module Ridley # @author Jamie Winsor # @api private class DBIChainLink attr_reader :data_bag attr_reader :connection attr_reader :klass # @param [Ridley::DataBag] data_bag def initialize(data_bag, connection, options = {}) options[:encrypted] ||= false @data_bag = data_bag @connection = connection @klass = options[:encrypted] ? Ridley::EncryptedDataBagItem : Ridley::DataBagItem end def new(*args) klass.send(:new, connection, data_bag, *args) end def method_missing(fun, *args, &block) klass.send(fun, connection, data_bag, *args, &block) end end # @author Jamie Winsor class DataBag < Ridley::Resource class << self # @param [Ridley::Connection] connection # @param [String, #chef_id] object # # @return [nil, Ridley::DataBag] def find(connection, object) find!(connection, object) rescue Errors::HTTPNotFound nil end # @param [Ridley::Connection] connection # @param [String, #chef_id] object # # @raise [Errors::HTTPNotFound] # if a resource with the given chef_id is not found # # @return [Ridley::DataBag] def find!(connection, object) chef_id = object.respond_to?(:chef_id) ? object.chef_id : object connection.get("#{self.resource_path}/#{chef_id}") new(connection, name: chef_id) end end set_chef_id "name" set_resource_path "data" attribute :name, required: true def item, connection) end def encrypted_item, connection, encrypted: true) end end module DSL # Coerces instance functions into class functions on Ridley::DataBag. This coercion # sends an instance of the including class along to the class function. # # @see Ridley::ChainLink # # @return [Ridley::ChainLink] # a context object to delegate instance functions to class functions on Ridley::DataBag def data_bag, Ridley::DataBag) end end end