require 'rake' module ParallelTests module Tasks class << self def rails_env ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'test' end def run_in_parallel(cmd, options={}) count = " -n #{options[:count]}" unless options[:count].to_s.empty? executable = File.expand_path("../../../bin/parallel_test", __FILE__) command = "#{executable} --exec '#{cmd}'#{count}#{' --non-parallel' if options[:non_parallel]}" abort unless system(command) end # this is a crazy-complex solution for a very simple problem: # removing certain lines from the output without chaning the exit-status # normally I'd not do this, but it has been lots of fun and a great learning experience :) # # - sed does not support | without -r # - grep changes 0 exitstatus to 1 if nothing matches # - sed changes 1 exitstatus to 0 # - pipefail makes pipe fail with exitstatus of first failed command # - pipefail is not supported in (zsh) # - defining a new rake task like silence_schema would force users to load parallel_tests in test env # - do not use ' since run_in_parallel uses them to quote stuff # - simple system "set -o pipefail" returns nil even though set -o pipefail exists with 0 def suppress_output(command, ignore_regex) activate_pipefail = "set -o pipefail" remove_ignored_lines = %Q{(grep -v "#{ignore_regex}" || test 1)} if system("#{activate_pipefail} 2>/dev/null && test 1") "#{activate_pipefail} && (#{command}) | #{remove_ignored_lines}" else command end end def check_for_pending_migrations ["db:abort_if_pending_migrations", "app:db:abort_if_pending_migrations"].each do |abort_migrations| if Rake::Task.task_defined?(abort_migrations) Rake::Task[abort_migrations].invoke break end end end # parallel:spec[:count, :pattern, :options] def parse_args(args) # order as given by user args = [args[:count], args[:pattern], args[:options]] # count given or empty ? # parallel:spec[2,models,options] # parallel:spec[,models,options] count = args.shift if args.first.to_s =~ /^\d*$/ num_processes = count.to_i unless count.to_s.empty? pattern = args.shift options = args.shift [num_processes, pattern.to_s, options.to_s] end end end end namespace :parallel do desc "create test databases via db:create --> parallel:create[num_cpus]" task :create, :count do |t,args| ParallelTests::Tasks.run_in_parallel("rake db:create RAILS_ENV=#{ParallelTests::Tasks.rails_env}", args) end desc "drop test databases via db:drop --> parallel:drop[num_cpus]" task :drop, :count do |t,args| ParallelTests::Tasks.run_in_parallel("rake db:drop RAILS_ENV=#{ParallelTests::Tasks.rails_env}", args) end desc "update test databases by dumping and loading --> parallel:prepare[num_cpus]" task(:prepare, [:count]) do |t,args| ParallelTests::Tasks.check_for_pending_migrations if defined?(ActiveRecord) && ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format == :ruby # dump then load in parallel Rake::Task['db:schema:dump'].invoke Rake::Task['parallel:load_schema'].invoke(args[:count]) else # there is no separate dump / load for schema_format :sql -> do it safe and slow args = args.to_hash.merge(:non_parallel => true) # normal merge returns nil taskname = Rake::Task.task_defined?('db:test:prepare') ? 'db:test:prepare' : 'app:db:test:prepare' ParallelTests::Tasks.run_in_parallel("rake #{taskname}", args) end end # when dumping/resetting takes too long desc "update test databases via db:migrate --> parallel:migrate[num_cpus]" task :migrate, :count do |t,args| ParallelTests::Tasks.run_in_parallel("rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=#{ParallelTests::Tasks.rails_env}", args) end # just load the schema (good for integration server <-> no development db) desc "load dumped schema for test databases via db:schema:load --> parallel:load_schema[num_cpus]" task :load_schema, :count do |t,args| command = "rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=#{ParallelTests::Tasks.rails_env}" ParallelTests::Tasks.run_in_parallel(ParallelTests::Tasks.suppress_output(command, "^ ->\\|^-- "), args) end # load the structure from the structure.sql file desc "load structure for test databases via db:structure:load --> parallel:load_structure[num_cpus]" task :load_structure, :count do |t,args| ParallelTests::Tasks.run_in_parallel("rake db:structure:load RAILS_ENV=#{ParallelTests::Tasks.rails_env}", args) end desc "load the seed data from db/seeds.rb via db:seed --> parallel:seed[num_cpus]" task :seed, :count do |t,args| ParallelTests::Tasks.run_in_parallel("rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=#{ParallelTests::Tasks.rails_env}", args) end desc "launch given rake command in parallel" task :rake, :command do |t, args| ParallelTests::Tasks.run_in_parallel("RAILS_ENV=#{ParallelTests::Tasks.rails_env} rake #{args.command}") end ['test', 'spec', 'features', 'features-spinach'].each do |type| desc "run #{type} in parallel with parallel:#{type}[num_cpus]" task type, [:count, :pattern, :options] do |t, args| ParallelTests::Tasks.check_for_pending_migrations $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) require "parallel_tests" count, pattern, options = ParallelTests::Tasks.parse_args(args) test_framework = { 'spec' => 'rspec', 'test' => 'test', 'features' => 'cucumber', 'features-spinach' => 'spinach', }[type] if test_framework == 'spinach' type = 'features' end executable = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'bin', 'parallel_test') command = "#{executable} #{type} --type #{test_framework} " \ "-n #{count} " \ "--pattern '#{pattern}' " \ "--test-options '#{options}'" abort unless system(command) # allow to chain tasks e.g. rake parallel:spec parallel:features end end end