module Bootsnap module LoadPathCache module ChangeObserver def self.register(observer, arr) # Re-overriding these methods on an array that already has them would # cause StackOverflowErrors return if arr.respond_to?(:push_without_lpc) # For each method that adds items to one end or another of the array # (<<, push, unshift, concat), override that method to also notify the # observer of the change. sc = arr.singleton_class sc.send(:alias_method, :shovel_without_lpc, :<<) arr.define_singleton_method(:<<) do |entry| observer.push_paths(self, entry.to_s) shovel_without_lpc(entry) end sc.send(:alias_method, :push_without_lpc, :push) arr.define_singleton_method(:push) do |*entries| observer.push_paths(self, * push_without_lpc(*entries) end sc.send(:alias_method, :unshift_without_lpc, :unshift) arr.define_singleton_method(:unshift) do |*entries| observer.unshift_paths(self, * unshift_without_lpc(*entries) end sc.send(:alias_method, :concat_without_lpc, :concat) arr.define_singleton_method(:concat) do |entries| observer.push_paths(self, * concat_without_lpc(entries) end # For each method that modifies the array more aggressively, override # the method to also have the observer completely reconstruct its state # after the modification. Many of these could be made to modify the # internal state of the LoadPathCache::Cache more efficiently, but the # accounting cost would be greater than the hit from these, since we # actively discourage calling them. %i( collect! compact! delete delete_at delete_if fill flatten! insert map! reject! reverse! select! shuffle! shift slice! sort! sort_by! ).each do |meth| sc.send(:alias_method, :"#{meth}_without_lpc", meth) arr.define_singleton_method(meth) do |*a| send(:"#{meth}_without_lpc", *a) observer.reinitialize end end end end end end