# Taken from https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool # Generate man pages of the project by using the POD header # written in the tool source code. To use it - include this # file in CMakeLists.txt and invoke # pod2man(<podfile> <manfile> <section> <center>) find_program(POD2MAN pod2man) if(NOT POD2MAN) message(STATUS "Could not find pod2man - man pages disabled") endif(NOT POD2MAN) macro(pod2man PODFILE MANFILE SECTION OUTPATH CENTER) if(NOT EXISTS ${PODFILE}) message(FATAL ERROR "Could not find pod file ${PODFILE} to generate man page") endif(NOT EXISTS ${PODFILE}) if(POD2MAN) set(OUTPATH_NEW "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPATH}") add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${OUTPATH_NEW}/${MANFILE}.${SECTION} COMMAND ${POD2MAN} --section ${SECTION} --center ${CENTER} --release "\"\"" --name ${MANFILE} ${PODFILE} ${OUTPATH_NEW}/${MANFILE}.${SECTION} ) set(MANPAGE_TARGET "man-${MANFILE}") add_custom_target(${MANPAGE_TARGET} ALL DEPENDS ${OUTPATH_NEW}/${MANFILE}.${SECTION} ) install( FILES ${OUTPATH_NEW}/${MANFILE}.${SECTION} DESTINATION ${OUTPATH}/man${SECTION} ) endif() endmacro(pod2man PODFILE MANFILE SECTION OUTPATH CENTER)