module Rmega module Net include Loggable include Options def survive(retries = options.max_retries, &block) yield rescue ServerError raise rescue Exception => error retries -= 1 raise(error) if retries < 0 logger.debug("[#{error.class}] #{error.message}. #{retries} attempt(s) left.") sleep(options.retry_interval) retry end def http_get_content(url) uri = URI(url) req = return net_http(uri).request(req).body end def http_post(url, data) uri = URI(url) req = req.body = data logger.debug("REQ POST #{url} #{cut_string(data)}") # if you don't use Net::Http#start it will not keep the socket open even if you set # the connection header BUT setting the connection header to 'keep-alive' its enough # to fool MEGA servers and don't let them reset your connection! req['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' response = net_http(uri).request(req) logger.debug("REP #{response.code} #{cut_string(response.body)}") return response end private def net_http(uri) http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true if uri.scheme == 'https' # apply common http options http.proxy_from_env = false if options.http_proxy_address options.marshal_dump.each do |name, value| setter_method = name.to_s.split('http_')[1] http.__send__("#{setter_method}=", value) if setter_method and value end return http end def cut_string(string, max = 50) return "" if string.encoding == ::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT string.size <= max ? string : string[0..max-1]+"..." end end end