# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim module Comments # This type represents a comment on a commentable object. CommentType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "Comment" description "A comment" interfaces [ Decidim::Comments::CommentableInterface ] field :id, !types.ID, "The Comment's unique ID" field :sgid, !types.String, "The Comment's signed global id" do resolve lambda { |obj, _args, _ctx| obj.to_sgid.to_s } end field :body, !types.String, "The comment message" field :formattedBody, !types.String, "The comment message ready to display (it is expected to include HTML)", property: :formatted_body field :createdAt, !types.String, "The creation date of the comment" do resolve lambda { |obj, _args, _ctx| obj.created_at.iso8601 } end field :formattedCreatedAt, !types.String, "The creation date of the comment in relative format", property: :friendly_created_at field :author, !Decidim::AuthorInterface, "The comment's author" do resolve lambda { |obj, _args, _ctx| obj.user_group || obj.author } end field :alignment, types.Int, "The comment's alignment. Can be 0 (neutral), 1 (in favor) or -1 (against)'" field :upVotes, !types.Int, "The number of comment's upVotes" do resolve lambda { |obj, _args, _ctx| obj.up_votes.size } end field :upVoted, !types.Boolean, "Check if the current user has upvoted the comment" do resolve lambda { |obj, _args, ctx| obj.up_voted_by?(ctx[:current_user]) } end field :downVotes, !types.Int, "The number of comment's downVotes" do resolve lambda { |obj, _args, _ctx| obj.down_votes.size } end field :downVoted, !types.Boolean, "Check if the current user has downvoted the comment" do resolve lambda { |obj, _args, ctx| obj.down_voted_by?(ctx[:current_user]) } end field :hasComments, !types.Boolean, "Check if the commentable has comments" do resolve lambda { |obj, _args, _ctx| obj.accepts_new_comments? && obj.comment_threads.size.positive? } end field :alreadyReported, !types.Boolean, "Check if the current user has reported the comment" do resolve lambda { |obj, _args, ctx| obj.reported_by?(ctx[:current_user]) } end end end end