# Pliny Opinionated template Sinatra app for writing excellent APIs in Ruby. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/interagent/pliny.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/interagent/pliny) It bundles some of the patterns we like to develop these apps: - Config: `ENV` wrapper for explicit defining what config vars are mandatory and optional - Endpoints: the Sinatra equivalent of a Rails Controller - Initializers: tiny files to configure libraries/etc (equivalent of Rails) - Mediators: plain ruby classes to manipulate models - Models: very thin wrappers around the database And gems/helpers to tie these together and support operations: - [CORS middleware](lib/pliny/middleware/cors.rb) to allow JS developers to consume your API - [Honeybadger](https://www.honeybadger.io/) for tracking exceptions - [Log helper](test/log_test.rb) that logs in [data format](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpmc-wHFUBs) [to stdout](https://adam.heroku.com/past/2011/4/1/logs_are_streams_not_files) - [Rspec](https://github.com/rspec/rspec) for lean and fast testing - [Puma](http://puma.io/) as the web server, [configured for optimal performance on Heroku](config/puma.rb) - [Rack-test](https://github.com/brynary/rack-test) to test the API endpoints - [Request IDs](lib/pliny/middleware/request_id.rb) - [RequestStore](http://brandur.org/antipatterns), thread safe option to store data with the current request - [RR](https://github.com/rr/rr/blob/master/doc/03_api_overview.md) for amazing mocks and stubs - [Sequel](http://sequel.jeremyevans.net/) for ORM - [Sequel-PG](https://github.com/jeremyevans/sequel_pg) because we don't like mysql - [Versioning](lib/pliny/middleware/versioning.rb) to allow versioning your API in the HTTP Accept header ## Getting started First make sure the following is installed: * [Postgres](http://www.postgresql.org/) * The [uuid-ossp](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/uuid-ossp.html) module for Postgres Then install the gem: ```bash $ gem install pliny ``` And initialize a new app: ```bash $ pliny-new myapp $ cd myapp && bin/setup ``` Pliny also bundles some generators to help you get started: ```bash $ bundle exec pliny-generate model artist created model file ./lib/models/artist.rb created migration ./db/migrate/1395873224_create_artist.rb created test ./test/models/artist_test.rb $ bundle exec pliny-generate mediator artists/creator created base mediator ./lib/mediators/base.rb created mediator file ./lib/mediators/artists/creator.rb created test ./test/mediators/artists/creator_test.rb $ bundle exec pliny-generate endpoint artists created endpoint file ./lib/endpoints/artists.rb add the following to lib/routes.rb: mount Endpoints::Artists created test ./spec/endpoints/artists_spec.rb created test ./spec/acceptance/artists_spec.rb $ bundle exec pliny-generate migration fix_something created migration ./db/migrate/1395873228_fix_something.rb $ bundle exec pliny-generate schema artists created schema file ./docs/schema/schemata/artist.yaml rebuilt ./docs/schema.json ``` To test your application: ```bash bundle exec rake ``` Or to run a single test suite: ```bash bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance/artists_spec.rb ``` ## Development Run tests: ``` bundle install git submodule update --init rake ``` ## Meta Created by Brandur Leach and Pedro Belo.