require 'helper' class GroupedScope::SelfGrouppingTest < GroupedScope::TestCase describe 'General behavior' do before do @employee = FactoryGirl.create(:employee) end it 'return #ids array' do assert_equal [], e1 = FactoryGirl.create :employee, :group_id => 3 e2 = FactoryGirl.create :employee, :group_id => 3 assert_same_elements [,], end it 'return #quoted_ids string for use in sql statments' do assert_equal "#{}", end it 'respond true to grouped associations' do assert end it 'raise a GroupedScope::NoGroupIdError exception for objects with no group_id schema' do FooBar.column_names.wont_include 'group_id' lambda{ }.must_raise(GroupedScope::NoGroupIdError) end it 'return correct predicate for GroupedScope::SelfGroupping object' do @employee.update_attribute :group_id, 82 expected_sql = /"group_id" IN \(SELECT "employees"\."id" FROM "employees" WHERE "employees"\."group_id" = 82/ assert_sql(expected_sql) { Employee.where(:group_id => } assert_sql(expected_sql) { Employee.all(:conditions => {:group_id =>}) } assert_equal [@employee], Employee.where(:group_id => end it 'allows you to ask if the group is present' do @employee.update_attribute :group_id, 28 assert_no_queries do assert @employee.group_id.present? assert end end it 'allows you to ask if the group is blank' do assert_no_queries do assert @employee.group_id.blank? assert end end describe 'for #with_reflection' do before { @reflection = Employee.reflections[:reports] } it 'will set a reflection and always set it back to nil' do assert_nil do assert_equal @reflection, end assert_nil end it 'will use the primary key of the reflection' do pk = 'association_primary_key' @reflection.stubs :association_primary_key => pk do assert_equal pk, end end end describe 'for Array delegates' do it 'respond to first/last' do [:first,:last].each do |method| assert, "Should respond to #{method.inspect}" end end it 'respond to each' do assert do |employee| assert_instance_of Employee, employee end end end end describe 'Calling #group' do it 'returns a active record relation' do assert_instance_of ActiveRecord::Relation, FactoryGirl.create(:employee).group end describe 'with a NIL group_id' do before do @employee = FactoryGirl.create(:employee) end it 'return a collection of one' do assert_equal 1, end it 'include self in group' do assert end it 'returns a sql literal for #ids_sql scoped to single record' do Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral %r{SELECT \"employees\".\"id\" FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = #{}} end end describe 'with a set group_id' do before do @employee = FactoryGirl.create(:employee, :group_id => 1) end it 'return a collection of one' do assert_equal 1, end it 'include self in group' do assert end it 'returns a sql literal for #ids_sql scoped to group' do new_group_id = 420 e1 = FactoryGirl.create :employee, :group_id => new_group_id e2 = FactoryGirl.create :employee, :group_id => new_group_id Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral %r{SELECT \"employees\".\"id\" FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"group_id\" = #{new_group_id}} end it 'allows the group to be further scoped' do new_group_id = 420 e1 = FactoryGirl.create :employee, :group_id => new_group_id, :name => 'Ken', :email => '' e2 = FactoryGirl.create :employee, :group_id => new_group_id, :name => 'Hostmaster', :email => '' e3 = FactoryGirl.create :employee, :group_id => new_group_id, :name => 'Ken', :email => '' assert_same_elements [e1, e2], end end describe 'with different groups available' do before do @e1 = FactoryGirl.create(:employee_with_reports, :group_id => 1) @e2 = FactoryGirl.create(:employee, :group_id => 1) @e3 = FactoryGirl.create(:employee_with_reports, :group_id => 2) @e4 = FactoryGirl.create(:employee, :group_id => 2) end it 'return a collection of group members' do assert_equal 2, end it 'include all group members' do assert_same_elements [@e1,@e2], end it 'allow member to find grouped associations of other member' do assert_same_elements @e1.reports, end it 'allow proxy owner to define all grouped which ignores group_id schema' do @e2.stubs :all_grouped? => true assert_same_elements [@e1,@e2,@e3,@e4], assert_same_elements @e1.reports + @e3.reports, end end describe 'with different groups in legacy schema' do before do @e1 = FactoryGirl.create(:legacy_employee_with_reports, :group_id => 1) @e2 = FactoryGirl.create(:legacy_employee, :group_id => 1) @e3 = FactoryGirl.create(:legacy_employee_with_reports, :group_id => 2) @e4 = FactoryGirl.create(:legacy_employee, :group_id => 2) end it 'honor legacy reports association options like class_name and foreign_key' do { |r| r.is_a?(LegacyReport) } end end end end