# == Schema Information # # Table name: mail_templates # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(255) # subject :string(255) # path :string(255) # format :string(255) default("html") # locale :string(255) # handler :string(255) default("liquid") # body :text # partial :boolean default(FALSE) # for_marketing :boolean default(FALSE) # layout :string(255) default("none") # zip_file :string(255) # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # class MailEngine::MailTemplate < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :create_by_upload mount_uploader :zip_file, MailEngine::ZipFileUploader validates :name, :path, :presence => true validates :subject, :presence => true, :if => Proc.new { |template| !template.partial? } validates :locale, :inclusion => I18n.available_locales.map(&:to_s) validates :format, :inclusion => Mime::SET.symbols.map(&:to_s) validates :layout, :presence => true, :if => Proc.new {|template| !template.partial? } validates :body, :presence => true, :if => Proc.new {|template| template.create_by_upload.blank? } validates :zip_file, :presence => true, :if => Proc.new {|template| template.create_by_upload.present? } validates :path, :format => { :with => /([^\/]+\/)+/i, :message => "path should looks like 'controller/action'" }, :if => Proc.new { |template| !template.for_marketing? } validates :path, :format => { :with => /^[a-z\_]+$/i, :message => "path should be consisted of english character and underscore." }, :if => Proc.new { |template| template.for_marketing? } # validates :handler, :inclusion => ActionView::Template::Handlers.extensions.map(&:to_s) validates_uniqueness_of :path, :scope => [:locale, :handler, :format, :partial] after_validation :check_placeholders_for_layout before_validation :check_zip_file, :if => Proc.new {|template| template.create_by_upload.present? } has_many :mail_schedules, :dependent => :nullify has_many :template_partials, :dependent => :destroy has_many :partials, :through => :template_partials has_many :mail_template_files # if self is partial, lookup back to mail templates. has_many :partial_users, :class_name => "TemplatePartial", :foreign_key => "partial_id" has_many :mail_templates, :through => :partial_users accepts_nested_attributes_for :template_partials, :allow_destroy => true scope :for_system, where(:for_marketing => false, :partial => false) scope :for_marketing, where(:for_marketing => true, :partial => false) scope :partial, where(:partial => true) scope :html, where(:format => 'html') scope :text, where(:format => 'text') after_create :process_zip_file before_save :delete_partials_if_new_partials_added after_save do # clear cached paths MailEngine::MailTemplateResolver.instance.clear_cache # update subject MailEngine::MailTemplate.update_all(["subject=?", self.subject], ["path = ? AND locale = ?", self.path, self.locale]) end # class methods class << self # get subject from other templates with same path def get_subject_from_bother_template(path, locale, for_marketing) return nil if path.blank? MailEngine::MailTemplate.where(:path => path, :locale => locale, :for_marketing => for_marketing, :partial => false).select("subject").first.try(:subject) end # import all mail template from exist system. # format like: views/user_mailer/index.en.html.erb def import_from_files!(mailer_name) mailer = mailer_name.classify.constantize raise "not a mailer or doesn't provide mailer." unless mailer.ancestors.include?(ActionMailer::Base) # prepare data mailer_actions = mailer.action_methods file_view_paths = mailer.view_paths.select {|path| path.is_a?(ActionView::FileSystemResolver)} available_formats = [:text, :html] available_handlers = [:erb, :liquid, :rhtml] available_locales = I18n.available_locales # collect all possible combinations search_envs = file_view_paths.product(mailer_actions, available_formats, available_handlers, available_locales) # [#, "notify_to_user", :text, :erb, :zh] search_envs.map { |resolver, action, format, handler, locale| template_files = resolver.find_all "#{mailer.to_s.underscore}/#{action}", {}, false, { :locale => Array.wrap(locale), :formats => Array.wrap(format), :handlers => Array.wrap(handler) } # file_path => app/views/user_mailer/notify.html.erb template_files.map do |file_path| template = MailEngine::MailTemplate.create( :name => "#{mailer.to_s.underscore}/#{action} - #{format}", :subject => "#{mailer.to_s.underscore}/#{action} - #{format}", :path => "#{mailer.to_s.underscore}/#{action}", :format => format.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :body => File.read(file_path.identifier) ) end }.compact.flatten.uniq # search_envs end def all_system_mailers mailer_path = File.join(Rails.root, "app", "mailers") mailers_found_on_system = `find #{mailer_path} -name *.rb`.split("\n") # remove mailer_path just show file names mailers_found_on_system.map {|mailer| mailer.sub(/^#{mailer_path}\//, '')} end end # detect if current partial template is used by other templates. def partial_in_use? self.partial? and self.mail_templates.count > 0 end # list the templates with same path, but different locale and format def variations(for_partial = false) all_variation_codes = I18n.available_locales.product([:html, :text]) current_existed_variations = existed_variations(for_partial) existed_variation_codes = current_existed_variations.map do |template| [template.locale.to_sym, template.format.to_sym] end missing_variations = (all_variation_codes - existed_variation_codes).map do |locale, format| MailEngine::MailTemplate.new :locale => locale.to_s, :format => format.to_s end missing_variations + current_existed_variations end def existed_variations for_partial = false self.class.where(:path => self.path, :partial => for_partial).order("locale, format") end def actual_path return "mail_engine/mail_dispatcher/#{self.path}" if self.for_marketing? self.path end # has_many :logs, :class_name => "MailEngine::MailLog", :conditions => {:mail_template_path => self.path} def logs MailEngine::MailLog.where(:mail_template_path => self.actual_path).order("id desc").limit(10) end # FIXME: if no changes just keep the same, it sill will remove the template partial and add a new one def delete_partials_if_new_partials_added if self.template_partials.detect {|tmp| !tmp.persisted? }.present? || self.layout == 'none' # has new partials selected MailEngine::TemplatePartial.destroy_all(:mail_template_id => self) # remove previous partials end end # if uploaded a zip file, check: # 1. only one html? # 2. has html def check_zip_file begin @extracted_files, @extraction_dir_path = MailEngine::ZipProcessor.extract_all_files(self.zip_file.path, %w{css jpg jpeg gif png html htm}) if @extracted_files.present? MailEngine::HtmlDocumentAssetsReplacer.check! @extracted_files if @extracted_files.present? else raise "Extract zip file failed or not zip file." end rescue => e errors.add(:file, e.message) end end # FIXME: remove the hostname def process_zip_file(hostname = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host] || "localhost:3000") return if @extracted_files.blank? self.update_attribute :body, MailEngine::HtmlDocumentAssetsReplacer.process(self, @extracted_files, hostname) # remove the tmp files system("rm -rf #{@extraction_dir_path}") end def check_placeholders_for_layout return if self.partial? if self.template_partials.detect{ |tmp| !tmp.persisted? }.present? || self.layout == 'none' self.template_partials.delete_if { |tmp| tmp.persisted? } end names = self.template_partials.map(&:placeholder_name) case self.layout when "none" errors.add(:partials, "should have no partials") unless names.blank? when "only_footer" errors.add(:partials, "should have footer partial") unless names.include?('footer') and names.size == 1 when "header_and_footer" errors.add(:partials, "should have header and footer partials") unless names.include?('header') and names.include?('footer') and names.size == 2 else end end ["html", "text"].each do |method| define_method "#{method}?" do self.format == method end end def type return 'partial' if self.partial? return 'system' unless self.for_marketing? return 'marketing' if self.for_marketing? end # controller/action_name => for get the action_name def template_name self.path.scan(/[^\/]+$/).first end # prepend "_" at partial name. def filename tmp_path = self.path if self.partial tmp_path.gsub(/([^\/]+)\z/, '_\1') else tmp_path end end def full_path "#{filename}.#{self.locale}.#{self.format}.#{self.handler}" end # return one clone version of self with all duplicated relations. def duplicate merge_options = {} # start to clone duplicated_obj = self.clone :except => [:zip_file], :include => [:template_partials, :mail_template_files] duplicated_obj.zip_file = File.open(self.zip_file.path) if self.zip_file.path # it will make a copy version of zipfile duplicated_obj.attributes = merge_options if merge_options.is_a? Hash # merge custom options # without saving can't not create files. so save it first. duplicated_obj.save ### below code is used to clone mail_template_files and replace the new url for cloned template body. # pair the mail_template_files and insert into substitution_array. substitution_pair_array = [] self.mail_template_files.each_with_index do |origin_file, index| substitution_pair_array << [origin_file, duplicated_obj.mail_template_files[index]] end # replace image or file url with new url. original_body = self.body substitution_pair_array.each do |origin_file, new_file| original_body = MailEngine::HtmlDocumentAssetsReplacer.replace_resource_in_html( original_body, origin_file.file.url, new_file.file.url, :url ) end # write back the new body with cloned resource urls. duplicated_obj.update_attributes :body => original_body duplicated_obj end # def send_test_mail_to!(recipient) # # raise "Wrong email format." if recipient.blank? or recipient !~ /^([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i # raise "Can not find any user." if (sample_user = MailEngine::USER_MODEL.first).blank? # # ### 3 conditions # # 1. action - marketing mail only have one action # # 2. controler/action # # 3. namespace/namespace/controller/action # # # path_sections = self.path.split("/") # # # marketing mail # if self.for_marketing? # action_name = path_sections.last # mailer_class_name = "MailEngine::MailDispatcher" # else # mailer_name = path_sections[-2] # action_name = path_sections[-1] # namespaces = path_sections - Array.wrap(path_sections[-2..-1]) # # if namespaces.present? # mailer_class_name = namespaces.map(&:classify).join("::") # mailer_class_name += "::#{mailer_name.classify}" # else # mailer_class_name = "#{mailer_name.classify}" # end # end # # # send mail. # I18n.with_locale(self.locale) do # mailer_class_name.constantize.send( # action_name.to_sym, # :to => recipient # ).deliver # end # end end