# # = bio/io/fastacmd.rb - NCBI fastacmd wrapper class # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 # Shuji SHIGENOBU , # Toshiaki Katayama , # Mitsuteru C. Nakao , # Jan Aerts # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id: fastacmd.rb,v 1.16 2007/04/05 23:35:41 trevor Exp $ # require 'bio/db/fasta' require 'bio/io/flatfile' require 'bio/command' module Bio class Blast # = DESCRIPTION # # Retrieves FASTA formatted sequences from a blast database using # NCBI fastacmd command. # # This class requires 'fastacmd' command and a blast database # (formatted using the '-o' option of 'formatdb'). # # = USAGE # require 'bio' # # fastacmd = Bio::Blast::Fastacmd.new("/db/myblastdb") # # entry = fastacmd.get_by_id("sp:128U_DROME") # fastacmd.fetch("sp:128U_DROME") # fastacmd.fetch(["sp:1433_SPIOL", "sp:1432_MAIZE"]) # # fastacmd.fetch(["sp:1433_SPIOL", "sp:1432_MAIZE"]).each do |fasta| # puts fasta # end # # = REFERENCES # # * NCBI tool # ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/executables/LATEST/ncbi.tar.gz # # * fastacmd.html # http://biowulf.nih.gov/apps/blast/doc/fastacmd.html # class Fastacmd include Enumerable # Database file path. attr_accessor :database # fastacmd command file path. attr_accessor :fastacmd # This method provides a handle to a BLASTable database, which you can then # use to retrieve sequences. # # Prerequisites: # * You have created a BLASTable database with the '-o T' option. # * You have the NCBI fastacmd tool installed. # # For example, suppose the original input file looks like: # >my_seq_1 # ACCGACCTCCGGAACGGATAGCCCGACCTACG # >my_seq_2 # TCCGACCTTTCCTACCGCACACCTACGCCATCAC # ... # and you've created a BLASTable database from that with the command # cd /my_dir/ # formatdb -i my_input_file -t Test -n Test -o T # then you can get a handle to this database with the command # fastacmd = Bio::Blast::Fastacmd.new("/my_dir/Test") # --- # *Arguments*: # * _database_:: path and name of BLASTable database def initialize(blast_database_file_path) @database = blast_database_file_path @fastacmd = 'fastacmd' end # Get the sequence of a specific entry in the BLASTable database. # For example: # entry = fastacmd.get_by_id("sp:128U_DROME") # --- # *Arguments*: # * _id_: id of an entry in the BLAST database # *Returns*:: a Bio::FastaFormat object def get_by_id(entry_id) fetch(entry_id).shift end # Get the sequence for a _list_ of IDs in the database. # # For example: # p fastacmd.fetch(["sp:1433_SPIOL", "sp:1432_MAIZE"]) # # This method always returns an array of Bio::FastaFormat objects, even when # the result is a single entry. # --- # *Arguments*: # * _ids_: list of IDs to retrieve from the database # *Returns*:: array of Bio::FastaFormat objects def fetch(list) if list.respond_to?(:join) entry_id = list.join(",") else entry_id = list end cmd = [ @fastacmd, '-d', @database, '-s', entry_id ] Bio::Command.call_command(cmd) do |io| io.close_write Bio::FlatFile.new(Bio::FastaFormat, io).to_a end end # Iterates over _all_ sequences in the database. # # fastacmd.each_entry do |fasta| # p [ fasta.definition[0..30], fasta.seq.size ] # end # --- # *Returns*:: a Bio::FastaFormat object for each iteration def each_entry cmd = [ @fastacmd, '-d', @database, '-D', '1' ] Bio::Command.call_command(cmd) do |io| io.close_write Bio::FlatFile.open(Bio::FastaFormat, io) do |f| f.each_entry do |entry| yield entry end end end self end alias each each_entry end # class Fastacmd end # class Blast end # module Bio if $0 == __FILE__ fastacmd = Bio::Blast::Fastacmd.new("/path_to_my_db/db_name") seq = fastacmd.get_by_id('id_of_entry1') puts seq.class puts seq seqs = fastacmd.fetch(['id_of_entry1','id_of_entry2']) seqs.each do |seq| puts seq end fastacmd.each_entry do |fasta| puts fasta.seq.size.to_s + "\t" + fasta.definition end end