require 'origen_sim/simulation' require 'origen_sim/simulator/artifacts' require 'origen_sim/simulator/snapshot_details' module OrigenSim # Responsible for managing and communicating with the simulator # process, a single instance of this class is instantiated as # OrigenSim.simulator class Simulator include Origen::PersistentCallbacks include Artifacts VENDORS = [:icarus, :cadence, :synopsys, :generic] LOG_CODES = { debug: 0, info: 1, warn: 2, warning: 2, success: 3, error: 4, deprecate: 5, deprecated: 5 } LOG_CODES_ = { 0 => :debug, 1 => :info, 2 => :warn, 3 => :success, 4 => :error, 5 => :deprecated } TIMESCALES = { -15 => '1fs', -14 => '10fs', -13 => '100fs', -12 => '1ps', -11 => '10ps', -10 => '100ps', -9 => '1ns', -8 => '10ns', -7 => '100ns', -6 => '1us', -5 => '10us', -4 => '100us', -3 => '1ms', -2 => '10ms', -1 => '100ms', 0 => '1s', 1 => '10s', 2 => '100s' } attr_reader :configuration alias_method :config, :configuration # The instance of OrigenSim::Simulation for the current simulation attr_reader :simulation # Returns an array containing all instances of OrigenSim::Simulation that were created # in the order that they were created attr_reader :simulations # Returns a hash of pins where the key is the RTL name, used to quickly retrieve the pin # object from the pin name returned by the simulator attr_reader :pins_by_rtl_name def initialize @simulations = [] @simulation_open = false end # When set to true the simulator will log all messages it receives, note that # this must be run in conjunction with -d supplied to the Origen command to actually # see the messages def log_messages=(val) if val put('d^1') else put('d^0') end end def testbench_top config[:testbench_top] || 'origen' end def rtl_top config[:rtl_top] || 'dut' end def generic_run_cmd config[:generic_run_cmd] end def post_process_run_cmd config[:post_process_run_cmd] end def fetch_simulation_objects(options = {}) sid = options[:id] || id ldir = "#{Origen.root}/simulation/#{sid}" tmp_dir = "#{Origen.root}/tmp/origen_sim/tmp" if config[:rc_dir_url] unless config[:rc_version] puts "You must supply an :rc_version option when using :rc_dir_url (you can set this to something like 'Trunk' or 'master' if you want)" exit 1 end if !File.exist?(compiled_dir) || (File.exist?(compiled_dir) && Dir.entries(compiled_dir).size <= 2) || ([sid] != config[:rc_version]) || options[:force] "Fetching the simulation object for #{sid}..."[sid] = nil # Clear this up front, if the checkout fails we won't know what we have FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp_dir) if File.exist?(tmp_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{Origen.root}/simulation") rc = remote: config[:rc_dir_url], local: tmp_dir rc.checkout "#{sid}.tar.gz", force: true, version: config[:rc_version] "#{tmp_dir}/#{sid}.tar.gz", "#{Origen.root}/simulation" FileUtils.rm_rf(ldir) if File.exist?(ldir) Dir.chdir "#{Origen.root}/simulation/" do system "tar -xvf #{sid}.tar.gz" end[sid] = config[:rc_version] end else if !File.exist?(compiled_dir) || (File.exist?(compiled_dir) && Dir.entries(compiled_dir).size <= 2) puts "There is no previously compiled simulation object in: #{compiled_dir}" exit 1 end end ensure FileUtils.rm_f "#{ldir}.tar.gz" if File.exist?("#{ldir}.tar.gz") FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_dir if File.exist?(tmp_dir) end def commit_simulation_objects(options = {}) sid = options[:id] || id ldir = "#{Origen.root}/simulation/#{sid}" tmp_dir = "#{Origen.root}/tmp/origen_sim/tmp" unless File.exist?(ldir) fail "The simulation directory to check in does not exist: #{ldir}" end Dir.chdir "#{Origen.root}/simulation/" do system "tar -cvzf #{sid}.tar.gz #{sid}" end FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp_dir) if File.exist?(tmp_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_dir) FileUtils.cp "#{ldir}.tar.gz", tmp_dir rc = remote: config[:rc_dir_url], local: tmp_dir rc.checkin "#{sid}.tar.gz", unmanaged: true, force: true, comment: 'Checked in via sim:rc command' ensure FileUtils.rm_f "#{ldir}.tar.gz" if File.exist?("#{ldir}.tar.gz") FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_dir if File.exist?(tmp_dir) end def configure(options, &block) fail 'A vendor must be supplied, e.g. :icarus)' unless options[:vendor] unless VENDORS.include?(options[:vendor]) fail "Unknown vendor #{options[:vendor]}, valid values are: #{ { |v| ':' + v.to_s }.join(', ')}" end @configuration = { snapshot_details_options: {} }.merge(options) @tmp_dir = nil # Temporary workaround for bug in componentable, which is making the container a class object, instead of an # instance object. clear_artifacts # Add any artifacts in the given artifact path if Dir.exist?(default_artifact_dir) default_artifact_dir.children.each { |a| artifact(a.basename.to_s, target: a) } end # Add any artifacts from the target-specific path (simulation//artifacts). Files of the same name # will override artifacts residing in the default directory. if Dir.exist?(target_artifact_dir) target_artifact_dir.children.each do |a| remove_artifact(a.basename.to_s) if has_artifact?(a.basename.to_s) add_artifact(a.basename.to_s, target: a) end end # If a user artifact path was given, add those artifacts as well, overriding any of the default and target artifacts if user_artifact_dirs? user_artifact_dirs.each do |d| if Dir.exist?(d) # Add any artifacts from any user-given paths. Files of the same name will override artifacts residing in the default directory. d.children.each do |a| remove_artifact(a.basename.to_s) if has_artifact?(a.basename.to_s) add_artifact(a.basename.to_s, target: a) end else! message: "Simulator configuration specified a user artifact dir at #{d} but this directory could not be found!" end end end self end def default_artifact_dir # Removed this from a constant at the top of the file since it gave boot errors when the file was # being required while was still loading Pathname("#{}/simulation/application/artifacts") end def user_artifact_dirs? @configuration.key?(:user_artifact_dirs) end def user_artifact_dirs @configuration.key?(:user_artifact_dirs) ? @configuration[:user_artifact_dirs].map { |d| Pathname(d) } : nil end def target_artifact_dir Pathname(@configuration[:target_artifact_dir] || "#{}/simulation/#{id}/artifacts") end def artifact_run_dir p = Pathname(@configuration[:artifact_run_dir] || './application/artifacts') if p.absolute? p else Pathname(run_dir).join(p) end end def artifact_populate_method @configuration[:artifact_populate_method] || begin if Origen.running_on_windows? :copy else :symlink end end end # The ID assigned to the current simulation target, falls back to to the # Origen target name if an :id option is not supplied when instantiating # the tester def id config[:id] || end def tmp_dir @tmp_dir ||= begin d = "#{Origen.root}/tmp/origen_sim/#{id}/#{config[:vendor]}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) d end end # Returns the directory where the compiled simulation object lives, this should # be checked into your Origen app's repository def compiled_dir @compiled_dir ||= begin d = "#{Origen.root}/simulation/#{id}/#{config[:vendor]}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) d end end def wave_dir(subdir = nil) @wave_dir ||= begin d = "#{Origen.root}/waves/#{id}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) d end end def wave_config_dir @wave_config_dir ||= begin d = "#{Origen.root}/config/waves/#{id}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) d end end def wave_config_file @wave_config_file ||= configuration[:wave_config_file] || begin f = "#{wave_config_dir}/#{}.#{wave_config_ext}" unless File.exist?(f) # Take a default wave if one has been set up d = "#{wave_config_dir}/default.#{wave_config_ext}" if File.exist?(d) FileUtils.cp(d, f) else # Otherwise seed it with the latest existing setup by someone else d = Dir.glob("#{wave_config_dir}/*.#{wave_config_ext}").max { |a, b| File.ctime(a) <=> File.ctime(b) } if d FileUtils.cp(d, f) else # We tried our best, start from scratch d = "#{Origen.root!}/templates/empty.#{wave_config_ext}" FileUtils.cp(d, f) if File.exist?(d) end end end f end end def wave_config_ext case config[:vendor] when :icarus 'gtkw' when :cadence 'svcf' when :synopsys if configuration[:verdi] 'rc' else 'tcl' end end end def run_cmd case config[:vendor] when :icarus cmd = configuration[:vvp] || 'vvp' cmd += " -M#{compiled_dir} -morigen #{compiled_dir}/origen.vvp +socket+#{socket_id}" when :cadence input_file = "#{tmp_dir}/#{wave_file_basename}.tcl" if !File.exist?(input_file) || config_changed? action: :compile, files: "#{Origen.root!}/templates/probe.tcl.erb", output: tmp_dir, check_for_changes: false, quiet: true, options: { dir: wave_dir, wave_file: wave_file_basename, force: config[:force], setup: config[:setup], depth: :all }, output_file_name: "#{wave_file_basename}.tcl" end input_file_fast = "#{tmp_dir}/#{wave_file_basename}_fast.tcl" if !File.exist?(input_file_fast) || config_changed? fast_probe_depth = config[:fast_probe_depth] || 1 action: :compile, files: "#{Origen.root!}/templates/probe.tcl.erb", output: tmp_dir, check_for_changes: false, quiet: true, options: { dir: wave_dir, wave_file: wave_file_basename, force: config[:force], setup: config[:setup], depth: fast_probe_depth }, output_file_name: "#{wave_file_basename}_fast.tcl" end save_config_signature wave_dir # Ensure this exists since it won't be referenced above if the input file is already generated cmd = configuration[:irun] || 'irun' cmd += " -r origen -snapshot origen +socket+#{socket_id}" cmd += $use_fast_probe_depth ? " -input #{input_file_fast}" : " -input #{input_file}" cmd += " -nclibdirpath #{compiled_dir}" when :synopsys if configuration[:verdi] cmd = "#{compiled_dir}/simv +socket+#{socket_id} +FSDB_ON +fsdbfile+#{Origen.root}/waves/#{id}/#{wave_file_basename}.fsdb +memcbk +vcsd" else cmd = "#{compiled_dir}/simv +socket+#{socket_id} -vpd_file #{wave_file_basename}.vpd" end when :generic # Generic tester requires that a generic_run_command option/block be provided. # This should either be a string, an array (which will be joined here), or a block that needs to return either # a string or array. In the event of a block, the block will be given the simulator. if generic_run_cmd cmd = generic_run_cmd if cmd.is_a?(Proc) cmd = end if cmd.is_a?(Array) # We'll join this together with the '; ' string. This means that each array element will be run # sequentially. cmd = cmd.join(' && ') elsif !cmd.is_a?(String) # If its Proc, it was already run, and if its a Array if would have gone into the other case. # So, this is either another proc, not an array and not a string, so not sure what to do with this. # Complain about the cmd. fail "OrigenSim :generic_run_cmd is of class #{generic_run_cmd.class}. It must be either an Array, String, or a Proc that returns an Array or String." end else fail 'OrigenSim Generic Toolchain/Vendor requires a :generic_run_cmd option/block to be provided. No options/block provided!' end else fail "Run cmd not defined yet for simulator #{config[:vendor]}" end # Allow the user to post-process the command. This should be a block which will be given two parameters: # 1. the command, and 2. the simulation object (self). # In the event of a generic tester, this *could* replace the launch command, but that's not the real intention, # since a simulator could be made that inherits from a generic simulator setup and still post process the command. cmd =, self) if post_process_run_cmd fail "OrigenSim: :post_process_run_cmd returned object of class #{cmd.class}. Must return a String." unless cmd.is_a?(String) # Print the command if debug is enabled Origen.log.debug 'OrigenSim Run Command:' Origen.log.debug cmd cmd end def wave_file_basename if OrigenSim.flow OrigenSim.flow.to_s else if @last_wave_file_basename ='.*').to_s else if Origen.interactive? 'interactive' else @last_wave_file_basename || 'unnamed_pattern' end end end end def view_wave_command cmd = nil case config[:vendor] when :icarus edir = cmd = "cd #{edir} && " cmd += configuration[:gtkwave] || 'gtkwave' dir = cmd += " #{dir}/#{wave_file_basename}/dump.vcd " f = cmd += " --save #{f} &" when :cadence edir = cmd = "cd #{edir} && " cmd += configuration[:simvision] || 'simvision' dir = cmd += " #{dir}/#{wave_file_basename}/#{wave_file_basename}.dsn #{dir}/#{wave_file_basename}/#{wave_file_basename}.trn" f = cmd += " -input #{f} &" when :synopsys edir = cmd = "cd #{edir} && " if configuration[:verdi] unless ENV['VCS_HOME'] Origen.log.warning "Your environment doesn't define VCS_HOME, you will probably need that to run Verdi" end edir = cmd = "cd #{edir} && " cmd += configuration[:verdi] || 'verdi' dir = cmd += " -ssz -dbdir #{Origen.root}/simulation/#{id}/synopsys/simv.daidir/ -ssf #{dir}/#{wave_file_basename}.fsdb" f = cmd += " -sswr #{f}" cmd += ' &' else cmd += configuration[:dve] || 'dve' dir = cmd += " -vpd #{dir}/#{wave_file_basename}.vpd" f = cmd += " -session #{f}" cmd += ' &' end when :generic # Since this could be anything, the simulator will need to set this up. But, once it is, we can print it here. if config[:view_waveform_cmd] cmd = config[:view_waveform_cmd] else Origen.log.warn 'OrigenSim cannot provide a view-waveform command for a :generic vendor.' Origen.log.warn 'Please supply a view-waveform command though the :view_waveform_cmd option during the OrigenSim::Generic instantiation.' end else # Print a warning stating an unknown vendor was reached here. # This shouldn't happen, but just in case. Origen.log.warn "OrigenSim does not know the command to view waveforms for vendor :#{config[:vendor]}!" end cmd end def run_dir case config[:vendor] when :icarus d = File.join(wave_dir, wave_file_basename) FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) d when :synopsys wave_dir else tmp_dir end end def simulation_open? @simulation_open end # Starts up the simulator process def start @simulation_open = true @pattern_starting_error_count = nil @simulation =, view_wave_command) simulations << @simulation fetch_simulation_objects artifact.clean artifact.populate cmd = run_cmd + ' & echo \$!' launch_simulator = %( require 'open3' require 'socket' require 'io/wait' require 'origen' pid = nil def kill_simulation(pid) begin # If the process already finished, then we will see an Errno exception. # It does not harm anything, but looks ugly, so catch it here and ignore. Process.kill('KILL', pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH => e end exit! end status ='#{simulation.socket_id(:status)}') stdout_socket ='#{simulation.socket_id(:stdout)}') stderr_socket ='#{simulation.socket_id(:stderr)}') heartbeat ='#{simulation.socket_id(:heartbeat)}') begin status.puts('Starting the simulator...') Dir.chdir '#{run_dir}' do Open3.popen3('#{cmd}') do |stdin, stdout, stderr, thread| status.puts('The simulator has started') pid = stdout.gets.strip.to_i status.puts(pid.to_s) # Listen for a heartbeat from the main Origen process every 5 seconds, kill the # simulator after two missed heartbeats do missed_heartbeats = 0 loop do sleep 5 # If the socket read hangs, count that as a reason to shutdown socket_read = false do sleep 1 kill_simulation(pid) unless socket_read end if heartbeat.ready? while heartbeat.ready? do heartbeat.gets end missed_heartbeats = 0 else missed_heartbeats += 1 end socket_read = true if missed_heartbeats > 1 kill_simulation(pid) end end end threads = [] threads << do until (line = stdout.gets).nil? stdout_socket.puts line end end threads << do until (line = stderr.gets).nil? stderr_socket.puts line end end threads.each(&:join) end end status.puts 'The simulator has finished' ensure # Make sure this process never finishes and leaves the simulator running kill_simulation(pid) if pid end ) Origen.log.debug 'Starting the simulation monitor...' Origen.log.flush # Required to stop any existing buffered log data being copied into this new process monitor_pid = spawn("ruby -e \"#{launch_simulator}\"") Process.detach(monitor_pid), config[:startup_timeout] || 60) # This will block until the simulation process has started # The VPI extension will send 'READY!' when it starts, make sure we get it before proceeding data = get unless data.strip == 'READY!' simulation.failed_to_start = true simulation.log_results exit # Assume it is not worth trying another pattern in this case, some kind of environment/config issue end "OrigenSim version #{!.version}" "OrigenSim DUT version #{dut_version}" unless dut_version > '0.15.0' Origen.log.warning 'Progress comments may be out of sync with simulator output.' Origen.log.warning 'Recompile your DUT with a newer version of OrigenSim to resolve this.' end # Tick the simulation on, this seems to be required since any VPI puts operations before # the simulation has started are not applied. # Note that this is not setting a tester timeset, so the application will still have to # do that before generating any vectors. put('1^0') # Set period to 0 so that time does not advance cycle(1) if dut_version > '0.15.0' # Put cycle counter back to 0 put('p^0') simulation.cycle(-1) put("m^#{max_errors}") # Intercept all log messages until the end of the simulation so that they can be synced to # simulation time @log_intercept_id = Origen.log.start_intercepting do |msg, type, options, original| if options[:from_origen_sim], type, options) else log(msg, type) end end end sync_up # Make sure the simulation is underway before proceeding Origen.listeners_for(:simulation_startup).each(&:simulation_startup) end # Send the given message string to the simulator def put(msg) simulation.socket.write(msg + "\n") rescue Errno::EPIPE => e # :from_origen_sim is added here to ensure this goes straight to the Origen console logger # and does not get sent via the simulator since it is clearly having problems if simulation.running? Origen.log.error 'Communication with the simulator has been lost (though it seems to still be running)!', from_origen_sim: true else Origen.log.error 'The simulator has stopped unexpectedly!', from_origen_sim: true end sleep 2 # To make sure that any log output from the simulator is captured before we pull the plug exit 1 end # Get a message from the simulator, will block until one # is received def get simulation.socket.readline end # At the start of a test program flow generation/simulation def on_flow_start(options) if simulation_tester? && options[:top_level] @flow_running = true OrigenSim.flow = start @pattern_count = 0 end end # At the end of a test program flow generation/simulation def on_flow_end(options) if simulation_tester? && options[:top_level] @flow_running = false simulation.completed_cleanly = true stop end end # Called before every pattern is generated, but we only use it the # first time it is called to kick off the simulator process if the # current tester is an OrigenSim::Tester def before_pattern(name) if simulation_tester? if OrigenSim.flow || !simulation # When running patterns back-to-back, only want to launch the simulator the first time start unless simulation else simulation.completed_cleanly = true stop start end # Set the current pattern name in the simulation name = name.sub(/\..*/, '') put("a^#{name}") log '#' * 100 log '#' * 100 log '##' log "## START OF PATTERN: #{name}" log '##' log '#' * 100 log '#' * 100 @running_pattern_name = name @pattern_starting_error_count = @pattern_starting_error_count ? error_count : 0 @pattern_count ||= 0 # If running a flow, give the user some feedback about pass/fail status after # each individual pattern has completed if @pattern_count > 0 && OrigenSim.flow simulation.error_count = error_count simulation.log_results(true) # Require each pattern to set this upon successful completion simulation.completed_cleanly = false unless @flow_running end @pattern_count += 1 end end alias_method :setup_simulation, :before_pattern # This will be called at the end of every pattern, make # sure the simulator is not running behind before potentially # moving onto another pattern def pattern_generated(path) if simulation_tester? sync_up log '#' * 100 log '#' * 100 log '##' log "## END OF PATTERN: #{@running_pattern_name}" log "## Errors: #{error_count - @pattern_starting_error_count}" log '##' log '#' * 100 log '#' * 100 simulation.completed_cleanly = true unless @flow_running # Ensure that everything is flushed to the log before it is closed flush quiet: true end end alias_method :complete_simulation, :pattern_generated def write_comment(line, comment) return if line >= OrigenSim::NUMBER_OF_COMMENT_LINES # Not sure what the limiting factor here is, the comment memory in the test bench should # be able to handle 1024 / 8 length strings, but any bigger than this hangs the simulation comment = comment ? comment[0..96] : '' if dut_version > '0.12.1' put("c^#{line}^#{comment} ") # Space at the end is important so that an empty comment is communicated properly else put("c^#{comment} ") end end # Any messages passed in here will be output to the console log by making a round trip through # the simulator. This ensures that the given log messages will be in sync with output from the # simulator rather than potentially being ahead of the simulator if Origen were to output them # immediately. def log(msg, type = :info) if dut_version > '0.15.0' put("k^#{LOG_CODES[type]}^#{msg}") else Origen.log.send(type, msg) end end # Applies the current state of all pins to the simulation def put_all_pin_states dut.rtl_pins.each do |name, pin| pin.reset_simulator_state pin.update_simulation end end # This will be called automatically whenever tester.set_timeset # has been called def on_timeset_changed # Important that this is done first, since it is used to clear the pin # and wave definitions in the bridge set_period(dut.current_timeset_period) # Clear pins and waves define_pins define_waves # Apply the pin reset values / re-apply the existing states put_all_pin_states end # Tells the simulator about the pins in the current device so that it can # set up internal handles to efficiently access them def define_pins @pins_by_rtl_name = {} dut.rtl_pins(type: :digital).each_with_index do |(name, pin), i| @pins_by_rtl_name[pin.rtl_name] = pin pin.simulation_index = i put("0^#{pin.rtl_name}^#{i}^#{pin.drive_wave.index}^#{pin.compare_wave.index}") end dut.rtl_pins.each do |name, pin| pin.apply_force end end def wave_to_str(wave) do |time, data| if data == :x data = 'X' elsif data == :data data = ? 'D' : 'C' end if data == 'C' "#{ns_to_simtime_units(time)}_#{data}_#{ns_to_simtime_units(time + 1)}_X" else "#{ns_to_simtime_units(time)}_#{data}" end end.join('_') end def define_waves dut.timeset.drive_waves.each_with_index do |wave, i| put("6^#{i}^0^#{wave_to_str(wave)}") end dut.timeset.compare_waves.each_with_index do |wave, i| put("6^#{i}^1^#{wave_to_str(wave)}") end end def end_simulation put('8^') end def set_period(period_in_ns) put("1^#{ns_to_simtime_units(period_in_ns)}") end def cycle(number_of_cycles) put("3^#{number_of_cycles}") simulation.cycle(number_of_cycles) end # Blocks the Origen process until the simulator indicates that it has # processed all operations up to this point def sync_up put('7^') data = get unless data.strip == 'OK!' fail 'Origen and the simulator are out of sync!' end end # Flush any buffered simulation output, this should cause live wave viewers to # reflect the latest state. def flush(options = {}) if dut_version > '0.12.0' sync_up put('j^') sync_up # By now, the simulator has generated all log output up to this point and flushed it out, # however it may not be in the Origen log output yet because the main Origen thread has not # given the stdout/err reader threads a chance to process it. # This will now sleep the main Origen thread to allow that to get a chance to happen and we # will proceed once it has been > 100ms since a log message was processed, at that point we # can safely assume that they are all done and nothing is left in the buffer. w = false while !w || simulation.time_since_last_log < 0.1 w = true sleep 0.1 end # Finally, make sure the messages are not now sitting in an IO buffer Origen.log.flush nil # Keep the console clean if this is called interactively else unless options[:quiet] OrigenSim.error "Use of flush requires a DUT model compiled with OrigenSim version > 0.12.0, the current dut was compiled with #{dut_version}" end end end def error(message) simulation.logged_errors = true poke "#{testbench_top}.debug.errors", error_count + 1 log message, :error end # Returns the current simulation error count def error_count peek("#{testbench_top}.debug.errors").to_i end # Returns the current value of the given net, or nil if the given path does not # resolve to a valid node # # The value is returned as an instance of Origen::Value def peek(net, real = false) sync_up if dut_version > '0.19.0' if real put("9^#{clean(net)}^f") m = get.strip if m == 'FAIL' return nil else m.to_f end else put("9^#{clean(net)}^i") m = get.strip if m == 'FAIL' Origen.log.warning "Peek of net #{net} failed to return any data!" return nil else'b' + m) end end else put("9^#{clean(net)}") m = get.strip if m == 'FAIL' Origen.log.warning "Peek of net #{net} failed to return any data!" return nil else'b' + m) end end end def peek_real(net) peek(net, true) end # Forces the given value to the given net. # Note that no error checking is done and no error will be communicated if an illegal # net is supplied. The user should follow up with a peek if they want to verify that # the poke was applied. def poke(net, value) sync_up if dut_version > '0.19.0' if value.is_a?(Integer) put("b^#{clean(net)}^i^#{value}") else put("b^#{clean(net)}^f^#{value}") end else put("b^#{clean(net)}^#{value}") end end def force(net, value) sync_up if dut_version > '0.19.0' if value.is_a?(Integer) put("r^#{clean(net)}^i^#{value}") else put("r^#{clean(net)}^f^#{value}") end else OrigenSim.error 'Your DUT needs to be recompiled with OrigenSim >= 0.20.0 to support forcing, force not applied!' end end def release(net) sync_up if dut_version > '0.19.0' put("s^#{clean(net)}") else OrigenSim.error 'Your DUT needs to be recompiled with OrigenSim >= 0.20.0 to support releasing, force not released!' end end def interactive_shutdown @interactive_mode = true end # Stop the simulator def stop @simulation_open = false simulation.error_count = error_count Origen.listeners_for(:simulation_shutdown).each(&:simulation_shutdown) sync_up Origen.log.stop_intercepting @log_intercept_id simulation.ended = true end_simulation # Give the simulator time to shut down sleep 0.1 while simulation.running? simulation.close simulation.log_results unless Origen.current_command == 'interactive' rescue simulation.completed_cleanly = false end def on_origen_shutdown unless simulations.empty? failed = false stop if simulation_open? unless @interactive_mode if simulations.size == 1 failed = simulation.failed? else failed_simulation_count = simulations.count(&:failed?) if failed_simulation_count > 0 Origen.log.error "#{failed_simulation_count} of #{simulations.size} simulations failed!" failed = true end end if failed else end end puts puts 'The following log files have been created:' puts simulations.each do |simulation| simulation.log_files.each do |f| puts " #{f}" end end puts if simulations.size == 1 puts 'To view the simulation run the following command:' puts puts " #{simulation.view_wave_command}" else puts 'To view the simulations run the following commands:' puts simulations.each do |simulation| if simulation.failed? puts " #{simulation.view_wave_command}".red else puts " #{simulation.view_wave_command}" end end end puts unless @interactive_mode failed ? exit(1) : exit(0) end end end def socket_id simulation.socket_id end def simulation_tester? (tester && tester.is_a?(OrigenSim::Tester)) end def sync put('f') @sync_active = true yield put('g') @sync_active = false end def sync_active? @sync_active end # Returns true if the config has been changed since the last time we called save_config_signature def config_changed?["#{id}_config"] != config end # Locally saves a signature for the current config, this will cause config_changed? to return false # until its contents change def save_config_signature["#{id}_config"] = config end # Returns the version of Origen Sim that the current DUT object was compiled with def dut_version @dut_version ||= begin # Allow configs to force a dut version, this is to allow backwards compatibility with very early # compiled duts which do not support the command to get it from the compiled object config[:dut_version] || begin put('i^') end end end # Get the timescale of the current simulation, returns a number that maps as follows: # -15 - fs # -14 - 10fs # -13 - 100fs # -12 - ps # -11 - 10ps # -10 - 100ps # -9 - ns # -8 - 10ns # -7 - 100ns # -6 - us # -5 - 10us # -4 - 100us # -3 - ms # -2 - 10ms # -1 - 100ms # 0 - s # 1 - 10s # 2 - 100s def timescale put('l^') get.strip.to_i end # Any vectors executed within the given block will increment the match_errors counter # rather than the errors counter. # The match_errors counter will be returned to 0 at the end. def match_loop if dut_version > '0.15.0' put('q^1') yield put('q^0') else poke("#{testbench_top}.pins.match_loop", 1) yield poke("#{testbench_top}.pins.match_loop", 0) poke("#{testbench_top}.pins.match_errors", 0) end end def match_errors if dut_version > '0.15.0' peek("#{testbench_top}.debug.match_errors").to_i else peek("#{testbench_top}.pins.match_errors").to_i end end def peek_str(signal) val = peek(signal) unless val.nil? # All zeros seems to be what an empty string is returned from the VPI, # Otherwise, break the string up into 8-bit chunks and decode the ASCII> val = (val.to_s == 'b00000000' ? '' : val.to_s[1..-1].scan(/.{1,8}/).collect { |char| char.to_i(2).chr }.join) end val end alias_method :str_peek, :peek_str alias_method :peek_string, :peek_str alias_method :string_peek, :peek_str # Returns the number of errors that are allowed before a aborting a simulation def max_errors OrigenSim.max_errors || config[:max_errors] || 100 end def marker=(val) poke("#{testbench_top}.debug.marker", val) end def start_read_reg_transaction put('n^1') end def stop_read_reg_transaction put('n^0') data = get error_count, max_errors = *(data.strip.split(',').map(&:to_i)) if error_count > 0 errors = [] error_count.times do |i| data = get # => "tdo,648,1,0\n" pin_name, cycle, expected, received = *(data.strip.split(',')) errors << { pin_name: pin_name, cycle: cycle.to_i, expected: expected.to_i, received: received.to_i } end [true, error_count > max_errors, errors] end end # Returns the simulator cycle count, this should be the same as tester.cycle_count but this # gives the simulators count instead of Origen's def cycle_count put('o^') get.strip.to_i end # Returns true if the snapshot has been compiled with WREAL support def wreal? return @wreal if defined?(@wreal) @wreal = (dut_version > '0.19.0' && peek("#{testbench_top}.debug.wreal_enabled").to_i == 1) end alias_method :wreal_enabled?, :wreal? private # Will be called when the simulator has aborted due to the max error count being exceeded def max_error_abort simulation.max_errors_exceeded = true end def ns_to_simtime_units(time_in_ns) if dut_version > '0.15.0' (time_in_ns * time_factor).to_i else time_in_ns * time_conversion_factor * (config[:time_factor] || 1) end end def simtime_units_to_ns(time) (time / time_factor).to_i end def time_factor @time_factor ||= begin if config[:time_factor] Origen.log.warning 'Your simulation environment setup defines a :time_factor, however this is no longer used by OrigenSim' end t = timescale if t > -9 msg = "The simulation is running with a timescale of #{TIMESCALES[timescale]}, this is greater than OrigenSim's min resolution of 1ns" OrigenSim.error(msg) exit 1 end "1e#{-9 - t}".to_f.to_i end end # Pre 0.8.0 the simulator represented the time in ns instead of ps def time_conversion_factor @time_conversion_factor ||= dut_version < '0.8.0' ? 1 : 1000 end def clean(net) if net =~ /^dut\./ "#{testbench_top}.#{net}" else net end end end end