module Cas class MediaFile < ApplicationRecord include # This is for the Shrine gem class UnknownPath < StandardError; end class UnknownFileService < StandardError; end belongs_to :attachable, polymorphic: true, optional: true belongs_to :author, class_name: "::Cas::User", optional: true before_validation :set_media_type before_save :set_image_as_unique_cover scope :cover, ->{ where(cover: true) } scope :non_cover, ->{ where(cover: false) } scope :usable, -> { where.not(attachable_id: nil) } def site || raise("Attachable doesn't have a Cas::Site association") end def url(version:, use_cdn: true) cdn = ENV.fetch("CDN_HOST", nil) if use_cdn # When `path` is present, it means no gem was used for uploads, therefore # the image has to be treat as raw URL. if path.present? if service.downcase == "s3" bucket = ENV.fetch('S3_BUCKET') region = ENV.fetch('S3_REGION', "s3") if cdn host = cdn else host = "https://s3-#{region}{bucket}" end [host, path].join("/").gsub(/([^:])\/\//, '\1/') else raise UnknownFileService end # Shrine gem uses `file_data` because `file` is the name we specified for # the Attachment at the top of this model. elsif JSON.parse(file_data).present? params = { public: true } params[:host] = cdn if cdn.present? # With Shrine, the default image version is :original. Other versions # are called derivatives. The `file_url` method expects a derivative # name as first argument. # # When we pass :original, it just returns `nil` because the main file is # not considered a derivative. If we had something like :larger, then # that would be the argument. url = if version.to_sym == :original file_url(params) else file_url(version, params) end # Shrine 3 returns `nil` when a derivative doesn't exist. It also # returns `nil` when we pass parameters. This is a fallback way of # avoiding any `nil` returns. However, notice that we can't pass # `params` because Shrine just ignores it and returns `nil` if it's # present (it wasn't like that in Shrine 2). url = file_url if url.blank? # Amazon S3 has URLs that include some query strings like signatures # which we don't want to include in URLs. url&.gsub(/\?.*/, "") else raise UnknownPath end end private def set_media_type if self.media_type.blank? nature = mime_type.scan(/([a-z]*)\/.*/)[0][0] if nature == 'image' self.media_type = 'image' else self.media_type = 'attachment' end end end # Only images can have a `cover` def set_image_as_unique_cover return unless media_type == 'image' cover_file = MediaFile .where(attachable: self.attachable, cover: true) .where.not(id: id) if cover? cover_file.update_all(cover: false) elsif cover_file.blank? self.cover = true end end end end