module ParamProtected class Protector def self.instance(controller) unless controller.respond_to?(:pp_protector) controller.class_eval{ @pp_protector = } controller.meta_eval { attr_reader :pp_protector } end controller.pp_protector end def initialize @protections = [] end def initialize_copy(copy) copy.instance_variable_set(:@protections, deep_copy(@protections)) end def declare_protection(params, options, exclusivity) params = normalize_params(params) actions, condition = normalize_options(options) @protections << [params, actions, condition, exclusivity] end def protect(controller, controller_params, action_name) returning(deep_copy(controller_params)) do |params| protections_for_action(controller, action_name).each do |exclusivity, protected_params| filter_params(protected_params, params, exclusivity) unless protected_params.empty? end end end private def protections_for_action(controller, action_name) do |protected_params, actions, condition, exclusivity| action_matches?(actions[0], actions[1..-1], action_name) && condition_applies?(controller, condition) end.inject({ WHITELIST => { }, BLACKLIST => { } }) do |result, (protected_params, actions, condition, exclusivity)| merge_protections(result[exclusivity], protected_params) result end end # Merge protections for the same params into one so as to allow extension of them # in inheriting controllers. # # Mutating the first argument is okay since this method is used within inject only. # # Example: # merge_protections({ :foo => { :qux => nil }, :bar => { :baz => nil, :qux => nil } }, # { :foo => { :baz => nil, :qux => { :foo => nil } } }) # => # # { :foo => { :baz => nil, :qux => { :foo => nil } }, :bar => { :baz =>nil, :qux => nil } } def merge_protections(protections, protected_params) protected_params.each do |k,v| if protections[k].is_a?(Hash) merge_protections(protections[k], v) if v else protections[k] = v end end protections end # When specifying params to protect, we allow a combination of arrays and hashes much like how # ActiveRecord::Base#find's :include options works. This method normalizes that into just nested hashes, # stringifying the keys and setting all values to nil. This format is easier/faster to work with when # filtering the controller params. # Example... # [:a, {:b => [:c, :d]}] # to # {"a"=>nil, "b"=>{"c"=>nil, "d"=>nil}} def normalize_params(params, params_out = {}) if params.instance_of?(Array) params.each{ |param| normalize_params(param, params_out) } elsif params.instance_of?(Hash) params.each do |k, v| k = normalize_key(k) params_out[k] = {} normalize_params(v, params_out[k]) end else params_out[normalize_key(params)] = nil end params_out end def normalize_key(k) if k.is_a?(Regexp) k else k.to_s end end # When specifying which actions param protection apply to, we allow a format like this... # :only => [:action1, :action2] # This method normalizes that to... # [:only, "action1", "action2"] def normalize_options(options) error_message = "invalid options, use :only or :except, :if or :unless" return [[:except, nil], [:if, true]] if options.blank? raise ArgumentError, error_message unless options.instance_of?(Hash) scope = [:only, :except] & options.keys condition = [:if, :unless] & options.keys raise ArgumentError, error_message unless (options.keys - [:only, :except, :if, :unless]).empty? raise ArgumentError, error_message if scope.size > 1 || condition.size > 1 scope = scope.first || :except actions = options[scope] actions = [actions] unless actions.instance_of?(Array) actions = actions.collect{ |action| action.try(:to_s) } condition = condition.first || :if if options.has_key?(condition) condition_value = options[condition] else condition_value = true end [[scope, *actions], [condition, condition_value]] end # When #dup just isn't enough... :P def deep_copy(object) returning(try_to_clone(object)) do |new_object| case new_object when Hash new_object.each{ |k, v| new_object[k] = deep_copy(v) } when Array new_object.replace(new_object.collect{ |item| deep_copy(item) }) end end end # Some objects are not dupable... like TrueClass, FalseClass and NilClass. def try_to_clone(object) object.clone rescue TypeError object end def condition_applies?(controller, condition) result = case condition[1] when Proc condition[1].call(controller) when Symbol, String controller.send(condition[1]) else condition[1] end if condition[0] == :unless not result else result end end def action_matches?(scope, actions, action_name) if action_name.blank? false elsif scope == :only actions.include?(action_name) elsif scope == :except !actions.include?(action_name) else raise ArgumentError, "unexpected scope (#{scope}), expected :only or :except" end end def filter_params(protected_params, params, exclusivity) return unless params.kind_of?(Hash) return if protected_params.nil? if exclusivity == BLACKLIST params.delete_if{ |k, v| key_exists?(protected_params, k) and find_by_key(protected_params, k).nil? } elsif exclusivity == WHITELIST params.delete_if{ |k, v| !key_exists?(protected_params, k) } else raise ArgumentError, "unexpected exclusivity: #{exclusivity}" end params.each{ |k, v| filter_params(find_by_key(protected_params, k), v, exclusivity) } params end def find_by_key(protected_params, key) protected_params.detect do |k,v| key_matches?(k, key) end.try(:last) end def key_exists?(protected_params, key) protected_params.any? do |k,v| key_matches?(k, key) end end def key_matches?(k, key) if k.is_a? Regexp key.to_s =~ k else key.to_s == k.to_s end end end end