require 'spec_helper' shared_examples "update reason loader" do it "sets the update_reasons variable to a list of categories sorted by category name " do expect(assigns(:update_reasons)).to eq [update_reason] end end describe Spree::Admin::StoreCreditsController do stub_authorization! let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:admin_user) { create(:admin_user) } let!(:b_credit_category) { create(:store_credit_category, name: "B category") } let!(:a_credit_category) { create(:store_credit_category, name: "A category") } let!(:update_reason) { create(:store_credit_update_reason) } describe "#show" do let!(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, user: user, category: a_credit_category) } let!(:event) { create(:store_credit_auth_event, store_credit: store_credit, created_at: 5.days.ago) } before { get :show, user_id:, id: } it "sets the store_credit variable to a new store credit model" do expect(assigns(:store_credit)).to eq store_credit end it "sets the store_credit_events variable to the store credit's events in chronological order" do allocation_event = store_credit.store_credit_events.find_by(action: Spree::StoreCredit::ALLOCATION_ACTION) expect(assigns(:store_credit_events)).to eq [event, allocation_event] end end describe "#new" do before { get :new, user_id: create(:user).id } it { expect(assigns(:credit_categories)).to eq [a_credit_category, b_credit_category] } end describe "#create" do subject { post :create, parameters } before { allow(controller).to receive_messages(try_spree_current_user: admin_user) create(:primary_credit_type) } context "the passed parameters are valid" do let(:parameters) do { user_id:, store_credit: { amount: 1.00, category_id: } } end it "creates a new store credit" do expect { subject }.to change(Spree::StoreCredit, :count).by(1) end it "associates the store credit with the user" do subject expect(user.reload.store_credits.count).to eq 1 end it "assigns the store credit's created by to the current user" do subject expect(user.reload.store_credits.first.created_by).to eq admin_user end it 'sets the admin as the store credit event originator' do expect { subject }.to change { Spree::StoreCreditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(Spree::StoreCreditEvent.last.originator).to eq admin_user end end context "the passed parameters are invalid" do let(:parameters) do { user_id:, store_credit: { amount: -1.00, category_id: } } end it { expect { subject }.not_to change(Spree::StoreCredit, :count) } end end describe "#edit_amount" do let!(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, user: user, category: a_credit_category) } before { get :edit_amount, user_id:, id: } it_behaves_like "update reason loader" it "sets the store_credit variable to the persisted store credit" do expect(assigns(:store_credit)).to eq store_credit end end describe "#edit_validity" do let!(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, user: user, category: a_credit_category) } before { get :edit_validity, user_id:, id: } it_behaves_like "update reason loader" it "sets the store_credit variable to the persisted store credit" do expect(assigns(:store_credit)).to eq store_credit end end describe "#update" do let(:memo) { "New memo" } let!(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, user: user) } subject { put :update, parameters.merge(format: :json) } before { allow(controller).to receive_messages(try_spree_current_user: admin_user) } context "the passed parameters are valid" do let(:parameters) do { user_id:, id:, store_credit: { memo: memo } } end it "updates the memo to be the passed in value" do expect { subject }.to change { store_credit.reload.memo }.to(memo) end it "returns a success message" do subject expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['message']).to match("Store Credit has been successfully updated!") end end context "the passed parameters are invalid" do let(:parameters) do { user_id:, id:, store_credit: { category_id: } } end it "doesn't update the store credit's category" do expect { subject }.to_not change { store_credit.reload.category } end it "returns an error message" do subject expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['message']).to match("Unable to update store credit") end end end describe "#update_amount" do let(:original_amount) { 100.0 } let!(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, user: user, amount: original_amount) } let!(:update_reason) { create(:store_credit_update_reason) } let(:parameters) do { user_id:, id:, update_reason_id:, store_credit: { amount: updated_amount } } end subject { put :update_amount, parameters } before { allow(controller).to receive_messages(try_spree_current_user: admin_user) } context "the passed parameters are valid" do let(:updated_amount) { 300.0 } context "the store credit has been partially used" do before { store_credit.update_attributes(amount_used: 10.0) } context "the new amount is greater than the used amount" do let(:updated_amount) { 11.0 } before { subject } it "updates the amount to be the passed in amount" do expect(store_credit.reload.amount).to eq updated_amount end end context "the new amount is less than the used amount" do let(:updated_amount) { 9.0 } before { subject } it "does not update the amount" do expect(store_credit.reload.amount).to eq original_amount end it "renders the edit_amount template" do expect(response).to render_template :edit_amount end it "adds an error message to the flash" do expect([:error]).to match "Unable to update" end it_behaves_like "update reason loader" end end context "the store credit has not been used" do it "sets a success message in the flash" do subject expect([:success]).to match "Store Credit has been successfully updated!" end it "does not create a new store credit" do expect { subject }.to_not change(Spree::StoreCredit, :count) end it "updates passed amount" do subject expect(store_credit.reload.amount).to eq updated_amount end end end context "the passed parameters are invalid" do let(:updated_amount) { -1.00 } before { subject } it "does not update the amount" do expect(store_credit.reload.amount).to eq original_amount end it "renders the edit_amount template" do expect(response).to render_template :edit_amount end it "adds an error message to the flash" do expect([:error]).to match "Unable to update" end it_behaves_like "update reason loader" end end describe "#invalidate" do let!(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, user: user, category: b_credit_category) } let(:parameters) do { user_id:, id:, update_reason_id: } end subject { put :invalidate, parameters } it "attempts to invalidate the store credit" do expect { subject }.to change { store_credit.reload.invalidated_at }.from(nil) end context "the invalidation is unsuccessful" do before do store_credit.authorize(5.0, "USD") subject end it "doesn't invalidate the store credit" do expect(store_credit.reload.invalidated_at).to be_nil end it "renders the edit_validity template" do expect(response).to render_template :edit_validity end it "sets an error message in the flash" do expect([:error]).to match "Unable to invalidate store credit" end it_behaves_like "update reason loader" end context "the invalidation is successful" do it "redirects to index" do expect(subject).to redirect_to spree.admin_user_store_credit_path(user, store_credit) end end end end