L.provide('OML.code_mirror', ["graph/js/abstract_widget", "#OML.abstract_widget"], function () { OML.code_mirror = OML.abstract_widget.extend({ defaults: function() { return this.deep_defaults({ height: 1.0, margin: { left: 20, top: 10, right: 20, bottom: 10 }, }, OML.code_mirror.__super__.defaults.call(this)); }, initialize: function(opts) { OML.code_mirror.__super__.initialize.call(this, opts); this.code_mirror = null; this.update(); }, update: function() { var o = this.opts; if ($(o.base_el).is(':hidden')) { this.code_mirror = null; return; } // TODO: When we create a code mirror object and then make the // encompassing element invisible and visible again, things seem // go astray. Brute force solution is to recreate the editor on every // update. if (!this.code_mirror) { var edit_el = $(o.edit_el); edit_el.empty(); // remove old instances if any CodeMirror.modeURL = "/resource/vendor/codemirror/mode/%N/%N.js"; var self = this; var cm_o = { value: o.content, mode: o.mode, lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, tabMode: "indent", onCursorActivity: function() { // try to highlight active line cm.setLineClass(hlLine, null, null); hlLine = cm.setLineClass(cm.getCursor().line, null, "activeline"); }, onChange: function(editor, changed) { self.on_changed(editor, changed); } }; var cm = this.code_mirror = CodeMirror(edit_el[0], cm_o); CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(cm, o.mode); var hlLine = cm.setLineClass(0, "activeline"); this.on_changed(this.code_mirror, null); this.code_mirror.focus(); } this._update_widget_height(o); this.code_mirror.refresh(); }, _update_widget_height: function(opts) { var s_el = $(opts.base_el + " .CodeMirror-scroll"); s_el.css('height', this.h); }, on_changed: function(editor, change) { if (editor == undefined) return; var o = this.opts; var h = editor.historySize(); var save = h.undo > 0; var undo = h.undo > 0; var redo = h.redo > 0; $(o.base_el + '_save_a').fadeTo('fast', save ? 1.0 : 0.3); $(o.base_el + '_undo_a').fadeTo('fast', undo ? 1.0 : 0.3); $(o.base_el + '_redo_a').fadeTo('fast', redo ? 1.0 : 0.3); }, on_save_pressed: function() { var o = this.opts; var self = this; var cm = this.code_mirror; $.ajax({ url: o.save_url, data: {content: cm.getValue()}, type: 'POST' }).done(function() { cm.clearHistory(); self.on_changed(cm, null); OHUB.trigger('content.changed.' + o.content_id, {}); }); }, on_undo_pressed: function() { this.code_mirror.undo(); }, on_redo_pressed: function() { this.code_mirror.redo(); }, resize: function() { OML.code_mirror.__super__.resize.call(this); var i = 0; }, init_data_source: function() {}, process_schema: function() {}, }) /* end of OML.code_mirror */ }) /* end of L.provide */