module Admin class VimeoVideosController < Admin::BaseController include ::RefinerycmsVimeoVideos::Account before_filter :init_dialog def index if authorized? get_videos_on_vimeo_account elsif request.xhr? render :text => 'You have not authorized this application to use your vimeo account.' else raise ArgumentError, 'You have not authorized this application to use your vimeo account.' end end def new @vimeo_video = end def create end def insert if @vimeo_video.nil? @url_override = admin_vimeo_videos_url(:dialog => from_dialog?, :insert => true) if params[:conditions].present? extra_condition = params[:conditions].split(',') extra_condition[1] = true if extra_condition[1] == "true" extra_condition[1] = false if extra_condition[1] == "false" extra_condition[1] = nil if extra_condition[1] == "nil" paginate_vimeo_videos({extra_condition[0].to_sym => extra_condition[1]}) else paginate_vimeo_videos end render :action => "insert" end protected def get_videos_on_vimeo_account video = account[:consumer_key], account[:consumer_secret], :token => account[:token], :secret => account[:secret]) @vimeo_videos = video.get_all(account[:username], {:full_response => true, :sort => 'upload_date'})["videos"]["video"] end def init_dialog @app_dialog = params[:app_dialog].present? @field = params[:field] @update_vimeo_video = params[:update_vimeo_video] @update_text = params[:update_text] @thumbnail = params[:thumbnail] @callback = params[:callback] @conditions = params[:conditions] @current_link = params[:current_link] end def restrict_controller super unless action_name == 'insert' end def paginate_vimeo_videos(conditions={}) @vimeo_videos = get_videos_on_vimeo_account.paginate :page => (@paginate_page_number ||= params[:page]), :conditions => conditions, :order => 'created_at DESC', :per_page => VimeoVideo.per_page(from_dialog?) end end end