# K Ext Github > KExt/Github provides useful github extensions specifically for the klueless code generator As a Developer, I need manage github repositories, so that my code is version controlled ## Development radar ## Stories and tasks ### Stories - completed As a Developer, I want to manage github repositories, so that my code is version controlled - Create Repositories, - Delete Repositories - List Repositories As a Developer, I can create a personal repository, so that my code is version controlled As a Developer, I can delete a personal repository, so that I can remove redundant code As a Developer, I can list of personal repositories, so that I know what projects I have As a Developer, I can create a organization repository, so that I have new repo under my organization As a Developer, I can delete a organization repository, so that I can remove redundant code from my organization As a Developer, I can list of organization repositories, so that I know what projects are available in the organization ### Tasks - completed Setup RubyGems and RubyDoc - Build and deploy gem to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org/gems/k_ext-github) - Attach documentation to [rubydoc.info](https://rubydoc.info/github/to-do-/k_ext-github/master) Setup project management, requirement and SCRUM documents - Setup readme file - Setup user stories and tasks - Setup a project backlog - Setup an examples/usage document Setup GitHub Action (test and lint) - Setup Rspec action - Setup RuboCop action Setup new Ruby GEM - Build out a standard GEM structure - Add automated semantic versioning - Add Rspec unit testing framework - Add RuboCop linting - Add Guard for automatic watch and test - Add GitFlow support - Add GitHub Repository