module Resourcelogic module Actions ACTIONS = [:index, :show, :new_action, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy].freeze FAILABLE_ACTIONS = ACTIONS - [:index, :new_action, :edit].freeze def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do extend Config ACTIONS.each do |action| class_scoping_reader action, FAILABLE_ACTIONS.include?(action) ? : end add_acts_as_resource_module(Methods) end end module Config def actions(*opts) config = {} config.merge!(opts.pop) if opts.last.is_a?(Hash) all_actions = (false && singleton? ? Resourcelogic::SINGLETON_ACTIONS : Resourcelogic::Actions::ACTIONS) - [:new_action] + [:new] actions_to_remove = [] if opts.first == :none actions_to_remove = all_actions else actions_to_remove += all_actions - opts unless opts.first == :all actions_to_remove += [*config[:except]] if config[:except] actions_to_remove.uniq! end actions_to_remove.each { |action| undef_method(action) if method_defined?(action) } end end module Methods def new build_object load_object before :new_action response_for :new_action end def create build_object load_object before :create if after :create set_flash :create response_for :create else after :create_fails set_flash :create_fails response_for :create_fails end end def edit load_object before :edit response_for :edit end def update load_object object.attributes = object_params before :update if after :update set_flash :update response_for :update else after :update_fails set_flash :update_fails response_for :update_fails end end def destroy load_object before :destroy object.destroy after :destroy set_flash :destroy response_for :destroy rescue DestroyNotAllowed after :destroy_fails set_flash :destroy_fails response_for :destroy_fails end def show load_object before :show response_for :show rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound response_for :show_fails end def index load_collection before :index response_for :index end private # Used to actually pass the responses along to the controller's respond_to method. # def response_for(action) begin respond_to do |wants| options_for(action).response.each do |method, block| if block.nil? wants.send(method) else wants.send(method) { instance_eval(&block) } end end end rescue ActionController::DoubleRenderError end end # Calls the after callbacks for the action, if one is present. # def after(action) invoke_callbacks *options_for(action).after end # Calls the before block for the action, if one is present. # def before(action) invoke_callbacks *self.class.send(action).before end # Sets the flash and flash_now for the action, if it is present. # def set_flash(action) set_normal_flash(action) set_flash_now(action) end # Sets the regular flash (i.e. flash[:notice] = '...') # def set_normal_flash(action) if f = options_for(action).flash flash[:notice] = f.is_a?(Proc) ? instance_eval(&f) : options_for(action).flash end end # Sets the (i.e.[:notice] = '...') # def set_flash_now(action) if f = options_for(action).flash_now[:notice] = f.is_a?(Proc) ? instance_eval(&f) : options_for(action).flash_now end end # Returns the options for an action, which is a symbol. # # Manages splitting things like :create_fails. # def options_for(action) action = action == :new_action ? [action] : "#{action}".split('_').map(&:to_sym) options = self.class.send(action.first) options = options.send(action.last == :fails ? :fails : :success) if Resourcelogic::Actions::FAILABLE_ACTIONS.include? action.first options end def invoke_callbacks(*callbacks) unless callbacks.empty? { |callback| callback.is_a? Symbol }.each { |symbol| send(symbol) } block = callbacks.detect { |callback| callback.is_a? Proc } instance_eval &block unless block.nil? end end def load_parent instance_variable_set "@#{parent_model_name}", parent_object if parent? end def build_object return @object if @object @object = end_of_association_chain.send parent? ? :build : :new @object.attributes = object_params @object end # Used internally to load the member object in to an instance variable @#{model_name} (i.e. @post) # def load_object load_parent instance_variable_set "@#{object_name}", object end # Used internally to load the collection in to an instance variable @#{model_name.pluralize} (i.e. @posts) # def load_collection load_parent instance_variable_set "@#{object_name.to_s.pluralize}", collection end end end end