# -*- ruby -*- # Release: # * update *.wiki markdown documentation for GitLab # * enable :git # * rake run_before_release # * disable :git # * Checkin # * rake release # * rake run_after_release require 'rubygems' require 'hoe' Hoe.plugin :bundler # Hoe.plugin :deveiate Hoe.plugin :doofus Hoe.plugin :email Hoe.plugin :gemspec # Hoe.plugin :gem_prelude_sucks Hoe.plugins.delete :git #Hoe.plugin :git Hoe.plugin :history Hoe.plugin :highline #Hoe.plugin :inline Hoe.plugin :manns # Hoe.plugin :mercurial # Hoe.plugin :perforce Hoe.plugin :packaging # Hoe.plugin :racc # Hoe.plugin :rcov Hoe.plugin :reek Hoe.plugin :rdoc Hoe.plugin :rubocop Hoe.plugin :rubygems # Hoe.plugin :seattlerb Hoe.plugin :travis Hoe.plugin :version Hoe.plugin :website Hoe.plugin :yard ###########################################DEVELOPING ZONE############################################################## # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength Hoe.spec 'hoe-manns' do developer('Sascha Manns', 'samannsml@directbox.com') license 'MIT' # this should match the license in the README require_ruby_version '>= 2.2.0' email_to << 'ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org' #email_to << 'Sascha.Manns@directbox.com' dependency 'parseconfig', '~> 1.0' dependency 'rainbow', '~> 2.0' dependency 'indexer', '~> 0.3' dependency 'bundler-audit', '~> 0.4.0' extra_dev_deps << ['coveralls', '~> 0.8.3'] extra_dev_deps << ['digest', '~> 0.0.1'] extra_dev_deps << ['gem-release', '~> 0.7'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-bundler', '~> 1.2'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-bundler_audit', '~> 1.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-deveiate', '~> 0.7'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-doofus', '~> 1.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-gemspec', '~> 1.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-git', '~> 1.6'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-highline', '~> 0.2'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-manns', '~> 1.2'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-packaging', '~> 1.1'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-reek', '~> 1.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-rubocop', '~> 0.1'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-rubygems', '~> 1.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-seattlerb', '~> 1.3'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-travis', '~> 1.2'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-version', '~> 1.2'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-yard', '~> 0.1'] extra_dev_deps << ['minitest', '~> 5.8'] extra_dev_deps << ['rake', '~> 10.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['reek', '~> 3.3'] extra_dev_deps << ['rspec', '~> 3.3'] extra_dev_deps << ['rubocop', '~> 0.34'] extra_dev_deps << ['simplecov', '~> 0.10'] extra_dev_deps << ['ZenTest', '~> 4.11'] self.history_file = 'History.rdoc' self.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' self.extra_rdoc_files = FileList['*.rdoc'].to_a self.post_install_message = '*** Edit your .hoerc: http://bit.ly/1L9hBwN *** Please file bugreports and feature requests on: https://gitlab.com/saigkill/hoe-manns/issues' end ##################################################SETUP ZONE############################################################ # vim: syntax=ruby