require 'assert' require 'ardb/use_db_default' require 'ardb/record_spy' module Ardb::UseDbDefault class UnitTests < Assert::Context desc "Ardb::UseDbDefault" setup do @record_class = do include UseDbDefaultRecordSpy include Ardb::UseDbDefault end end subject{ @record_class } should have_imeths :use_db_default, :ardb_use_db_default_attrs should "know its use db default attrs" do assert_equal [], subject.ardb_use_db_default_attrs end should "add use db default attributes using `use_db_default`" do attr_name = Factory.string subject.use_db_default(attr_name) assert_includes attr_name, subject.ardb_use_db_default_attrs attr_names = [Factory.string, Factory.string.to_sym] subject.use_db_default(*attr_names) attr_names.each do |attr_name| assert_includes attr_name.to_s, subject.ardb_use_db_default_attrs end end should "not add duplicate attributes using `use_db_default`" do attr_name = Factory.string subject.use_db_default(attr_name) assert_equal [attr_name], subject.ardb_use_db_default_attrs subject.use_db_default(attr_name) assert_equal [attr_name], subject.ardb_use_db_default_attrs more_attr_names = [attr_name, Factory.string] subject.use_db_default(*more_attr_names) exp = ([attr_name] + more_attr_names).uniq assert_equal exp, subject.ardb_use_db_default_attrs end should "add an around create callback" do callback = subject.callbacks.first assert_equal :around_create, callback.type exp = [:ardb_allow_db_to_default_attrs] assert_equal exp, callback.args end end class InitTests < UnitTests desc "when init" setup do @attr_names = Factory.integer(3){ Factory.string } @record_class.use_db_default(*@attr_names) @record = # simulate activerecords `@attributes` hash @original_attrs = @attr_names.inject({}) do |h, n| h.merge!(n => [nil, Factory.string, Factory.integer].choice) end @original_attrs.merge!(Factory.string => Factory.string) @record.attributes = @original_attrs.dup # randomly pick a use-db-default attribute to be changed @record.changed_use_db_default_attrs = [@attr_names.choice] @unchanged_attr_names = @attr_names - @record.changed_use_db_default_attrs # we should always get the record we just inserted back @record_class.relation_spy.results = [@record] # add pluck values into the relation spy @record_class.relation_spy.pluck_values = @attr_names.inject({}) do |h, n| h.merge!(n => Factory.string) end end subject{ @record } should "remove use-db-default attributes before being created" do # around create callbacks yield to create the record so we have to pass a # block, this will allow us to see what was done to the attributes hash # when it was created (yielded) attrs_before_yield = nil subject.instance_eval do ardb_allow_db_to_default_attrs{ attrs_before_yield = self.attributes.dup } end assert_instance_of Hash, attrs_before_yield @unchanged_attr_names.each do |name| assert_false attrs_before_yield.key?(name) end # the non use-db-default attrs and changed use-db-default attrs hash # values should have their original values when yielded (@original_attrs.keys - @unchanged_attr_names).each do |name| assert_equal @original_attrs[name], attrs_before_yield[name] end end should "set use-db-default values after its created" do # around create callbacks yield to create the record so we have to pass a # block, this simulates creating the record by setting the id subject.instance_eval do ardb_allow_db_to_default_attrs{ = Factory.integer } end applied_expr = @record_class.relation_spy.applied.first assert_equal :where, applied_expr.type assert_equal [{ :id => }], applied_expr.args @unchanged_attr_names.each do |name| exp = @record_class.relation_spy.pluck_values[name] assert_equal exp, subject.attributes[name] end # the non use-db-default attrs and changed use-db-default attrs hash # values should still have their original values (@original_attrs.keys - @unchanged_attr_names).each do |name| assert_equal @original_attrs[name], subject.attributes[name] end end end module UseDbDefaultRecordSpy def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval{ include Ardb::RecordSpy } end attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :attributes, :changed_use_db_default_attrs def use_db_default_attr_changed?(attr_name) self.changed_use_db_default_attrs.include?(attr_name) end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) match_data = method.to_s.match(/(\w+)_changed\?/) if match_data && match_data[1] self.use_db_default_attr_changed?(match_data[1]) else super end end end end