mail
* addition of a "people" page listing all current and past avatars
* logout now possible in text based browsers
* attachments now derive their id from their element's subject
* >> for one liners now better placed as floats
* going from pluging output_compress to output_compression

== Version 0.6

Voting using V and Λ buttons (picturing -1 and +1 values, down and up).
Clicking on an existing vote resets it (equivalent to a 0 vote).

Votes recorded and replicated as mails. Elements also listed by their approval
(rss feed available).

* elements are now acts_as_nested_set AND acts_as_tree
* list by date, dynamic and managing all sub elements
* rss now manages _all_ sub elements
* compress_output
* google analytics plugin
* visual_effect queues
* close or open elements and their sub elements
* optimisations
* voting on the web page
* logging in and out changes appropriately +1 and -1 votes
* element id now generated from element subject
* element body now cached
* some spam tests when creating a new element
* list by vote
* possibility to see individual votes when clicking on a vote result
* Correcting a painful "null character" mishandling when mail is quoted printable

== Version 0.5

Voting. Mails containing -1, 0 or +1 trigger a vote

* correct charset decoding when receiving a mail
* better ul li previews and proposals

== Version 0.4

Evolutions and corrections

* bug correction in the regexp managing title display
* bug managing incoming mails into the "lost+found" folder
* received mails are resent with the same id
* no more strange backgrounds in IE
* short lines (formatted lines in email for exemple), are now wrapped correctly
* permanent redirect header if an inexistant element is requested
* rails 1.1
* plugins now linked to their respective svn
* elements now in a list (ul/li)
* simplifications for w3m display
* yahoo and google footers now hidden

== Version 0.3

Major version, adding the possibility to use not only the web forums, but mails

* mailing list functionality!!!
* new look
* tests all pass
* rails 1.0
* plugin guid
* W3C xhtml 1.0 compliant

== Version 0.2


* Anonymous users doing a quick post (where the subject is not modified) will be marked as "anon"
* Each person has a public page listing its posts (this page can also be used to post...)
* Display the creation time for the most important posts

== Version 0.1

Initial release

* Simple threaded forum
* Optional registration