# dot.rb # # $Id$ # # Minimal Dot support, based on Dave Thomas's dot module (included in rdoc). # rdot.rb is a modified version which also contains support for undirected # graphs. # # You need to have [GraphViz](http://www.graphviz.org) installed, because the # functions in this modul execute the GraphViz executables _dot_ or _dotty_. require 'rgl/rdot' module RGL module Graph # Returns a label for vertex v. Default is v.to_s def vertex_label(v) v.to_s end def vertex_id(v) v end # Return a RGL::DOT::Digraph for directed graphs or a DOT::Graph for an # undirected Graph. _params_ can contain any graph property specified in # rdot.rb. # def to_dot_graph(params = {}) params['name'] ||= self.class.name.gsub(/:/, '_') fontsize = params['fontsize'] ? params['fontsize'] : '8' graph = (directed? ? DOT::Digraph : DOT::Graph).new(params) edge_class = directed? ? DOT::DirectedEdge : DOT::Edge vertex_options = params['vertex'] || {} edge_options = params['edge'] || {} each_vertex do |v| default_vertex_options = { 'name' => vertex_id(v), 'fontsize' => fontsize, 'label' => vertex_label(v) } each_vertex_options = default_vertex_options.merge(vertex_options) vertex_options.each{|option, val| each_vertex_options[option] = val.call(v) if val.is_a?(Proc)} graph << DOT::Node.new(each_vertex_options) end each_edge do |u, v| default_edge_options = { 'from' => vertex_id(u), 'to' => vertex_id(v), 'fontsize' => fontsize } each_edge_options = default_edge_options.merge(edge_options) edge_options.each{|option, val| each_edge_options[option] = val.call(u, v) if val.is_a?(Proc)} graph << edge_class.new(each_edge_options) end graph end # Output the DOT-graph to stream _s_. # def print_dotted_on(params = {}, s = $stdout) s << to_dot_graph(params).to_s << "\n" end # Call dotty[http://www.graphviz.org] for the graph which is written to the # file 'graph.dot' in the current directory. # def dotty(params = {}) dotfile = "graph.dot" File.open(dotfile, "w") do |f| print_dotted_on(params, f) end unless system("dotty", dotfile) raise "Error executing dotty. Did you install GraphViz?" end end # Use dot[http://www.graphviz.org] to create a graphical representation of # the graph. Returns the filename of the graphics file. # def write_to_graphic_file(fmt='png', dotfile="graph", options={}) src = dotfile + ".dot" dot = dotfile + "." + fmt File.open(src, 'w') do |f| f << self.to_dot_graph(options).to_s << "\n" end unless system("dot -T#{fmt} #{src} -o #{dot}") raise "Error executing dot. Did you install GraphViz?" end dot end end # module Graph end # module RGL