require 'spec_helper' require 'wukong' describe :processors, :helpers => true, :widgets => true do subject{ } let(:mock_dataflow){ md = mock('dataflow') ; md } describe Wukong::Processor do it_behaves_like 'it can be linked from' it_behaves_like 'it can be linked into' end describe Wukong::Map do it_behaves_like 'a processor' let(:sample_proc){ ->(rec){ rec.reverse } } subject{ } it 'emits whatever the proc does' do subject.should_receive(:emit).with("won ytineres") subject.process("serenity now") end it 'accepts a proc or block arg' do subject =>(rec){ rec.reverse }) subject.should_receive(:emit).with("won ytineres") subject.process("serenity now") end it 'swallows a nil result' do sample_proc.should_receive(:call).with(mock_val).and_return(nil) subject.should_not_receive(:emit) subject.process(mock_val) end it 'registers a dataflow helper `map`' do st ={|rec| rec.reverse } st.should be_a(described_class) end end describe Wukong::Foreach do it_behaves_like 'a processor' let(:sample_proc){ ->(rec){ emit rec.reverse } } subject{ } it 'calls the proc' do subject.should_receive(:emit).with("won ytineres") subject.process("serenity now") end it 'does not call emit on your behalf' do subject = sample_dataflow.foreach{|rec| rec.reverse } mock_val.stub(:reverse) subject.should_not_receive(:emit) subject.process(mock_val) end it 'accepts a proc or block arg' do subject = sample_dataflow.foreach{|rec| emit rec.reverse } subject.should_receive(:emit).with("won ytineres") subject.process("serenity now") end it 'registers a dataflow helper `foreach`' do st = sample_dataflow.foreach{|rec| rec.reverse } st.should be_a(described_class) end end describe Wukong::Flatten do it_behaves_like 'a processor' it 'emits each item in each input' do subject.set_output test_sink [ [:this, :that], [], 1..5, { :a => :b} ].each{|rec| subject.process(rec) } test_sink.records.should == [:this, :that, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, [:a, :b]] end it 'registers a dataflow helper `flatten`' do st = sample_dataflow.flatten st.should be_a(described_class) end end describe Wukong::AsIs do it_behaves_like 'a processor' it 'emits each record' do subject.should_receive(:emit).with(:this) subject.should_receive(:emit).with(:that) [:this, :that].each{|rec| subject.process(rec) } end it 'registers a dataflow helper `as_is`' do st = sample_dataflow.as_is st.should be_a(described_class) end end describe Wukong::Null do it_behaves_like 'a processor' it 'emits each record' do subject.should_not_receive(:emit) [:this, :that].each{|rec| subject.process(rec) } end it 'registers a dataflow helper `null`' do st = sample_dataflow.null st.should be_a(described_class) end end end